Knowledge Base

How to repair Outlook files (PST) using SCANPST.EXE installed together with Microsoft Outlook


Microsoft Outlook keeps data in database files of PST type. Sometimes, these files become corrupt due to a number of reasons. You may not see a difference in using Outlook that is connected to a corrupt PST file, but occasionally you might run into some issues. The problems with PST files become even more evident when you start using Outlook addins that rely on pst files and are sensitive to their lack of integrity. An example can be when CodeTwo Outlook Sync wants to connect to the PST file and returns a MAPI error.


CodeTwo Outlook Sync synchronizes the data in default trees of folders (Personal Folders in Outlook's Navigation Pane). If the application is returning a MAPI error you need to find the location of the scanpst.exe file and the Outlook file used by the default mailbox.

How to find SCANPST.EXE on my computer

Please look for the SCANPST.EXE file in one of the below folders:

  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OfficeXX\
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\OfficeXX\

You should substitute OfficeXX with the appropriate version number, for example:

  • MS Outlook 2007 is Office12
  • MS Outlook 2010 is Office14
  • MS Outlook 2013 is Office15

If you cannot find the tool on your computer please go this Microsoft knowledge base article from which you can download it.

How to find the location of Personal Folders Outlook file (PST file)

The location of the PST file can be read from the Properties of the Personal Folders. Right click the root folder of Personal Folders, and in the General tab click Advanced button. The location of the PST file will be provided in the Filename field of the result window.

How to use SCANPST.EXE

When you double click SCANPST.EXE the following window will open:

Fig. 1. The dialog box of SCANPST.EXE.

Use the Browse button to navigate to your PST file that you want to repair. Remember to close out of Outlook and all programs that use Outlook's file (e.g. Outlook Sync - make sure it is not hidden in the system tray). Next, click the Start button to begin the repair. You can be prompted to create a backup copy of the PST file. If you do not have one, it is recommended you create it. NOTE! Sometimes, the repair of the PST file can take several runs of the program. To find out more about the SCANPST tool and to see a video that explains how to use it please go to the Microsoft knowledge base.

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