Integration with HubSpot

HubSpot is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform that lets you centrally manage your relations with customers in a number of areas like sales, marketing, customer service, etc.

By integrating HubSpot with CodeTwo Email Signatures 365, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Branded & consistent company email signature in every email sent from HubSpot.
  • One-click surveys integrated into your email signature, e.g. to let customers rate your Customer Service specialists’ performance.
  • Ability to use multiple email signatures in your CRM communications, e.g. depending on the sender (department) or recipient of an email – by default, HubSpot allows you to define only one email signature per user (sender).

HubSpot setup

In this integration scenario, we assume that you’ve already added/invited users from your organization to HubSpot. To use work email & CodeTwo email signatures with HubSpot:

  1. You, as an admin, need to grant relevant permissions to your end users in the HubSpot web app and deploy the HubSpot add-in for Outlook in Microsoft 365.
  2. Your users need to connect their Microsoft 365 mailbox to HubSpot.

Assign permission to use email (admin)

Before users connect their mailboxes, enable the Personal email access permission for them. To complete the steps below, you need to be an admin user in HubSpot. Proceed as follows:

  1. Sign in to the HubSpot web app (, go to settings (cogwheel icon) > Users & Teams, select your users on the list and click Edit permissions (Fig. 1.).

Accessing permissions’ settings in HubSpot.
Fig. 1. Accessing permissions’ settings in HubSpot.

  1. In the window that opens, choose Settings access from the left menu and click the Change button next to Personal email access. When the setting changes to On, click Save in the top right corner (see Fig. 2.) to apply the change.

Allowing users to connect their personal email to send & track emails from HubSpot.
Fig. 2. Allowing users to connect their personal email to send & track emails from HubSpot.

Deploy HubSpot add-in for Outlook (admin)

The second step to be completed by an admin user is the deployment of the HubSpot Sales add-in (extension). The add-in is required to log email threads started in users’ email clients into HubSpot. Proceed as follows:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft 365 admin center as a global administrator.
  2. Go to Settings > Integrated apps and click Get apps (Fig. 3.).

Accessing Microsoft AppSource from the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Fig. 3. Accessing Microsoft AppSource from the Microsoft 365 admin center.

  1. Search for HubSpot Sales in the search box.
  2. On the HubSpot Sales add-in page, make sure that Outlooks used by your organization support the add-in and click Get It Now (Fig. 4.).

Starting the HubSpot Sales add-in deployment.
Fig. 4. Starting the HubSpot Sales add-in deployment.

  1. When you’re back in the Microsoft 365 admin center, complete the simple wizard to deploy the add-in. In the Users step, specify the users in your organization who work with HubSpot and who are going to use the add-in in their Outlook (Fig. 5.).


    It might be a good idea to select the Send email notification to assigned users checkbox (see Fig. 5.), so that your end users are automatically notified when the add-in becomes available for them.

Choosing users to whom the add-in will be deployed.
Fig. 5. Choosing users to whom the add-in will be deployed.

  1. Wait about 6 hours for the add-in to fully deploy across your users.

Connect your mailbox with HubSpot (user)

Now, comes the end-user part. Each HubSpot user needs to complete the steps below to connect their Exchange Online (Microsoft 365) mailbox to HubSpot:

  1. Sign in to the HubSpot web app (, go to settings (cogwheel icon) > General > Email (tab), and click the Connect personal email button (Fig. 6.).

Launching the wizard to connect your Microsoft 365 mailbox to HubSpot.
Fig. 6. Launching the wizard to connect your Microsoft 365 mailbox to HubSpot.

  1. In the popup that opens, select the checkbox to enable the inbox automation – thanks to that, your inbox will be able to interact with HubSpot (learn more). Next, click Connect your inbox (Fig. 7.).

Enabling the inbox automation and moving on to the connection process.
Fig. 7. Enabling the inbox automation and moving on to the connection process.

  1. In the next step, provide your work email address and click Next.
  2. Then, click Connect to Outlook 365 (Fig. 8.).

Connecting HubSpot to your Exchange Online (Microsoft 365) mailbox.
Fig. 8. Connecting HubSpot to your Exchange Online (Microsoft 365) mailbox.

  1. Read the information on the connection process and click Continue.
  2. Sign in to your Microsoft 365 email account – HubSpot will now try to connect to your mailbox. After successful connection, you will be prompted to download the HubSpot extension (add-in) for Outlook. Skip this step by closing the window, as the add-in deployment is your IT admin’s responsibility.
  3. Once your admin installs the HubSpot add-in for you and you get the relevant email notification, open the add-in in Outlook (e.g. by clicking the Apps / All apps icon), sign in to it, and configure logging and tracking settings of the add-in according to your needs.

CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 setup

Once HubSpot is set up, CodeTwo signatures can now be added to emails sent directly from the HubSpot web app (the CRM system) and/or Outlook. For details on how to integrate CodeTwo signatures of a specific type with HubSpot, click a link below:

How to add CodeTwo cloud (server-side) signatures to emails logged into HubSpot

Make sure you’ve set up CodeTwo cloud email signatures for your users interacting with HubSpot. If you have, no further configuration is required – the signatures will always be added to HubSpot emails, regardless of whether the emails are sent directly from HubSpot web app or from an Outlook with the HubSpot add-in deployed.

Avoid duplicated email signatures

To avoid two signatures being added to a single email sent directly from HubSpot, your users should not configure their email signature in HubSpot settings.

Use multiple cloud signatures in HubSpot emails

To use multiple scenario-specific email signatures in HubSpot communications, follow the instructions provided in the guides below to prepare more CodeTwo cloud signatures for your users:

See other use cases available with CodeTwo Email Signatures 365

How to add CodeTwo Outlook (client-side) signatures to emails logged into HubSpot

Make sure you’ve set up CodeTwo Outlook email signatures for your users interacting with HubSpot. If you have, no further configuration is required – existing CodeTwo Outlook signatures can be added either automatically or manually to HubSpot emails as users type them in an Outlook with the CodeTwo and HubSpot add-ins deployed.

Use multiple Outlook signatures in HubSpot emails

If you want your users to be able to choose from multiple CodeTwo Outlook signatures, create an Outlook email signature for each scenario you want to cover, e.g. an email signature with a promotional banner for salespeople, email signature with a one-click survey for Customer Support specialists, and so on. That way, depending on a current scenario, a user will be able to manually choose a signature they need from the CodeTwo Outlook add-in’s pane (Fig. 9.).


To switch between the HubSpot and CodeTwo add-ins, simply click their icons in the Outlook’s ribbon / top menu.

Manually choosing a non-default email signature, depending on your CRM scenario.
Fig. 9. Manually choosing a non-default email signature, depending on your CRM scenario.

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