This software has been discontinued. You can check the list of
currently available CodeTwo products here.

Resolving communication problems between Outlook Add-ins and the Syncing Master

Most frequent communication problems between Outlook Add-ins and the Syncing Master are caused by network problems, which make it impossible for the Outlook Add-in to establish a TCP/IP connection with the Syncing Master of the program. For example, problems may be caused by a firewall or an antivirus program installed on the computer with the Syncing Master installed, which blocks TCP/IP ports used for communication. If an Outlook Add-in cannot connect to the Syncing Master when launching Outlook, it is automatically switched to the offline mode. 

Most problems related to communication between the program modules can be solved by following the solutions listed below:

Make sure the Folder List view in Outlook is on

If you have created a public folder on one computer and it is not visible on another one, make sure you use the  Folder List view in the  Navigation Pane of Outlook.


On the other hand, you can also click  Show all public folders on the CodeTwo Public Folders toolbar:


Learn how to create a new public folder in Outlook 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016

Make sure the system service of CodeTwo Public Folders Syncing Master is running

The CodeTwo Public Folders Syncing Master is implemented as a system service. To make the program work properly, the service must be running. Open the Administration panel of the Syncing Master, go to the Other tab and check whether the System service status is described as Running ( Fig. 1.). If it is stopped, press  Start

The service can be managed directly from the system's services list: 

  1. On the computer with the program Syncing Master installed open the  Services console. To do this, select  StartProgramsAdministration ToolsServices.
  2. Find the  C2PublicFolders service and make sure it is in the Started state ( Fig. 2.). Otherwise, right-click on the service and choose  Start from the menu. If the service cannot be launched and a logging error is displayed, click the right mouse button on the service, choose  Properties from the popup menu, go to the  Log on tab and check if the  Local System account option is selected.
  3. Make sure that the startup type of the  C2PublicFolders service is set to  Automatic. Right-click the service, select  Properties and in the  General tab set the  Startup type for  Automatic.
Fig. 1. The System service status in the Administration Panel.
Fig. 2. The C2PublicFolders system service must be started.

Check if there is a network connection between computers 

In order to check whether there is a network connection between the computer with an Outlook Add-in of the CodeTwo Public Folders program and a computer with the Syncing Master of the program, use the "ping" command.

  1. In the Windows Start menu choose Run and enter the following command: cmd.
  2. The console of a command prompt will launch. Enter the command:  ping <Syncing_Master_name> or  ping <Syncing_Master_IP address> where  <Syncing_Master_name> /  <Syncing_Master_IP address> is the name / IP address of a computer with a Syncing Master installed - the same as in the dialog window of the Outlook Add-in configuration. For example, if the computer with a Syncing Master installed has an IP address and you want to check whether you can connect to it from another local computer, enter the following command:  ping

If you don't have problems establishing a connection with the computer, the response should look as in  Fig. 3.. Otherwise, you are likely to receive an error message such as, e.g. "Request timed out" or "Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again".

Fig. 3. In the Syncing Master tab you can test the connection with the
Syncing Master.

If you cannot establish a connection with the computer, where the Syncing Master of CodeTwo Public Folders is installed, using the "ping" command, you have to configure your network correctly and then start the CodeTwo Public Folders Outlook Add-in.

To test the network connection from the Public Folders menu choose  Options and then in the  Syncing Master tab click  Test connection ( Fig. 4.). You can also check the connection status in the Client Apps configuration module:

  • on MS Outlook ribbon click  CodeTwo Public Folders tab and choose  Options,
  • in the  File Sharing App menu click  Settings,
  • click  All programs in the  Start menu, choose  CodeTwoCodeTwo Public Folders Client AppsConfiguration.

In the  Syncing Master tab that shows, click  Change and choose the connection type, for example  Local network only. Then click Test connection ( Fig. 4.).

Fig. 4. In the Syncing Master tab you can test the connection with
the Syncing Master.

If there is a successful connection between the Outlook Add-ins and the computer equipped with a Syncing Master, an affirmative message is displayed ( Fig. 5.). If there is no connection, a different message will show ( Fig. 6.). 

Public Folders - Faq. 1 picture 5.
Fig. 5. The message indicating successful connection with the Syncing Master.
Public Folders - Faq. 1 picture 6.
Fig. 6. The message indicating unsuccessful connection with the Syncing Master.

If you have failed to establish a connection with a computer hosting the CodeTwo Public Folders Syncing Master, you first need to configure the network correctly and then restart CodeTwo Public Folders.

Make sure that the name of the Syncing Master in the Outlook Add-ins settings is entered correctly

In the Outlook Add-in settings provide the name of the Syncing Master. While entering its name be aware of misspelling as wrongly entered name will cause lack of connection. 

Learn more about the configuration of the Outlook Add-in

In the Outlook Add-in settings enter the IP address of the Syncing Master instead of its name

In the Outlook Add-in settings provide the IP address of the Syncing Master instead of its name.

Learn more about the configuration of the Outlook Add-in 

To obtain the IP address of the Syncing Master, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click the  Start menu and in the  Search programs and files field, type  cmd and click  Enter.
  2. In the pop up window type  ipconfig and press  Enter.
  3. The IP address of the computer hosting the Syncing Master will show in the line starting with  IPv4 address.
Fig. 7. Getting the IP address of the computer, on which the Syncing
Master of CodeTwo Public Folders has been installed.

Check if the same TCP/IP ports are configured on the Outlook Add-ins and on the Syncing Master

Communication between the Outlook Add-ins and the Syncing Master is done via TCP/IP protocol with the use of port number defined in the Syncing Master and in the Outlook Add-ins (the default port number is 5002). Make sure that the port number specified in all Outlook Add-ins is the same as on the Syncing Master.

Details on configuration of TCP ports in the Outlook Add-ins and in the Syncing Master are covered in the articles:

Check if TCP / IP ports are not blocked by a firewall and/or an antivirus software

If an antivirus software and/or a firewall is installed on a computer with the CodeTwo Public Folders Syncing Master, check if it doesn't block the TCP port used by the Syncing Master (the default port is 5002). In order to check that, try switching off your antivirus software and/or a firewall for some time.

Change the numbers of TCP / IP ports if they are used by other programs

If the following error appears in the log files of the CodeTwo Public Folders Syncing Master (the problem does not appear on the computer equipped with the Outlook Add-in):

"Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted (0x2740)".

If this error shows up, it means that TCP port used by CodeTwo Public Folders for communication (the default port number is 5002) is being used by another program on the same computer. In such case, the number of communication port used by the program needs to be changed.


If the port number is changed, it should be changed in all Outlook Add-ins of the program and in the Syncing Master as the same port number must be defined on each module.

Learn how to check if the same TCP / IP ports are configured on the Outlook Add-ins and the Syncing Master

Check if the Syncing Master has been published in the Internet

If an Outlook Add-in user wants to establish the  Internet and local network connection type with the Syncing Master it may not be possible at times. It often happens when the Syncing Master has not been published in the Internet by its host ( Fig. 8.).

Fig. 8. The Internet access to the Syncing Master is disabled.

If your computer hosts the Syncing Master and you want to publish it in the Internet, go to the Administration Panel of CodeTwo Public Folders, choose the  Internet access tab, provide the  Unique Internet name of the Syncing Master and click Enable Internet access ( Fig. 9.):

Fig. 9. The Internet access to the Syncing Master is enabled.


The  Unique Internet name is an identifier that has to be unique in the world, as this name is used to establish a connection over entire Internet. Therefore, using common ones like  Home or  Office might make you unable to register your Syncing Master, since there is a fair chance, that your desired name is already in use.

The Syncing Master log files are located in the "Logs" directory that most often can be found in the following location (depends on the installation path):  C:\ProgramData\CodeTwo\Public Folders\Syncing Master\Logs.

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