This software has been discontinued. If your organization uses Office 365, check out
CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365.
Installation process
The installation process of CodeTwo Email Signatures for Email Clients can involve two types of setups:
Note that the Administration Panel needs to be installed first to enable the generation of the Client Applications. Furthermore, after the initial installation of the Administration Panel, the Client Applications will be generated but won't contain any policy's settings to be deployed on email clients. To generate the Client Applications containing the applicable policy's settings, you need to configure the deployment either for Outlook or OWA 2007 policy types first.
Learn more about the Administration Panel
Learn more about the Client Applications
Administration Panel's installation
The installation of CodeTwo Email Signatures for Email Clients Administration Panel is extremely easy and can be done in just a few clicks. Furthermore, it does not require any expert knowledge. After you start the installation wizard (Fig. 1.), you will have to accept the license agreement first.
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Fig. 1. The first screen of the program's installation wizard. |
Next, you need to choose the location where the program will be installed. The default location will be entered automatically, however, you can change it if necessary (Fig. 2.).
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Fig. 2. Choosing the location of the program's installation. |
The remaining initial installation steps are extremely simple and anyone can cope with it.
Once the installation process is completed, the program starts automatically with the Quick Tour slides showing the key features of the program (Fig. 3.).
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Fig. 3. Quick Tour. |
And that's it - from now on you can start creating policies that will add signatures to your email clients.
Client Applications' installation
If you're using Outlook or OWA 2007 within your company, you can update the policy's settings including signatures via Client Applications only. Once the Administration Panel of the program is installed and you want to apply policies adding signatures to Outlook or OWA 2007, configure the deployment for Outlook first. This way, the installer package of the Client Applications will be generated and stored locally. Next, you need to distribute the Client Applications on the client machines. There are three ways to distribute and install the Client Applications. First of all, you can distribute and install them manually one by one on each machine involved. On the other hand, as this type might be too much time consuming, you can also make use of the Group Policy Object or System Center Configuration Manager to distribute and install the Client Applications automatically.
The Client Application was designed to work only in one session per machine at a time. It will not operate properly in virtual environments (such as Windows Terminal Server, Remote Desktop or Citrix XenApp).
While choosing the distribution method between manual or automatic via tools listed above, you may also decide about the mode of installation (Fig. 4.). There are two modes available:
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Fig. 4. Choosing the mode of installation during the manual setup of the Client App. |
Each mode of installation may be done using different types of the generated installer package which usage depends on: OS version and the bit version of MS Outlook.
Per-machine installation mode
Installing Client Applications in the per-machine mode enables its operation for each user that logs on the machine equipped with the Client Application. One condition for this type of installation is that it needs to be performed by a user who is the Local Administrator of the particular machine.
Please note that the distribution of the Client Applications in this mode is only possible to be performed manually. Furthermore, you will need to install the Client Applications on each machine embraced by the given policy type one by one to update its settings.
The table below shows which installer package can be used with this mode of installation along OS and Outlook bit versions. Additionally, you will also learn here what type of package may be used while choosing the distribution method.
OS version | MS Outlook bit version | Installer type | Installer distribution method |
Window 7 or later | x86 / x64 | EmailSignatures.Client.Boot.exe | Manual |
Windows Vista | x86 | Manual | |
Windows 7 or later | x86 | EmailSignatures.Client.Setup.x86.msi | Manual |
Windows 7 or later | x64 | EmailSignatures.Client.Setup.x64.msi | Manual |
Windows Vista | x86 | EmailSignatures.Client.Setup. LegacyPerMachine.x86.msi |
Manual |
Please note that the installation of the Client Applications doesn't support 64-bit versions of Outlook installed on OS versions earlier than Windows 7. Therefore, such installation is impossible.
Per-user installation mode
Installing Client Applications in the per-user mode allows only the user the Client Application is installed under to operate it. Therefore, no other user will be able to run the program. Furthermore, unlike the per-machine installation, the user operating the Client Application doesn't have to be a Local Administrator - Domain Users' membership is fair enough.
Please note that the distribution of the Client Applications in this mode is possible to be performed via GPO, SCCM or manually. Therefore, you can either install the Client Applications centrally from the Group Policy Deployment and System Center Configuration Manager management console or manually on each machine embraced by the given policy type one by one to update its settings.
The table below shows which installer package can be used with this mode of installation along OS and Outlook bit versions. Additionally, you will also learn here what type of package may be used while choosing the distribution method.
OS version | MS Outlook version | Installer type | Installer distribution method |
Windows 7 or later | x86 / x64 | EmailSignatures.Client.Boot.exe | Manual / via SCCM |
Windows Vista | x86 | Manual / via SCCM |
Windows 7 or later | x86 | EmailSignatures.Client.Setup.x86.msi | Manual / via GPO / via SCCM |
Windows 7 or later | x64 | EmailSignatures.Client.Setup.x64.msi | Manual / via GPO / via SCCM |
Windows Vista | x86 | EmailSignatures.Client.Setup. LegacyPerUser.x86.msi |
Manual / via GPO / via SCCM |
Please note that the installation of the Client Applications doesn't support 64-bit versions of Outlook installed on OS versions earlier than Windows 7. Therefore, such installation is impossible.
See next:
Quick guide to creating policies - step-by-step information on how to create and deploy a policy.
See also:
Deploying policies via the Central Updating Service on the example of OWA 2010/2013/2016 policy - information on how to deploy policies along with their settings by using the Central Updating Service.
Deploying policies via the Client Applications - information about the process of policy deployment using the Client Applications.
Distributing the Client Applications - information concerning the methods of distributing the Client Applications on the Client machines.