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Reconfiguration of Synchronization Service and Administration Panel
CodeTwo Exchange Sync consists of two major components the configuration of which may be changed at any point after the initial configuration:
- Synchronization Service - responsible for synchronizing items according to the tasks configured in the Admin's panel. The service runs in the background and processes synchronization tasks on selected folders.
- Administration Panel - it is used to configure tasks and control the service.
Note that during the initial setup of the program both components are configured via the same setup. Therefore, if you want to change any configuration setting later on, you need to refer to the particular components Settings section in the Admin's Panel ribbon.
Synchronization Service
To reconfigure the Synchronization Service, click the Settings button in the Synchronization Service section of the ribbon (Fig. 1.).
Fig. 1. Opening settings for the Synchronization service. |
After clicking the Configure button, the service status window will appear showing the following information (Fig. 2.):
- Service status - shows the current state of the service: Running (the service is active and the sync tasks will be executed), Stopped (the service is inactive and the sync tasks will not be executed until the service is started), Not installed (service is uninstalled and no sync tasks will be executed until the service is configured again).
- Synchronization service account - it is an AD account used to run the service under.
- Exchange connection method - it is a connection type defined while connecting to Exchange Server.
- Selected server - it is the exact Exchange Server the connection was established to.
Additionally, at the bottom of the window there are three options available, responsible for:
Fig. 2. The Synchronization service settings window with status and configuration sections. |
Reconfiguring service connection
To reconfigure the service's connection to Exchange, click the Configure service button. The Exchange Server connection wizard for Synchronization service will display (Fig. 3.).
Fig. 3. The configuration dialog box for the account the service will run under. |
Click Next and in the following window choose the connection type to the server (automatic or manual). After that, pick a new user's account you want the service to run under. Remember, that the user you choose, should belong to Domain Admin's group. It will assure appropriate rights to access all mailboxes within your organization yet execute sync tasks for them.
The user may be chosen via a standard windows type picker. Just click Browse and select your user.
Note that unlike the initial setup of the program the wizard refers to Synchronization service only yet Admin's Panel connection will remain the same.
Last but not least, hit Next to verify connection to the server. If the connection is successful (Fig. 4.) you're connection will be reconfigured under a new user's account.
Fig. 4. The reconfiguration of connection to Exchange has been established under new user's account. |
Activating / deactivating service
To stop the service, click Stop service. Once the service is stopped, no synchronization tasks will be executed. Therefore, the changes made to items in folders defined for synchronization when the service is stopped will automatically synchronize on its next start-up.
To start the synchronization service click Start service. When the service starts, the synchronization tasks are executed according to the tasks defined by the user in the Admin's Panel. Therefore, once restarted it will trigger synchronization of any changes on folders done while the service was down.
Uninstalling service
To uninstall the service click Uninstall service. After uninstalling the service, no synchronization tasks will be performed and its status will change to Not Installed (Fig. 5.). To install and start the service again, you need to configure the service anew (it will start automatically).
Fig. 5. Uninstalled status of Synchronization service. |
Administration Panel
Information displayed within the Admin's Panel settings are restricted to the status area that shows the way the panel is connected to a particular Exchange Server (Fig. 6.).
Fig. 6. Opening Admin's Panel settings. |
The only configuration feature available here is the checkbox located at the bottom of the window that enables reconfiguration of connection to Exchange once the panel is restarted. In addition to that, there are two ways in which the Panel may be started:
- If the checkbox is unmarked (because during the initial setup of the program we marked the checkbox to remember connection settings at every startup of the panel), the panel will start without a need to reconfigure Exchange connection settings.
- If the checkbox is marked (because during the initial setup we left the checkbox unmarked to force reconfiguration of connection settings at next startup of the Panel), the panel will start along the Exchange connection wizard and force reconfiguration of Admin's Panel connection to Exchange (Fig. 7.).
Fig. 7. Admin's Panel opened along the Exchange connection wizard. |
To reconfigure the connection of Admin's Panel to Exchange Server, follow the steps described in reconfiguration of Synchronization Service (the steps are exactly the same).
Please note that there's no need for both components to either run under the same account or operate on the same connection type to Exchange. However, we recommend to configure both components under a user who belongs to the Domain Admins Group in AD and choose the automatic type of connection. Both these factors will ensure the acces to all mailboxes and the synchronization process is sustained once the current server goes down or its access parameters change.