How to uninstall CodeTwo Exchange Rules
Removing CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family is as easy as uninstalling it from the Windows Control Panel:
- Go to your Windows Control Panel.
- Click on Programs and Features (or Add or Remove Programs in older Windows version).
- Find CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family on the list, right mouse click on it and choose Uninstall.
- Follow the uninstaller wizard instructions if any are displayed.
- In the case you want to uninstall the software from a multi-server environment, client-server setup or from more than one workstation you need to follow the above steps on all computers.
If you need to uninstall the program from the Server Core version of Windows Server, follow these instructions.
If for some reason it is not possible to uninstall the software this way, follow the steps from our Knowledge Base article on How to uninstall a CodeTwo product if it is not possible from the Control Panel.
Removing the CodeTwo Exchange Rules application from Entra ID (Azure AD)
If you configured the Sent Items Update service in a hybrid environment, you had to register the CodeTwo Exchange Rules application in your Entra ID. This application is not deleted automatically after you uninstall the program from your machine. If you want to delete it manually, perform the steps below:
- Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center.
- Navigate to Identity > Applications > App registrations > All applications (tab).
- Select the CodeTwo Exchange Rules entry and click Delete. Note that if you registered the application manually, it might have been given a different name.
- Confirm the deletion.
How to completely remove all installation files
Be aware, that despite following the procedure above, some CodeTwo Exchange Rules files will remain on your drive. Those are some settings, configuration and log files located in the below listed folders. Feel free to manually delete them if you are required to uninstall the software completely. However, we strongly recommend to reconsider such decision and to keep those files intact in their original locations, in the case you ever want to install CodeTwo Exchange Rules again. If you wish to back up your settings so you can restore them in future, please consider following steps described below:
Export all of your rules using the Export feature, which is available from the top menu in the Administration Panel, under Import/Export button.
If you modified any configuration files, please create a full copy of the following directory on every machine equipped with CodeTwo Exchange Rules service:
%ProgramData%\CodeTwo Exchange Rules\Config
On legacy Windows systems, the path is:
C:\Documents and Settings\All users\Application Data\CodeTwo Exchange Rules
It will not be possible to restore your original settings without those files in the future. You will need to recreate all your rules along with all conditions, exceptions, actions, time ranges etc.
To proceed with complete removal, after uninstalling the program from Windows Control Panel, manually delete folders and files from the below listed paths:
%AppData%\CodeTwo Exchange Rules %LocalAppData%\CodeTwo\CodeTwo.ER.Administrator(...) %ProgramData%\CodeTwo Exchange Rules
Legacy Windows systems
If you still have older Windows systems, delete files from these folders:
%AppData%\CodeTwo Exchange Rules C:\Documents and Settings\All users\Application Data\CodeTwo Exchange Rules C:\Documents and Settings\[User name]\Local Settings\Application Data\CodeTwo\CodeTwo.ER.Administrator(...)
In the case of any problems you can contact CodeTwo Customer Support.
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