Knowledge Base

How to add cloud (server-side) signatures to calendar messages


You would like to add cloud (server-side) signatures to calendar messages, e.g. meeting requests.


Currently, calendar messages are not officially supported by CodeTwo Email Signatures 365. It means that with the default program configuration, no signature will be added to your calendar message, even though:

  • the email address you use to send the message is included in the scope of senders whose emails are rerouted through the CodeTwo service (to get cloud signatures);
  • you’ve configured conditions and exceptions (e.g. a special keyword or a chosen group of recipients) which trigger a signature rule when you send the message.

If you still need to enable signatures in calendar messages, you can use the workaround described below. In addition, to use the workaround, CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 needs to work in cloud (server-side) mode.


This solution might not always work. The signatures may not look as intended or some other unexpected changes may occur. Also, if you use the Sent Items Update (SIU) feature, it will not work for meeting request messages. Use this workaround at your own risk and be ready to revert the changes, if necessary.

To turn on signatures for calendar messages, you need to reconfigure the program's transport rule:

  1. Sign in to the Exchange admin center.
  2. Go to Mail flow > Rules. Select the CodeTwo Exchange transport rule on the list and, in the pane that opens, click the Edit rule conditions button (Fig. 1.).

Opening the CodeTwo Exchange transport rule for editing.
Fig. 1. Opening the CodeTwo Exchange transport rule for editing.

  1. Remove the following exception: The message properties > include the message type > Calendaring (Fig. 2.), and wait a few minutes for the changes to propagate.

The exception to be removed.
Fig. 2. The exception to be removed.

Calendar messages, including meeting requests, should now be stamped with signatures.


Since CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 does not officially support calendar messages, remember to check if everything works and looks as expected. Be ready to revert the changes anytime by adding the exception again (alternatively, you can remove the connectors and configure them again in CodeTwo Admin Panel - this will restore the default configuration of the program's transport rule and connectors).

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