User interface
The program's main window (Fig. 1.) is divided into three main parts: the toolbar, the main panel, and the bottom panel.
Fig. 1. CodeTwo Active Directory Photos.
The toolbar is located in the upper part of the program window and allows you to perform all photo management tasks. From here, you can also access the program's website (via the Help button) and find out more about the software's version that you have (the About button).
In the main panel of the program there are two lists:
- Active Directory containers - here, the hierarchy of your AD containers is displayed.
- Users and Contacts - this list shows users in a selected AD container. You can search and filter these users, as described later in this article.
The bottom panel includes useful links. For example, you can find out how to add email signatures with Active Directory photos and see other CodeTwo programs for Exchange admins.
Searching and filtering Users and Contacts
If you choose a container from Active Directory containers, the program lists all the available objects under Users and Contacts (see Fig. 1.). If a photo is available for a user/object, it is displayed in the Photo column. If a user has no photo, a default blank photo avatar is shown.
Resource mailboxes (such as conference rooms) are not displayed because this type of mailboxes is not supported.
By default, all users/objects in a container are sorted alphabetically by Common name. To change the way the results are displayed, click any column header to sort users by this column in alphabetical/reverse order (or by photo file size - only the Photo column).
The program comes with advanced searching/filtering capabilities (Fig. 2.).
Fig. 2. The searching and filtering options.
- To search for a user/object, type any phrase in the search field located above the list of users and press Enter. Use the Clear filter () button to clear all search filters;
- Use the checkboxes on the right side to limit the search results to users with/without photos and to include the contents of AD subcontainers (if there are any) on the results list;
- The drop-down list on the left side lets you select a search filter. You can search via the most common AD fields (such as Display name, Company, Country, etc.) or apply a custom search filter. If you choose Custom filter from the drop-down list, a new window will open, where you can add one or more conditions and name the filter (Fig. 3.).
Fig. 3. The custom filter settings.
Use the drop-down list to manage your custom filters (Fig. 4.). Custom filters can be cleared by the Clear filter () button.
Fig. 4. How to access custom filters.
See next
Individual photo management - learn how to edit the photo of a single user.
Multiple photo management - find out how to manage user photos collectively.