Dashboard and Jobs

The Administration Panel of CodeTwo Exchange Migration consists of the following tabs:

  • Dashboard - allows you to get a basic overview of the program status. You can check the progress of your migrations, activate the program or verify if any errors were encountered.
  • Jobs - designed to manage all your migration jobs. This section consists of the following elements: 
    • List of jobs - contains jobs names along with their progress
    • Ribbon - which allows you to perform all important tasks
    • The main pane - list of mailboxes and their statuses, with all important alerts, a summary and more.


Exchange Migration Dashboard tab
Fig. 1. The Dashboard tab.

The Dashboard tab displays several tiles. Each tile shows a crucial aspect of the program:

  • How to start - helps you get started with the program. You can simply close this tile if it is no longer needed by you.
  • Good news - here you will receive all alerts regarding running jobs, e.g. if the migration of a particular mailbox is complete.
  • Bad news - is designed to display all information needed to investigate if something went wrong. For example, if the credentials are no longer valid and the program cannot migrate your data anymore.
  • Jobs - displays name and progress of every defined job. A job should be considered as a separate migration.
  • Defined source server connections - a source connection is used to gather data from your source environment. Here, you can define EWS, MAPI or IMAP connections.
  • Defined target server connections - target server is a destination machine that will be used for uploading your items. You can define multiple connections here, so different jobs may migrate the same data to independent environments.
  • Help - contains a list of most useful links that may help you use the software more efficiently or resolve any problems.

Source and target connections

All connections are split into two tiles: Defined source server connections and Defined target server connections.

As for source connections, you can define multiple Exchange or Office 365 connections via EWS, one Exchange Server connection via MAPI, and multiple connections to other servers (e.g. Gmail) via IMAP.  If you are using an IMAP server, you have to provide the hostname, port, and SSL preference. On the other hand, while using an Exchange connection the software should be (or has to be - in the case of MAPI connection) installed directly in the Exchange environment. To manage the connections, use the New, Edit and Delete buttons (Fig. 2.).


Please keep in mind that if there is a job running that uses the connection you are editing, the changes will be applied after restarting the migration job or running delta migration for the job.

Exchange Migration Source connection
Fig. 2. Manage source servers connections window.

In the case of target connections (Fig. 3.), you can define multiple independent connections to on-premises Exchange servers. We strongly recommend using FQDN of the target server during the configuration as it would enable you to use advanced features like Automatch. 

Exchange Migration Target connection
Fig. 3. Manage target servers connections window.


The Jobs tab (Fig. 4.) allows you to manage all defined jobs. On the left pane, you will find a list of all configured jobs and their progress. On the right one, we have put all necessary elements to adjust all aspects of a particular job. Thanks to that you can easily manage mailboxes matching, see most important information regarding the progress and encountered problems or customize the job configuration.

The Jobs tab of the Administration Panel.
Fig. 4. The Jobs tab of the Administration Panel.


At the very top of the Jobs tab there is a ribbon menu (Fig. 5.), which is divided into the following sections:

The ribbon menu on the Jobs tab.
Fig. 5. The ribbon menu on the Jobs tab.

  • Job - all actions that may be executed directly with a job:
    • New - runs the migration job wizard to create a new one.
    • Edit - opens the migration job wizard for a selected job, so you can change its settings.
    • Delete - permanently deletes a job from the list.
    • Start, Pause and Run delta migration - allow you to manually control a job.
    • Move up and Move down - change the job position on the list.
  • Mailboxes - all actions that can modify the state of a mailbox:
    • Match - opens a drop-down menu where you can select the scope of mailboxes for matching and open the Match mailboxes window.
    • Priority - allows you to set the order of mailboxes.
    • Reset - resets migration state for selected mailboxes.
  • Reports - allows you to generate a report of chosen range:
    • Overall - basic overview of all defined jobs.
    • Job - a more detailed overview of a single job, including statuses of particular mailboxes.
    • Mailbox - the most detailed information regarding a particular mailbox.

Job control

Every job may be managed by the scheduler, so you can set the program to run the migration only for desired periods of time. On the other hand, the ribbon allows you to control the job manually, with the following buttons:

  • Start / Pause - starts the migration process of the selected pairs of mailboxes / public folders. Once you click Start, the program enumerates items in the source folders, and the migration process is initiated. You can click Pause at any point to put the migration on hold. To resume the migration click Start. This way, the program will check the already migrated items first and then continue the migration from the point when the process was paused.


    Please note that if in the meantime any new items appear in the source folders, even if you click Pause, the program will not migrate them as the particular migration has already been scheduled for the defined number of items. However, it can be done via the Run delta migration feature.

  • Run delta migration - restarts migration of already migrated pairs of mailboxes / public folders. This feature allows for migrating:

    • items created on the source server after the previous run(s) of the migration job,

    • items intentionally excluded from omitted during the previous run(s) of the migration job,

    • items whose migration failed during previous migration attempts.

After clicking Run delta migration, the program examines the content of all migrated folders in search of new items and migrates them (this is called delta migration). This process will not cause duplication of any of your existing items on the target server as it only copies new ones, leaving the migrated items unchanged. To stop the delta migration process, simply click PauseLearn more about delta migrations


In particular situations, there might be some important items you need to have on the target mailbox, whose content has been modified on the source server after the migration. In such a case, the Run delta migration feature will not work as it only copies new items from the already migrated source folders. To migrate the modified items, you first need to reset the state of migration of a particular mailbox. Next, unmatch the particular pair of mailboxes on the Jobs tab and clean up the target mailbox from all previously migrated items on your server. When done, match the source and target mailboxes once again, and then initiate the migration with the Start button once again.

Job pane

This is the main pane, separate for each job, which allows you to manage it and track the progress. 

Migration data table

This section (Fig. 6.) displays a complete list of mailboxes included in a job along with their statuses. Thier number depends directly on conditions you have set in the Mailboxes step of the migration job wizard. To add or remove mailboxes from the migration, click Change conditions link and apply necessary changes.

The migration data table.
Fig. 6. The migration data table.

As every row represents one pair of mailboxes, it should contain an appropriate binding between the source and target mailbox in the Matching column. While running the migration, the remaining columns show exact statistics of the migration process, which are constantly updated. To customize which columns are shown, click Choose columns link. You can also click column headers to sort your mailboxes or even drag-and-drop columns to change their order.

To easily find desired mailboxes, you can use the search box which is located at the top-right part of the section. To reset the filter, simply click the X button.

Order of the mailboxes migration is managed by the Priority column - the lower value the higher place in the queue. Therefore, a mailbox with priority set to 1, will be migrated first. You can change this value for any mailbox without pausing the migration - your changes will be applied almost immediately. 


The Total items column sums up columns Migrated itemsExcluded items, and Failed items. However, if you see any difference between the Total items column and the number of items retrieved from another source (e.g. from a PowerShell cmdlet), please check first if you have not applied unwanted filters.

Please also be aware that the software does not migrate some special folders, for example Sync Issues or those that are created while putting a mailbox on the litigation hold. 

Job migration progress

This tile shows the total progress of a migration job (Fig. 7.). There you can easily check how many mailboxes are included and which ones are finished. The items statistics allows you to track the progress for all mailboxes included in the migration. The Total column sums up the migrated, excluded and failed ones. To get an even more detailed view of progress, you can inspect the diagnostic files as well. To do so, click Log files and select the desired mailbox.

The progress of a selected migration job.
Fig. 7. The progress of a selected migration job.


For your convenience, the log files are saved in the CSV format. We strongly recommend using a third-party application to browse the files, like Microsoft Excel, as those usually allows to easily filter all entries.

Job good and bad news

Those two tiles (Fig. 8.) display all crucial alert notifications. An alert is automatically generated in case of an important event, for example when the migration of a mailbox has just started/completed or when the program has encountered any problems during the migration process. The alerts are automatically divided into Good news and Bad news.

Alert notifications shown on the Jobs tab.
Fig. 8. Alert notifications shown on the Jobs tab.

To learn more about a specific alert, simply click the alert entry. Additional information will be shown in a separate window (Fig. 9.).

Exchange Migration Detailed alert information
Fig. 9. Displaying additional information about an alert.

Clicking the settings (Exchange Migration settings button temp) button will open the Notification options window. On both the Good news and Bad news tabs you can configure which alerts should be shown by the program and what is their maximum number. To enable or disable a specific alert notification, simply select or clear, respectively, the checkbox next to it, on the left side of the window (Fig. 10., item A). To define the maximum number of displayed notifications, enter the value in the appropriate field, as shown in Fig. 10., item B. For performance-related reasons, we recommend setting this value to less than 200.

Enabling or disabling alert notifications (item A) and configuring the maximum number of alerts shown in the Administration Panel (item B).
Fig. 10. Enabling or disabling alert notifications (item A) and configuring the maximum number of alerts shown in the Administration Panel (item B).

It is also possible to receive chosen notifications on a specific email address. To enable this feature, select the appropriate checkbox in the Email notification column (Fig. 11., item A). You can also specify how frequently the program should send these emails (Fig. 11., item B).

Enabling receiving notifications by emails.
Fig. 11. Enabling receiving notifications by emails.

By default, email notifications are sent to the email address of an admin account used to configure a connection to your target server. To change that, go to the Email notifications tab and enter the desired email address in the To, CC or BCC fields (Fig. 12.). Additionally, to send email notifications to multiple recipients, separate email addresses by using the semicolon (;) character.

Exchange Migration Email notifications recipients
Fig. 12. Specifying recipients of alert notifications.


Notifications can only be sent from an email address of an admin account used to configure a target server connection.

You can clear all alerts by clicking the Migration clear notifications button the  button or delete each alert separately by clicking X next to it.


The recipients of email notifications cannot unsubscribe from receiving them on their own.

Job summary

The Job summary tile (Fig. 13.) sums up the configuration of the selected migration job. This section is especially useful to ensure that no items will be excluded from the migration by any filter. To modify settings of the job, simply click the Edit command on the ribbon.

The summary of the selected migration job.
Fig. 13. The summary of the selected migration job.

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