Knowledge Base

How to globally enforce UTF-8 encoding for OWA


You would like to globally enforce UTF-8 encoding for your Outlook Web App.


Exchange Online (Office 365)

As of July 2016, it is not possible to globally enforce a specific encoding for OWA in Office 365.

Exchange Server on-premises

To globally enforce specific encoding settings for all OWA users in Exchange Server on-premises, you need to use the  Exchange Management Shell. Follow the steps below to enable UTF-8 encoding for OWA:

  1. Log in using your Domain Admin account to the Exchange Server.
  2. Go to the  Exchange Management Shell. Execute this PowerShell cmdlet:
    Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "Owa (Default Web Site)" -OutboundCharset AlwaysUTF8

UTF-8 is recommended for everyone who uses national characters found in many European alphabets. Click here or here to read on Microsoft's websites about other possible settings.

See also:

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