Monitoring storages

Since storages are in constant use by running (active) jobs, you can check their status in three different places in the Administration Panel. You can monitor your storage:

  • on the Storages card on the Dashboard tab (Fig. 1.). The information included here shows the names of storages and available disk space.

Backup storage status shown on the Dashboard tab in CodeTwo Backup
Fig. 1. The status of storages on the Dashboard tab.

  • on the Good news and Bad news cards on the Dashboard tab (Fig. 2.). These two cards display alerts that can be customized to show, for example, the available disk space, successful program activation, storage failures (e.g. when they are removed from local resources but are not removed from the program), etc.

Backup Storage good news
Fig. 2. Example of an alert on the Good news card.

  • on the Storages tab (Fig. 3.). This tab displays the most comprehensive information about the storages used by the program. The main window lists all the storages along with their paths, statuses, the current size of data stored in the storage and available space, and the number of jobs that use the storage. More details, including the archive history, are available in the Storage summary pane after selecting a storage. Here you can also turn on or modify the retention policy settings for the storage, set up a password or access the recovery key of that storage.  

The Storages tab in CodeTwo Backup
Fig. 3. The Storages tab.

See also

Storages - this article describes storages and how they are used by the program.

In this article

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