Using previous versions' settings

If you are updating CodeTwo Exchange Rules to the newest version or performing a new installation and want to make you use of rules created on any previous version of CodeTwo Exchange Rules family, the Settings importer tool will do the trick. This component is installed along Exchange Rules Service or the Administration Panel and enables smooth import and conversion of settings.

Note that to make use of the settings on the machine where no previous version of the program was installed, you need to store previously exported settings locally on this machine before running the import process.


If you are importing settings in multi-server environment where more than one instance of the program will be used, please run the importer only on one machine equipped with CodeTwo Exchange Rules. If you import rules on other instances of the program, they will be duplicated. Therefore, instead of importing settings on each machine, the real-time replication will automatically get settings on all other machines.

Learn more about the program's components

Settings importer can only be triggered manually either via the Import / Export button located in the Administration Panel's ribbon or directly from the list of installed program's (Fig. 1.).

Accessing Settings importer from Start menu.
Fig. 1. Accessing Settings importer from Start menu.

The Settings import wizard consists of four steps (Fig. 2.).

The Settings import wizard window.
Fig. 2. The Settings import wizard window.

Once the path to previous settings is selected move on to the Verification step (Fig. 3.).

The verification step of Settings import wizard.
Fig. 3. The verification step of Settings import wizard.

This step of the import wizard performs following actions:

  • Checks if the connection to Exchange Rules Service is available
  • Looks for any rules that are existing on the current installation
  • Verifies the connection to the Sent Items Update services
  • Converts settings from the previous version to the newest type

To start the verification and conversion process click Verify. Once the verification is over you should end up with notifications upon the steps (Fig. 4.).

Verification and conversion succeeded.
Fig. 4. Verification and conversion succeeded.


Please note that if there were existing rules before, a warning icon is likely to appear. However, you should not worry as the program will not remove them but add new ones to the collection.

As we have the rules properly converted, click Next to start the import process. During the import process, a progress will show (Fig. 5.).

Importing settings in progress.
Fig. 5. Importing settings in progress.

After a short while, the settings will be imported. To check the full report (Fig. 7.) on what has been imported click the Show report button (Fig. 6.).

Opening the Import status report.
Fig. 6. Opening the Import status report.

Settings import report opened.
Fig. 7. Settings import report opened.

The last thing you need to do to get things rolling is restarting the Administration Panel. After that the imported rules will be visible on the list of rules.

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