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How to check your Outlook version


You would like to check your Outlook version, for example to know if you are using the 32-bit or 64-bit version.


To find out if a workstation has been equipped with 32-bit or 64-bit Outlook and to see the full version number, follow the steps below.

Outlook 2013 and 2016

  1. Open Outlook and click the File tab (Fig. 1.)

    Fig. 1. The Microsoft Outlook 2013 main window.

  2. Choose Office Account from the navigation menu (Fig. 2.). Now, on the right side of the window you should see the Product information section which contains the About Outlook label. Depending on your Outlook version, the version details can be displayed here directly. If not, click the About Outlook button.
  3. The About Microsoft Outlook window appears, where you can find out which version of the software you have and whether it's 32- or 64-bit (see Fig. 2.).

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    Fig. 2. The Office Account tab in Outlook 2013.

Outlook 2010

  1. Open Outlook 2010.
  2. Click the File tab.
  3. Then choose the Help option from the navigation menu (Fig. 3.).
  4. The Outlook version is displayed on the right side of the window, in the About Microsoft Outlook section (see Fig. 3.).

Fig. 3. The Help tab in Outlook 2010.

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