Advanced settings

There are several Active Directory attributes that can contain images. By default, the program adds user photos to the thumbnailPhoto attribute because this attribute is used by most programs (including Outlook, Skype for Business, and Office apps). This attribute allows you to upload images up to 100 KB. If you need to have larger images in your AD, you can change the attribute used by the program.


Change the default attribute settings only if you are sure that the AD attribute that you choose is supported by your applications.

To import photos to a different attribute in your Active Directory, you need to click the Settings button on the toolbar (Fig. 1.).

Active Directory Photos - settings button toolbar
Fig. 1. You can access advanced AD attribute settings from the toolbar.

A new window opens (Fig. 2.). Here, the most common photo attributes are displayed along with the corresponding file size limits. You can select one of the predefined AD attributes or provide a custom one (it must exist in your AD).

Active Directory Photos - advanced settings
Fig. 2. Advanced settings.


Switching to another AD attribute (as shown above) changes the appearance of the Users and Contacts list. The photo thumbnails displayed on the list are always based on the AD attribute selected in the Settings window (Fig. 2.). If you choose an attribute that is empty in your Active Directory, the user photos on the list will be replaced with the default blank photo avatars (Fig. 3.).

Active Directory Photos - users list blank photo
Fig. 3. If you change the default AD attribute in Settings to an attribute that is empty in your AD, the program will display blank photo thumbnails.

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