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CodeTwo Exchange Sync enables filtering items that are scheduled for the One-Way synchronization using Conditions. Thanks to conditions, the Administrator of the program may qualify only the chosen range of items that will be synchronized from source to target folders if they meet the defined criteria.

One synchronization task enables definition of multiple conditions. Furthermore,  by default, if multiple conditions have been defined, the item will need to meet all criteria to be synchronized. However, you can also define the program to trigger the synchronization process if at least one of the conditions is met by marking the At least one condition must be met radio button (Fig. 1.). Therefore, by leaving the filters' list empty, you will let all items in the chosen folders to replicate.

ES - At least one condition is met.
Fig. 1. Setting conditions to be applied if at least one of them is met.

To create a condition that will be revised while synchronizing the content of folders, click Add in the Item synchronization conditions pane. Within the window that opens (Fig. 2.), configure the conditions the given item must meet to be synchronized.

ES - Adding condition.
Fig. 2. Adding new synchronization condition within the Administration Panel.

The Add conditions window lets you define the condition for processing items chosen for synchronization based on three factors:

  • Property - here you define the name of the attribute that you want to check before the item is synchronized. The names of the attributes are compliant with their equivalents used in Microsoft Outlook. While adding the conditions, you will use the set of parameters (property, operator and value) that is directly related to the type of synchronized items (e.g. mail, calendar, contacts).
  • Operator - this field lets you define the logical condition between the attribute's property and the exact value of the selected attribute. The value of operator may vary and depends on the chosen property.
  • Value - enables definition of exact value that once met will trigger the synchronization process. Depending on the type of an attribute, the Value field can be filled with a word, date, logical variable (true / false), etc.

After defining the conditions, they will appear on the list of active conditions (Fig. 3.). 

ES - List of active conditions.
Fig. 3. The list of active conditions for the folders chosen for synchronization.

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