Ignite 2021: CodeTwo premieres automatic Outlook signatures based on recipients & more

[Update]: This blog post was updated on December 23, 2021 to include Microsoft’s video with CodeTwo add-in presentation.

At this year’s Ignite, Microsoft Outlook Add-in Team is going to premiere new capabilities in their Outlook Web Add-in API. And we’re excited to tell you we’re the first signature vendor to be adding these new features to our Signatures Add-in for Outlook. If you’re using Outlook (client-side) signatures in CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365, we’ve got a lot to show you. Continue reading...

Ignite 2021: CodeTwo premieres automatic Outlook signatures based on recipients & more

Help fight COVID-19 – spread the word using animated banners with health recommendations

To prevent the coronavirus pandemic, it’s crucial to stay well informed and follow the directions of global and local health authorities. But what’s equally important is that you share verified protection guidelines with others. Let’s use every opportunity to remind our families, friends, co-workers, customers and partners about what we can do to help overcome the COVID-19 outbreak. Continue reading...

Help fight COVID-19 – spread the word using free banners with health recommendations