How CodeTwo software can help you achieve GDPR compliance

To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), companies all around the world had to reinvent the way they handle personal information. New procedures and policies, physical data protection measures are on the top of the list of the means to reach the GDPR compliance. However, many organizations seem to overlook one aspect that generates a substantial number of risks – email.

How CodeTwo software can help you achieve GDPR compliance

Exchange Server offers native security measures to secure both the data on the move and residing on the server. However, despite those means of protection, there are several situations in which personal data may be in danger of being compromised. That is where you might need a GDPR compliance tool for Exchange Server. With the right tool, not only can you feel much safer, but also you can see the GDPR as an opportunity to promote your company as the one caring about their clients’ personal data privacy.

Exchange Rules Pro is an award-winning, Microsoft-certified mail flow manager for Exchange. The tool can help you get closer to a complete GDPR compliance. By managing your mail flow, you can greatly reduce risk of data leaks and make the job of a Data Security Officer easier. This article shows a few of the ways in which you can use Exchange Rules Pro to ensure the GDPR compliance (and personal data security) on your Exchange Server.

Advanced email forwarding

One of the most important requirements of the GDPR is ensuring that personal data you store is safe. For most companies, emails are not only means of transferring, but also of storing personal data. One way to make this data on your Exchange Server safe is to make use of advanced email forwarding.

How you make use of email forwarding hugely depends on other data security measures you have implemented. A good method to make sure the personal data you keep is safe would be to have it one place with strict access permissions. Apart from ensuring data safety, it also makes it much easier to access personal data in a timely manner – the less dispersed is your email database, the easier it is to find the data you need.

Automatic forwarding can be used to transfer all GDPR-related questions to the right mailbox. It is a great way to make workflow easier and to ease a part of the GDPR burden from your employees.

A single email can pose as a security leak incident. That is why email forwarding, together with the right DLP policies can save your day.

See how advanced email forwarding can help you stay GDPR-compliant

Smart unsubscribe mechanism

An unsubscribe mechanism is probably nothing new to you. The GDPR is not the first regulation to introduce a need for an easy-to-use unsubscribe mechanism for clients and subscribers. At the same time, the GDPR is quite precise when it comes to obtaining consent. A rule of thumb is to get separate consent for every purpose. Not every unsubscribe mechanism allows you to let your subscribers reject only chosen types of messages. Fortunately, CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro allows you to use a smart unsubscribe mechanism.

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro is a tool which allows you to add branding and marketing banners to every email sent from your organization. But in addition to that, it allows you to introduce an unsubscribe mechanism. The mechanism can apply to all kinds of messages or only to, for example, marketing newsletters. You let your clients decide which emails they want to get. This way, they can get all the information about your software updates or new products, and unsubscribe only from some marketing campaigns they are not interested in. Your customers are happy they are not spammed and you can be sure you are not sending any emails without the right consent. Win-win.

Learn more about how the smart unsubscribe mechanism can help you stay GDPR-compliant

GDPR-compliant disclaimers

You may have already heard that email disclaimers cannot be used to ensure the GDPR compliance. That is correct, as there is no single action or mechanism that will ensure a complete GDPR compliance in itself. However, there are a few ways to use automatic email disclaimers to your advantage. CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro can make sure that the right disclaimer is always in the right place, regardless of what device or email client is used to send email in your organization.

First, disclaimers are the perfect place for the unsubscribe link. That is the first place where most recipients look for a way to stop receiving emails from the chosen sender. If, in addition, you use the smart unsubscribe system configured by Exchange Rules Pro, you can rest assured that you will not contact recipients without their consent.

Another way to use disclaimers for your benefit is to include links to your Privacy Policy or other dedicated documents in which you clearly state how you handle personal data. Including an email address for all GDPR-related inquiries makes it super-easy for your clients, for example, to exercise the right to be forgotten. Consumers are likely to appreciate your care for the safety of their personal data.

Read more about GDPR-compliant disclaimers

Data Leak Protection

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro includes Data Leak Protection mechanism. You can configure the program to look for certain phrases in sent emails. The program lets you use algorithms, wildcards, phrases and regular expressions to determine if a message contains sensitive content. If it does, you can use certain rule actions to mask sensitive data, or block the message whatsoever and notify your Data Security Officer that a data breach has been prevented.

Apart from having built-in dictionaries, you can freely configure this email compliance tool to ensure it works well with other security measures you have implemented.

Read more about removing sensitive content

The features listed in this article are only a short selection of what CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro has to offer. For a complete list of the program’s features, take a look at the links below:

Tools for Microsoft 365

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