Knowledge Base

On an iPhone device, the size of text in a signature is larger than defined


The design of your signature defines size of the text smaller than 13px. However, the iPhone devices are displaying the text larger than expected, therefore the layout of your footer may be distorted.


The main reason to this situation is default rendering behavior on iPhone devices. Currently, the smallest available font size on these devices is set to 13px, however, you may use a webkit property in order to avoid such limitation. Please note that you will need to modify your signature source code manually. Follow the steps below to apply a workaround:

  1. In CodeTwo software, open the problematic signature in the editor.
  2. Switch to the source view, as you will need to append webkit property manually.
  3. Find the part of your source code related to text you would like to make smaller - that may be a paragraph, span, table cell or any other HTML container.
  4. Append the following property, just like standard CSS one:
    <p style="-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; font-size: 10px;">Your text here</p>

    You should repeat this step for every part of the code that should contain text smaller than 13px. Also, please keep in mind that this property should be assigned to the nearest HTML container.

  5. Save the changes in the editor

See also:

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