How to add an email signature to all users in Exchange 2016

This short video presents how to add an email signature to all users in Exchange 2016, using Exchange Admin Center. This method does not require any third party software and provides all users with a HTML based email signature and disclaimer.


Hi! In this video, I am going to present a short tutorial on how to add a unified email signature and disclaimer for all users in Exchange 2016.

First thing I have to do is to access Exchange Admin Center.

Great, now onto the mail flow rules.

Here I can add a new rule which will append the email signature.

I’ll want to use some extra features, which I cannot see right now, so I click “more options” right away.

In this field I name my new rule.

Next, I have to decide when Exchange should insert the email signature. Let’s say, I would like to have it in emails sent outside the company. So I apply this rule if the sender is inside the organization and the recipient is external.

Now, I have to type in the HTML code of my email signature. There is no time to design it from scratch, so I’ll download a pre-made template from Now, I have to edit the template, so that it is compatible with Exchange 2016.

Using notepad, I can replace all the curly braces with double percent symbols. After that, I delete spaces in properties’ names…  You can find the full list of supported Active Directory attributes in the video description, so that you can add more of your users’ data to the email signature, if you like. And the last thing here is giving a valid web link to my company’s page. That should do it.

Next thing is choosing what to do with messages which cannot be modified with a mail flow rule, such as encrypted messages. I can send the original message as an attachment to a message containing only my email signature with wrap option. Or I can send the original message simply without my signature with Ignore. Finally, I can block such messages and send a non-delivery report to the sender with the Reject option. Because my email signature contains disclaimer which I want to be in every message, I choose wrap.

Now I want to add an exception. I will copy a part of my disclaimer and paste it in here. Thanks to that, I won’t have my email signatures piling up at the bottom of conversations.

Finally, time to apply the changes.

The rule should work already, so I’ll check if it appends my email signature.

I’ll send a test email to one of my imaginary colleagues…

And when John opens the email… Here is my signature with all parameters imported from Active Directory.

Well done!

If you want to know more about email signatures, visit our blog.

If you want to automatically add email signatures under the latest reply, or view your email signatures and disclaimers in Sent items folder, or if you are interested in much more email signature management features, check out CodeTwo software at

Thanks for watching!

Additional info

If you are looking for more fresh content on email signatures, or would like to download free email signature templates, you can find it all on

Although mail flow rules work and you can use them to successfully apply a unified email signature throughout an organization, they have some limitations. You can read more about them in this article. Fortunately, there is dedicated software which lets you bypass all Exchange 2016 disclaimers limitations: CodeTwo Exchange Rules 2016.

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