This software has been discontinued. If your organization uses Office 365, check out
CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365.

Log files

Log files contain diagnostic data that can be used when the program deviates from its standard behavior. Diagnostic files are divided into:

Settings Service and Central Updating Service log files

Settings Service log files collect information on the Outlook and OWA 2007 policies' settings distribution on email clients via Client Applications. On the other hand, Central Updating Service log files gather information on the OWA 2010/2013/2016Office 365 and Google Apps (G Suite) policies' settings distribution on email clients. Both aforementioned log files' collections can be accessed from the Administration Panel's ribbon via the Help's dropdown menu (Fig. 1.).

Email signatures - opening Log files window.
Fig. 1. Choosing the Log files tab from the Help menu.

After clicking the Log files tab, the following window will display (Fig. 2.).

The Log Files window.
Fig. 2. The Log files window.

The Log files window enables you to:

Log files location

The Log files section displays paths to the folders storing the diagnostic files of the Settings Service and Central Updating Service. To quickly display the chosen logs, click the Open button next to the field pointing to the Logs folder path.

The default locations for storing the diagnostic files cannot be changed.

Log files explorer

Click the Open button to display the log files that have already been saved (Fig. 3.).

Email Signatures - log files explorer.
Fig. 3. Log files explorer window.

In a single day the program can create multiple log files in the following format: YYYY.MM.DD_00001, YYYY.MM.DD_00002, YYYY.MM.DD_00003 etc., where Y is the year, M - the month and D - the day when the file was saved. The maximum file size for a single log is 2 MB.

The Open folder button displays the contents of the folder storing the diagnostic files of the chosen log.

Use the Save All button to save all the already created log files in a folder of your choice.

Logging level

In the Logging level section the detail level of the log files can be set (Fig. 4.). The default setting is Standard (recommended when the software operates correctly). In case the program deviates from its standard behavior, the verbosity of logging should be changed to Detailed by selecting the respective option from the Logging level dropdown menu.

Email Signatures - logging level.
Fig. 4. Choosing the logging level (Standard, Detailed).

Limiting the amount of log files

During the operation of the program a very large amount of the log files can be created. When that amount starts becoming unmanageable, it might be useful to limit the maximum number of logs that can be kept. The desired number needs to be input in the Keep the last X log files for diagnostic purposes field (Fig. 5.). When the new value is set, the program will automatically delete the oldest files when the user-defined maximum amount is exceeded.

Email Signatures - limit number of log files.
Fig. 5. Limiting the number of log files.

When the new amount of the recorded logs is set, the old files will not be deleted immediately. The change will be initiated by the next message from the server.

To save your changes simply click the OK button and remember about confirming with the Save button in the Administration Panel's ribbon of CodeTwo Email Signatures for Email Clients.

In a single day the program can create multiple log files in the following format: YYYY.MM.DD_00001, YYYY.MM.DD_00002, YYYY.MM.DD_00003 etc., where Y is the year, M - the month and D - the day when the file was saved. The maximum file size for a single log file is 2 MB. The Open folder button displays the content of the folder storing the diagnostic files.

Use the Save All button to save all the already created log files to a folder of your choice.

Client Application's log files

The Client Application stores diagnostic files applicable to the particular instance of the Client Application only. If the Client Application encounters any problems associated with the connection to the Exchange Server or the settings are not updated correctly, you may use this diagnostic data to review the problem. To open up the logs, click the Log files button from the context menu of the Client Application's window. The Log files explorer window will open (Fig. 6.).

Email Signatures - Exploring CApps' log files.
Fig. 6. Exploring Client Application's log files.

See next:

Licensing - this article includes important information on the trial version of the program, how to activate the program and provides the Licensing Agreement.

See also:

Knowledge Base articles concerning CodeTwo Email Signatures for Email Clients

In this article

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