We’ve just updated CodeTwo Sync for iCloud – our blockbuster product for hassle-free synchronization of Outlook and iCloud folders (calendars, contacts, reminders/tasks). The new version brings back the meeting request sync feature that was blocked in the previous release due to iCloud resending invites to past events upon sychronization.
We’ve also added support for Outlook 2013 and Windows 8.
To update the program, simply download this version and install it on top of the exisiting installation. Your settings will remain unchanged.
Thank you for all the comments, emails and phone calls regarding missing features. Without you, this program wouldn’t be as killer as it is now. If you have more questions, ideas, or just want to send us your feedback, feel free to add your comment below.
And for those of you who haven’t heard about CodeTwo Sync for iCloud yet (is this still possible?), check out its website or the video here:
Check out CodeTwo Sync for iCloud
Find out more about other synchronization tools for Outlook
I within the last week I have returned to using CodeTwo Sync for iCloud, specifically to improve functionality with Outlook 2016 Meeting Requests. I am Synchronizing ACT v19 calendar with Outlook 2016 (non click-to-run). Once in the default Outlook Calendar Code Two syncs in both directions with iCloud. What I am seeing is multiple acceptance or declines of the same meeting request. The attendees are telling me they are getting multiple requests. Could CodeTwo be activating the meeting requests each time a sync occurs with iCloud?
Sorry to hear you experience problems with this software. Please make sure you use the latest release of the software, as versions 1.3.3 and higher should have this problem fixed.
Download the latest version of CodeTwo Sync for iCloud
Hi Jools,
To fix the issue try uninstalling the iCloud Control Panel, deleting any leftover iCloud folders, uninstalling CodeTwo Sync for iCloud and then re-installing the iCloud Control Panel and CodeTwo Sync for iCloud again. This should resolve the problem.
Hi Szymon,
I’ve been enjoying the benefits of CodeTwo’s icloud sync for Outlook, and it was working perfectly on my Surface Pro with Outlook 2010 until the recent 8.1 update. I’ve updated icloud 3.0 but I’m still having problems. Is there an update coming for this issue from CodeTwo? I’m keen to get it sorted, since your product rocks my digital world! :)
That’s Apple’s limitation. You cannot have more than 1 contacts folder on your iDevice.
I have two seperate contact folders in Outlook, one called Customers , the other called Misc, is there a way to syn both with iCloud? It only seems to allow for 1 folder.
Please advise