User's Manual Start Page
Do I have to renew the license annually?

No. Licenses for the software are perpetual. This means you are not obligated to renew it after 12 months. More, you have the right to update the application with all point upgrades regardless of the date of their release. For example, if you are a paid user of CodeTwo Public Folders 4.0, you can upgrade with all installers versioned 4.x. But at the same time, if you like the features of the newer 5.0 version once it is released, you might need to pay for the upgrade.

Do I need a license for each user or each workstation?

You need to purchase a license for each workstation that will take part in sharing Outlook data with CodeTwo Public Folders. If a workstation is used by 2 users, one on a morning shift, another on an afternoon shift, only one license is required for this computer.

Do I need two licenses for the desktop computer and laptop that are used by one user?

Please see the previous question. One license is required for each computer. Even if the desktop and laptop are used by the same user, two licenses are needed for proper functioning of the program.

Registration and activation code
The demo version of CodeTwo Public Folders is upgraded to the full version after entering an activation code you will receive after your order is completed.

We generate it on the basis of the registration code of a program, which can be found in the Licensing program installed together with the program server module. Registration code is unique for the particular computer and should be read from the Licensing program installed on the computer with the server module installed.

In order to obtain the registration code, run the Licensing program and click Order activation code. (To run the Licensing program, choose Start, Programs, CodeTwo, CodeTwo Public Folders Server and click Licensing.)

The Order activation code dialog box containing the registration code is displayed. To quickly copy it to the clipboard, click the Copy to Clipboard button.

Once you have received the activation code, run the Licensing program (see the first image), enter the number of client licenses ordered in the Number of licenses field, enter the activation code in the Activation code field and click Activate. Now you may use CodeTwo Public Folders without limitations of the demo version.

The activation code enables you to activate the server module of CodeTwo Public Folders only on the computer, for which the activation code has been generated (based on the registration code we have received). If you want to install and activate the server module on another computer, you will need the new activation code that you may receive for free if you request it not earlier than three months after receiving the previous code. In order to receive the new code you will have to provide us the previous activation code that will become invalid from that moment.

The activation code is also dependant on the number of client licenses. If you want to order additional client licenses, place an order and provide us the program registration code. You will receive the new activation code, which can be used to activate the program with the new number of licenses.

Reinstallation or installation of a new operational system or the server module does not require the new activation code in order to activate the server module of CodeTwo Public Folders again on the same computer. Client modules of the program may be transferred to other computers without the necessity of obtaining a new activation code.