How to uninstall CodeTwo software
You need to uninstall CodeTwo software.
Removing CodeTwo software is as easy as uninstalling it from the Windows Control Panel:
Be aware that in some cases you may be prompted to restart the machine at the end. You might want to schedule the software removal operation for after the office hours to avoid server downtime during the day.
- Go to your Windows Control Panel.
- Click on Programs and Features (or Add or Remove Programs in older Windows versions).
- Find the program you want to delete on the list, right-click on it and choose Uninstall.
Fig. 1. Uninstalling CodeTwo software via Windows Control Panel. - Follow the uninstaller wizard instructions if any are displayed.
- If you want to uninstall the software from a multi-server environment, client-server setup or from more than one workstation you need to follow the above steps on all computers.
If for some reason it is not possible to uninstall the software this way, follow the steps from our Knowledge Base article on How to uninstall a CodeTwo product if it is not possible from the Control Panel.
Be aware, that despite following the procedure above, some files will remain on your drive. Those are some settings, configuration, cache entries and log files located in the below listed folders. Feel free to manually delete them if you are required to uninstall the software completely. However, we strongly recommend to reconsider such decision and to keep those files intact in their original locations, in the case you ever want to install any CodeTwo product again. Otherwise, you may need to recreate the rules, tasks, jobs within CodeTwo applications or even encounter duplicates (e.g. in case of Exchange Sync or Exchange / Office 365 Migration software). All files can be found under one or more of the following folders:
%programdata%\CodeTwo\<name of your product> %programdata%\CodeTwo <name of your product> %appdata%\CodeTwo\<name of your product> %appdata%\CodeTwo <name of your product> %localappdata%\CodeTwo\<name of your product> %localappdata%\CodeTwo <name of your product> C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeTwo\<name of your product> C:\Program Files\CodeTwo\<name of your product>
Please keep in mind that both %programdata% and %localappdata% are in fact references to the particular system folders. Unfortunately, those two references are unavailable in versions of Windows prior to Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008, consequently you have to manually navigate to the following directories:
# for the equivalent of %ProgramData% C:\Documents and Settings\All users\Application Data\ # for the equivalent of %LocalAppData% C:\Documents and Settings\[User name]\Local Settings\Application Data\
In the case of any problems you can contact CodeTwo Customer Support.
Related products: | General (Microsoft 365, Exchange & more) |
Categories: | How-To |
Last modified: | July 18, 2018 |
Created: | April 27, 2015 |
ID: | 486 |