Author: Gniewko Oblicki
December 21, 2018
Happy Holidays and a Bug-free New Year!
As we are approaching Christmas here at CodeTwo, we would like to wish you all happy holidays. May you have a great festive season and a prosperous 2019, full of positive challenges! Please bear in mind that our Customer Service will not be available from 4 PM CET on December 24th until 11PM CET on December 26th. We will be also closed from 4PM CET on December 31st until 11PM CET on New Year’s Day. However, our application monitoring services will be up and running all the time during these breaks. Ensuring uninterrupted service of CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365 is always crucial for us. Happy Holidays and a Bug-free New Year from CodeTwo!
March 30, 2018
Loading Easter…
As we are slowly approaching Easter Holidays, we would like to remind you that we are closed on Easter Monday (April 2nd, 2018). We wish you all a peaceful and relaxing time spent with the ones you love and, of course, a successful egg hunting! Happy Easter from CodeTwo!
December 22, 2017
Christmas mode on!
As this is our last day at work before Christmas, our IT security officer is getting ready to turn the Christmas decorations on. Wish him luck! In case this doesn't end well... We wish you all happy holidays and a peaceful time spent with your loved ones. May Santa bring you joy, restful holidays and a prosperous 2018. Merry Christmas from CodeTwo!
November 8, 2017
How we integrate with Office 365 to add email signatures
CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365 uses Exchange Online email connectors to integrate with Office 365 tenants of our clients and then safely reroute their email through our signature services on Azure. Since uninterrupted email flow is critical, we do our best to keep this integration the most secure and reliable on our end. One of the latest Microsoft articles demonstrates the way third-party apps can integrate with Office 365 (where email add-on service installation is not allowed). The article uses a fictional service called ‘Contoso Signature Service’ to picture what such integration should ideally look like. Email signatures? Connectors? Does it ring a bell? That’s right! This is the exact same approach we have been using in CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365 since day one. The only difference is that we have automated the integration process completely on our end. Meaning, every step, from setting up the connectors, right down to assigning a required TLS certificate is done automatically by a specially designed wizard in our program. After the setup is completed, the mail flow looks the same way, as on the diagram from the Microsoft article: You don’t have to do any manual work to start using our product. You can, however, be sure we always follow the best practices and highest quality standards to keep your email communication safe. Learn more about using email connectors for add-on integration in Microsoft documentation
Read about security mechanisms we use on Microsoft Partner blog
Read how CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365 works
Test CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365 for free
April 14, 2017
Unhandled exception: Happy Easter!
Easter is just around the corner. In Poland, just like in many other countries, this is the time when we gather at home with our families and friends. We also cook a lot and eat a lot (…I mean really a lot). Many of us have already begun the preparation a few days ago, while others (including me), will rush to groceries today, right after the work, to join the food preparation madness right at its peak (wish me luck). No matter which stage of preparation you're currently at, we wish you all wonderful holidays and a great time spent with the ones you love. Please bear in mind that we’re closed on Easter Monday (April 17th). We’ll be back with you on Tuesday, right after the Easter break. Happy Easter from CodeTwo guys!
December 23, 2016
Happy Holidays from CodeTwo!
As 2016 comes to an end we are all preparing for a short Christmas break. Although many of us have planned a longer break during this period, CodeTwo Customer Service will be available for you for the most of the time. Our office will be only closed on weekends (as usually) and on Monday, December 26th. This has been a great year for us here at CodeTwo. In June, our new product for managing email signatures and disclaimers in Office 365, CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365, went out of beta stage and immediately gained your attention. Over the last few months we managed to add some unique features to it which now make it the most advanced and versatile email signature solution for Office 365 on the market. We also didn't forget about the rest of our solutions for Exchange Server and Office 365 that were constantly developing throughout the year. For instance, our Exchange & Office 365 migration solutions gained IMAP support and the programs for creating backup copies of Exchange/Office 365 mailboxes have been improved with the possibility to back up public folders. CodeTwo Backup will soon see another major update which will make it possible to back up SharePoint and OneDrive for Business folders. The beta program for this version is just about to start! We look forward to 2017 and the new challenges ahead of us. But as for now, we wish you all wonderful and peaceful holidays. See you back right after Christmas!
September 1, 2016
Meet us at IT/Dev Connections 2016 in October!
We are happy to let you know that CodeTwo will be exhibiting at IT/Dev Connections 2016 in a few weeks. The event will take place in Aria Resort in Las Vegas on October 10-13, 2016. We will be there for the second year in a row as a Silver Sponsor and we can't wait to meet you there!
UPDATE: We are sorry, but CodeTwo Out of Office Manager mentioned in this article has been discontinued. If you are looking for an alternative for Exchange Server, take a look at the auto respond feature in CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro. During the holiday season, many IT admins face the problem of setting an autoreply for another user on Exchange Server or Office 365. The story is often the same… An employee goes on vacation and forgets to set the autoreply in the Exchange/Office 365 mailbox. The only person capable of fixing this is usually the IT guy, who can use his or her admin rights to set the autoreply in Exchange Admin Center. While many administrators don’t mind performing such small office tasks, others may find it distracting and would rather delegate setting autoreplies for users to a secretary or an HR specialist. In this article I am going to show you how you can grant Exchange or Office 365 autoreply editing rights to another user – not necessarily the admin - by installing a smart 3rd party tool called CodeTwo Out of Office Manager. Let’s get started then!