CodeTwo Exchange Migration


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No impact on users - zero downtime

The migration of user mailboxes can be a stressful task for an admin as it often causes downtime. In a vast majority of today’s organizations, when employees lose access to their mailboxes, it usually means that they cannot work effectively (or at all). That is why companies migrating to a new Exchange environment want to reduce the downtime to zero. And this is what you are guaranteed with CodeTwo Exchange Migration.

No impact on users during the migration process.

With CodeTwo migration tool on board, your users can work with their emails as usual while the source mailbox data is being copied over to a new environment. They will experience no interruptions in email flow or mailbox availability as no data is blocked or limited in any way by the program. In other words, your employees can send and receive emails or perform any other operations in their email clients while their mailboxes are being migrated in the background.

Once the migration is finished, you can use the delta migration feature to to transfer any new items that appeared in source mailboxes to their target counterparts.

See also: