Knowledge Base

Synchronization of public folders after changing the account used for the Synchronization Service


How to synchronize public folders after you change the account used by the Synchronization Service of CodeTwo Exchange Sync.


The most frequent cause of an erroneous synchronization between personal folders and public folders is the lack of appropriate permissions. This manifests itself in the log files in the following way:

Error: Failed to copy an item "Calendar\Daniel" to folder "Firm Calendar in Public Folders". 
Failed to save changes. MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED (0x80004005)

Such situation may occur if the account under which the Synchronization Service runs has changed.


Domain Admin users do not have permission to edit and save items in public folders if they were created by other users. In order for the Synchronization Service to synchronize items in public folders correctly, the account used by the service needs to have the right to edit and delete items in public folders.

Use the guidelines below to learn how to give permissions to edit and delete items in public folders to a user account in Exchange.

Granting permissions to edit and delete items in public folders in Exchange Server 2003

  1. Open Exchange Management Console.
  2. Choose Folders > Public Folders in the folder tree.
  3. Choose the folder you want to add permissions to.
  4. Right-click this folder and select Properties (Fig. 1.).

    Fig. 1. Accessing Public Folders properties in Exchange 2003.

  5. On the Permissions tab, click Client permissions (Fig. 2.).

    Fig. 2. The Permissions tab in Exchange 2003.

  6. In the Client Permissions window select the account that is used by the Synchronization Service and choose Publishing Editor from the Roles list (Fig. 3.).

    Fig. 3. Changing permissions of the user account used for the Synchronization Service.

  7. Repeat the procedure for all public folders synchronized with CodeTwo Exchange Sync.

Granting permissions to edit and delete items in public folders in Exchange Server 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and Exchange Online

  1. Open Exchange Management Shell.

    Exchange Online users

    If you use Exchange Online (Office 365), you need to connect to your server via ps Windows PowerShell instead. You can use these guidelines.

  2. Type the following command to update a chosen public folder:

    Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "\folder_name" -User "user_name" -AccessRights EditAllItems,DeleteAllItems
  3. Repeat the procedure for all public folders synchronized with CodeTwo Exchange Sync.

You can also grant the permissions to edit and delete for the root folder in public folders. To do this, type the following commands:

Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "\" -User "user_name" -AccessRights EditAllItems,DeleteAllItems

Alternatively, you can apply the settings to all your public folders:

Get-PublicFolder -Recurse | Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -User "user_name" -AccessRights EditAllItems,DeleteAllItems

See also:

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