Active Directory attributes in email signatures, disclaimers and auto-replies

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro enables you to insert Active Directory attributes (such as First name, Company, etc.) into email signatures. These variables are added as placeholders in the template editor and are automatically filled with dedicated information pulled from your AD. The program offers a wide variety of predefined placeholders (Fig. 1.).

Refer to the user's manual of the editor to learn: 

To learn how to create custom attributes in your Active Directory and add them to email signatures, see the section below.

Accessing AD attribute placeholders in the template editor.
Fig. 1. Accessing AD attribute placeholders in the template editor.


By default, the software updates attribute data from your AD once per hour. So if you change an attribute in your AD, you might need to wait up to 60 minutes until placeholders in your signatures are up to date.

Additional (custom) AD attributes

The program allows you to add any attributes from your Active Directory Schema to signatures, including user-defined (custom) attributes. Learn how to add new attributes to AD Schema

If you want to add placeholders for the AD attributes that are not supported by the program by default, you can define them as Additional AD attributes in Settings (Fig. 2.).

Opening the Additional AD attributes settings.
Fig. 2. Opening the Additional AD attributes settings.

To add a custom placeholder, click Add, provide Additional AD attribute name and click OK (Fig. 3.).

Adding a new additional AD attribute (custom placeholder).
Fig. 3. Adding a new additional AD attribute (custom placeholder).


Please note that custom placeholders must be the LDAP names of the existing Active Directory attributes.

The created placeholders will be visible on the list (Fig. 4.).

Additional AD attributes (custom placeholders) in the program's settings.
Fig. 4. Additional AD attributes (custom placeholders) in the program's settings.


To save the custom placeholders, click OK. You do not need to use the Submit changes button on the toolbar of the Administration Panel.


Custom placeholders may be also used when defining Conditions and Exceptions. Furthermore, you may type them surrounded with curly braces (e.g. {Custom placeholder 1}) or select from the dropdown list (while using an AD filter).

To add a newly created placeholder to a signature/disclaimer, open the editor, click the Placeholder button on the ribbon and from the context menu choose Message sender. At the very bottom of the expanded list, select Additional AD attributes. All custom placeholders will be listed (Fig. 5.).

Adding custom placeholders to a signature/disclaimer.
Fig. 5. Adding custom placeholders to a signature/disclaimer.

See next

Logon settings - this article describes how to define authentication types for the Exchange Rules Pro Service while using a particular Administration Panel.

See also

AD attributes - see our manual for CodeTwo Template Editor if you need more information about AD attribute placeholders.

In this article

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