
The Sender condition type is used to define the scope of senders that once met will trigger an action to be processed by the program.

To define the scope of senders in the Conditions tab, expand the Field's context menu and choose Sender (Fig. 1.).

Choosing Sender on the Conditions tab.
Fig. 1. Choosing Sender on the Conditions tab.


If you do not add senders to the list of conditions, the rule will apply to messages sent by all users from your organization.

There are two factors (Fig. 2.) that need to be configured within this condition:

  • Operator - enables definition of how the condition will be executed. The execution method may be only set to true.

In this particular condition, the operator may be set to trigger an action if a sender:

  • has a specific email address
  • matches Active Directory user
  • matches Active Directory groups (the condition is met only if a message is sent directly from chosen AD group)
  • matches Active Directory filter
  • belongs to Active Directory group
  • belongs to Organizational Unit
  • is internal (message is sent from an AD mailbox), external (message is sent from a mailbox hosted outside the organization) or disabled in Active Directory (message is sent from a mailbox disabled in AD).
  • Actual condition Value - here you define the expected value of the condition that will trigger the rule to apply the action. Please note that the value field depends on the operator, and its definition type may differ in regards to the chosen operator.

Configuring the Sender condition.
Fig. 2. Configuring the Sender condition.

Operator: email address equals


Also Refers to the Recipient condition which is configured, in the same way, as stated below.

This operator lets you define the email address that will be compared with the email address of the original message Sender while processing rules. If the Sender's email address of the original message matches the address defined in the condition, then the rule will be triggered yet the action applied to the message.

Once you chose email address equals operator, you will need to define the value in a separate Email address editor. The editor offers two ways of configuring the matching mechanism of the entered email address with the original message sender (Fig. 3.):

  • You can define the exact email address in the List of addresses field (note that you may also use wildcards here). This way, the program will search through all users within the AD database to find this particular email address only. If such email address is found then the rule will be triggered.
  • You can define the exact email address in the List of addresses field and mark the checkbox below this field. It will initiate the process of looking through all users within the AD database in search for a particular email address and its associated aliases (alternate email addresses). 

Email address editor.
Fig. 3. Email address editor.


Note that the checkbox is not marked by default. If you want the program to search for email address aliases while processing rules, you need to check it.

The table below shows how the program treats a message for these scenarios:

  • Primary SMTP email address and any of its alternate email address (Alias)
  • Primary SMTP email address only
  • Particular alternate email address only (Alias)
Configuration in Email addresses editor Rule triggered / action applied for

Addresses defined in the list of addresses field:

  • Primary SMTP email address
  • Any alternate email address (Alias)

Checkbox marked.

Primary SMTP email address tic yes
Each Alias tic yes

Addresses defined in the list of addresses field:

  • Primary SMTP email address

Checkbox not marked.

Primary SMTP email address only tic yes
Each Alias tic yes

Addresses defined in the list of addresses field:

  • Particular alternate email address (Alias)

Checkbox not marked.

Primary SMTP email address Red cross
Neither Alias Red cross

Operator: matches AD filter


Refers also to the Recipient condition which is configured, in the same way, as stated below.

This operator lets you define a filter based on Active Directory fields that once met will trigger the rule yet apply the defined action to the processed messages (Fig. 4.). It means that if you, e.g. set up the filter for {First name} - contains - ann, then the rule will be triggered for all users within the environment whose first name defined in AD contains "ann" entry (Annabelle, Marianne, Susanne, etc.). However, if you set the condition to equals instead of contains, the rule along the action will apply only to users whose first name found in AD is "Ann".

Active directory field filter editor.
Fig. 4. Active directory field filter editor.

Once you choose matches AD filter operator, you will need to define its parameters in a separate Active Directory field filter editor. The editor comprises three fields:

  • Active Directory field - in this area you choose the AD variable that will be used by the filter to search for a defined value in the from field.
  • Condition - the pattern for examining the chosen AD field in search for a defined value. The value of the AD field can be either the part of a string of characters (contains condition) or needs to meet the exact string of characters (equals condition).
  • Value - the string of characters that will be searched for within the chosen AD field using the specified condition pattern.


You can use AD filter feature to set condition or exception on empty AD properties. To do so, when configuring Active Directory field filter (see Fig. 4.) pick a desired AD field, set Condition to equals and leave Value field empty. This way, if a user has AD field empty such condition/exception will be met.

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