Knowledge Base

How to prevent Outlook for Windows from embedding linked images


You’re using only online/linked images (the Online picture option) in your CodeTwo Outlook (client-side) signature because some of your recipients block emails with embedded ones. Still, when you send an email with the signature using Outlook for Windows, your online/linked images get embedded and, as a result, the email doesn’t reach the recipients.


It’s quite likely that a legacy setting in Windows Registry forces picture embedding in Outlook for Windows. To solve the problem, proceed as follows:

  1. Launch Windows Registry Editor (run regedit.exe from the Start menu).
  2. Copy the following path:

    Paste it into the Registry Editor’s address bar, as shown in Fig. 1., and press Enter to navigate to that path.


    If you use Outlook 2013, replace 16.0 with 15.0 in the path above.

Navigating to the right location in the Registry Editor.
Fig. 1. Navigating to the right location in the Registry Editor.

  1. In the main pane, locate the Send Pictures With Document value, right-click it and choose Modify from the drop-down menu (Fig. 2.).

Modifying a value in the Registry Editor.
Fig. 2. Modifying a value in the Registry Editor.

  1. Change the value in the Value data field from 1 to 0, as shown in Fig. 3., and click OK to close the popup window and save the change.

Modifying the Send Pictures With Document value.
Fig. 3. Modifying the Send Pictures With Document value.

  1. Close the Registry Editor and restart Outlook for Windows.

From now on, the online pictures configured in the template editor of CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 should not be embedded by Outlook for Windows.

See also:

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