This software has been discontinued. You can check the list of
currently available CodeTwo products here.

Upgrading from version 4.x to 5.x

While upgrading CodeTwo Public Folders to the latest version, remember to first upgrade the Syncing Master and then go on to upgrade all Client Apps installed on the computers. Remember to upgrade all modules of the program on each computer. Otherwise, data on some computers may not synchronize as the older (or newer) versions of the Client Apps will not be able to connect to a newer (or older) version of the Syncing Master.


Upgrading the program's version that starts with a different number needs an additional payment, for instance, the upgrade from version 4.x to version 5.x. On the other hand, updating to the newest version which following numbers are different is free of charge, for example, the upgrade from version 4.0 to 4.5. Along the release of CodeTwo Public Folders 5.x, a new option has been introduced called the Forwarding Service. This feature enables a hands-off connection of the Client Apps to the Syncing Master via the Internet. This service works for a limited period and is charged extra. The current information concerning terms of upgrade and latest pricing can be found here.

Upgrading CodeTwo Public Folders on a selected computer is very straightforward. Just download the latest version of the installer from our website and run it. The whole upgrade procedure will run automatically and requires no further steps.

On running the installer on the computer that already hosts an older version of CodeTwo Public Folders the following screen will display (Fig. 1.):

The installation/update screen of CodeTwo Public Folders.
Fig. 1. The installation/update screen of CodeTwo Public Folders.

To upgrade the Syncing Master, click the Update Syncing Master button. If you want to update the Client Apps, click the Update Client Apps button.

A standard installer will start with just a few easy steps to follow upon upgrading to the newest version.

Remember that while updating both the Syncing Master or the Client Apps all settings from the previous version will be kept. Only the shared personal folders must be shared anew. The users are managed centrally in the new version, so users from the previous version will be migrated automatically during the installation process. As passwords are now required, they are the same as users' names. The passwords can be easily reset in the Administration Panel of CodeTwo Public Folders.

And that's it. From now on you may enjoy your newest CodeTwo Public Folders.

See also

Learn more about the installation of the program
Check current pricing
Read version history
Download the latest version

In this article

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