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How to integrate Microsoft Teams with your email signature in multiple ways »

Problem: You would like to add a link to your email signature that would start a Microsoft Teams call, chat, etc. when clicked by the recipient of your message. Solution: Using CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 and the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family of products, you can enhance your email signatures with links that let your recipients quickly [...] (ID:905)

How to add a different signature to emails sent from mobile devices »

Problem: You would like to create a specific signature that applies to emails sent by mobile devices only. Solution: It is possible to add different signatures to emails sent from mobile clients. However, since there is no mechanism to identify a message sent from a mobile device with 100% certainty, a workaround solution is required. It [...] (ID:893)

Spoofed emails receive signatures in the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family of products »

Problem: You receive emails sent by an external sender in an attempt to impersonate a user inside your organization. As a result of this spoofing attempt, they are processed by CodeTwo Exchange Rules and receive signatures and/or disclaimers identically to authentic emails. Solution: The problem occurs because software belonging to the [...] (ID:891)

How to send files to CodeTwo Customer Support »

Problem: You would like to send files (such as program logs, screenshots, emails, etc.) to CodeTwo for diagnostic purposes. Solution: To ensure maximum safety of your files and speed up our response, you should only send us files via a dedicated file upload form. There are two ways to access it: If you have the license key for your [...] (ID:802)

How to automatically remove signature elements (placeholders) that cannot be replaced with AD data »

Problem: Your email signature template contains an AD attribute placeholder that is dynamically filled with a matching attribute value from Active Directory when an email is sent. If the sender does not have this particular attribute in AD, then an empty space is left in the signature where the placeholder should be. This article shows [...] (ID:787)

How to solve font-related problems in email signatures »

Problem: Fonts in email signatures are not correctly displayed. Solution: The appearance and availability of a font in an email message depends on the client and device used to read this email. If fonts used in your email signature are not supported by the recipient's environment, these fonts are not displayed or they get replaced with [...] (ID:708)

Understanding basic mail related terms: message header, reply separator, source code, message file »

This article explains the differences between an internet message header, message reply separator, message source code, and message file. What is an email message header? Message headers (also known as email message internet headers or email headers) are a piece of information that is added to a message traveling through a mail server [...] (ID:672)

Small email text on iOS devices »

Problem: On iOS devices, an email body that contains a signature inserted using one of CodeTwo’s email signature products is sometimes too small to read and requires a user to zoom in. Solution: Since iOS resizes the HTML email to fit the screen size, make sure that the width of an inserted table or image is not too large. When [...] (ID:656)

Signatures are not added »

Problem: Signatures are not added by a program from the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family. Solution: There might be several reasons for such behavior. The most probable causes and adequate solutions are described below. Missing component in a multi-server Exchange configuration Insufficient licensing in a multi-server environment Unsaved [...] (ID:551)

How to avoid duplicates in the Sent Items folder »

Problem: After installing one of the programs from the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family, you see two or more copies of each message in the Sent Items folder.  Solution: There are two main reasons for such behavior. Use the links to learn more. The option to create a copy of the original message when updating Sent Items is turned on [...] (ID:548)

Disable native signatures in Outlook on the web (OWA) and the new Outlook for Windows »

This article applies to Exchange Server 2013, 2016, 2019, and Exchange Online (Microsoft 365). For older versions of Exchange Server, i.e. 2007 and 2010, see this article. Problem: You would like to prevent users from creating individual signatures and adding them to emails in Outlook on the web (OWA) and the new Outlook for Windows. [...] (ID:535)

Problems installing CodeTwo agent on Exchange 2013 CU11 »

Problem: You experience problems with CodeTwo agent of MS Exchange Transport Service during installation of CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software and CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro in environments with multiple Exchange Servers, from which at least one is Exchange Server 2013 with Cumulative Update 11 (CU11) installed. Solution: So far, [...] (ID:521)

Track link clicks in email signatures »

This article is obsolete and may relate only to older versions of our software. If you use a current version, see the user's manual of your product for more information: CodeTwo Exchange Rules | CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro | CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 Problem: You want to track users' clicks on links in your signatures and disclaimers, [...] (ID:499)

Good practices for preparing an email signature »

Problem: You are preparing email signature templates in our email signature management software and you would like to follow the best practices. This will allow you to avoid problems when designing them and using them in your communications. Solution: You can start by watching our quick video tutorial: Read on for detailed guidelines and [...] (ID:488)

On an iPhone device, the size of text in a signature is larger than defined »

Problem: The design of your signature defines size of the text smaller than 13px. However, the iPhone devices are displaying the text larger than expected, therefore the layout of your footer may be distorted. Solution: The main reason to this situation is default rendering behavior on iPhone devices. Currently, the smallest available [...] (ID:481)

How to preserve spacing in AD fields »

Problem: You have an Active Directory field with some additional spacing in it, for example field Title: IT  Administrator that contains two spaces between "IT" and "Administrator". But when you send an e-mail, the placeholder Title is filled with just "IT Administrator", i.e. the additional space gets removed. Solution: HTML-rendering [...] (ID:478)

Display language of the AD field "Country" »

Problem: The {Country} placeholder is filled with an incorrect value, for example, instead of a local country name (Deutschland), the English name of the country appears (Germany). Solution: The Country field in Active Directory consists of three attributes: c – 2-character ISO-3166 country code, e.g. US, co – the name of the [...] (ID:474)

How to fix common image-related problems in signatures »

Problem: You experience various problems with images in email signatures, e.g. embedded pictures are not displayed in received emails, are misplaced in the message thread, or disappear when replying/forwarding. Solution: Embedded images are images that are inserted directly into the body of the message, as opposed to images that are [...] (ID:467)

How to remove spacing between e-mail body and signature »

Problem: While composing a signature you may encounter a problem where the spacing between e-mail body and signature is too wide. This may be caused by incorrect signature design or unnecessary tags used in the HTML code of the signature. Solution: Here are the most common reasons to such a behavior: There may be an empty paragraph tag [...] (ID:455)

Sent Items Update thread abort exception »

Problem: The Sent Items Update logs contains the following error message: Error: Error on CEmailQueueProcesingThread.Proceed function., Thread was being aborted. Solution: This behavior is a result of a bug in CodeTwo Exchange Rules software. The bug is a minor issue which results solely on logging the above quoted message to the [...] (ID:444)

How to use multi-line notes in signatures and disclaimers »

Problem How to use multi-line notes from Active Directory in your signatures and disclaimers. Such fields may be used to present your opening hours and many more. Solution On the Exchange Server simply open Active Directory Users and Computers tool, then navigate to the user you want to add notes. In our example it will be User1. [...] (ID:439)

Messages from Apple devices and mobile devices are sent in plain text »

Problem: A message sent from an Apple device (iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc.) or a mobile device (e.g. based on Android) is sent in the plain text format. As a result, the signature added by CodeTwo software to this message does not look as expected (Fig. 1.) or is not added at all (if you have not configured the template for the plain text [...] (ID:438)

CodeTwo Exchange Rules software failed to save licensing data »

Problem: Due to insufficient user rights, CodeTwo Exchange Rules software cannot activate your license. During the activation, the application tries to save some important data to your disk, but returns an error, as it does not have permissions to do that. This issue persists if the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled. Fig. 1. Failed [...] (ID:435)

How to find the EWS URL and how to test it »

Problem: You want to know the URL of Exchange Web Services (EWS). Solution: Finding the EWS URL on a client access server Finding the EWS URL by using the configuration of Web Services Virtual Directory Testing the EWS URL Finding the EWS URL on a client access server Most Exchange servers have the Client Access Server (CAS) role [...] (ID:429)

You are not able to resend a message updated by SIU »

Problem: You cannot use a resend option for a message processed by the Sent Items Update service (SIU) of CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO or CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software. The attempt to resend the e-mail ends with the following error message in your Outlook: You do not have permissions to send the message on behalf of the [...] (ID:423)

How to delete OWA (Outlook on the web) signatures in Microsoft Exchange »

Problem: You want to remove email signatures in OWA (Outlook on the web) for multiple or individual users. Solution: Important The solution applies to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and Microsoft Exchange Online* (Microsoft 365). Before running the commands listed below, ensure that you are signed in as a user who is a [...] (ID:377)

Invalid agent assembly path »

Problem: Installation of CodeTwo agent fails with "Invalid agent assembly path" error. The following or similar error event is recorded in your Application Event Viewer log file: Failed to create type 'Agent.CAgentFactoryRouting' from assembly 'E:\Program Files\CodeTwo\CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro\CodeTwo.ER.Agent.dll' due to error [...] (ID:373)

CodeTwo and Exchange 2013 SP1 »

Problem: You are observing one or more of the following misbehaviors on Exchange Server 2013 running Cumulative Update (CU) older than Cumulative Update 8: To check your Exchange version, please consult the following article. With previously installed CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software, the MS Exchange Transport Service stopped [...] (ID:369)

Transport Service does not start after installing CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software »

Problem: You have just installed CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software and your MS Exchange Transport Service fails to start. Solution: The situation in which the MS Exchange Transport Service stops as a result of our software installation is extremely rare and is always caused by one of the following reasons: You have installed [...] (ID:367)

Error: An item with the same key has already been added »

Problem: You get an error message "An item with the same key has already been added" when trying to use remote connection feature in CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO (1.x). Fig. 1. An error message displayed when you attempt to connect remotely. Solution: The error message is displayed because some or all your rules are corrupted. [...] (ID:366)

How to globally enforce UTF-8 encoding for OWA »

Problem: You would like to globally enforce UTF-8 encoding for your Outlook Web App. Solution: Exchange Online (Office 365) As of July 2016, it is not possible to globally enforce a specific encoding for OWA in Office 365. Exchange Server on-premises To globally enforce specific encoding settings for all OWA users in Exchange Server [...] (ID:343)

How to avoid detecting local contacts as internal recipients »

Problem The CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro 1.x and CodeTwo Exchange Rules software recognizes contacts existing in Active Directory as internal recipients. In result, incorrect rules are applied to the messages. This Knowledge Base article is designed to use with older versions of CodeTwo software. If you have installed CodeTwo Exchange [...] (ID:297)

How to convert an HTML signature template to RTF or Plain Text »

Problem: You want to create RTF and Plain Text versions of an HTML signature to make the signature work on all devices, including the mobile ones. Solution: The quickest and easiest way to convert an HTML signature into an RTF or plain text one is to use the Convert button located in the Format group on the Main tab of the editor’s [...] (ID:234)

How to create a social media button »

If you are using a version of CodeTwo Exchange Rules that is not listed in the Related products section (below this article), see this article instead. Problem: How to insert a social media button into your signature. Solution: CodeTwo Exchange Rules family programs do not have yet a built in feature of inserting clickable buttons for [...] (ID:294)

External email addresses are treated as internal »

Problem: External email addresses are treated as internal by CodeTwo software. As a result, your email rule conditions do not work as expected. For example, rules designed to cover only internal users are also triggered for external users. Solution: By default, when external users are added as contacts to your organization's Active [...] (ID:292)

How to save stripped off attachments from emails to the network location »

Problem: Strip off attachments to network location using CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO Solution: If you want the CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO to save stripped off attachments to the network location the below listed steps must be followed to ensure that the network location is accessible for such action. First of all please make sure you use [...] (ID:279)

Diagnosing CodeTwo Exchange Rules product family (older versions) »

Problem: CodeTwo assistance is required when you experience problems with the CodeTwo Exchange Rules product family or require advanced configuration of the software. Solution: This Knowledge Base article concerns certain older versions of our software. If you are using any version newer than the ones listed inthe Related products section [...] (ID:278)

How to completely remove CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software »

Problem: You need to completely remove CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software. Solution: To completely remove CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software from your system: Backup your rules using import/export feature. Learn more Backup any *.config files you may have edited in installation and settings folders. This must be done manually. [...] (ID:269)

How to include vCards as QR codes in email signatures »

Problem: You would like to insert a vCard as a QR code in an email signature added by CodeTwo software. You want to have this QR code personalized so that every user has their individual vCard added to their signature. Solution: The vCard standard is a popular and easy way to share contact information. In most PC operating [...] (ID:256)

Noninterpersonal messages »

Problem: Rules are not executed upon noninterpersonal messages (non-IPMs) and, as a result, signatures are not added. The log files contain the following message: Non interpersonal message. Skipping it. Solution: Sometimes the software from the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family does not follow the rules despite the fact that they are [...] (ID:255)

How to correctly insert dynamic fields into signatures »

Problem: You use one of the older versions of the CodeTwo software. You noticed that dynamic fields typed in or copied and pasted into a signature are not populated with Active Directory data when the signature is added to a message. For example, the recipient sees the {First name} and {Last name} placeholders instead of the sender’s [...] (ID:254)

Hyperlinks: how to change their color and style, and add Active Directory attributes »

Problem: You would like to learn how to modify hyperlinks in email signatures created with CodeTwo software. For example, you want to create hyperlinks of any color and styling, remove the default blue color and underline, or insert attribute values from Entra ID (Azure AD) or Active Directory into these links. Solution: By making small [...] (ID:250)

How to reduce line spacing in a signature template »

Problem: There is a large gap between the lines in your signature template created in CodeTwo Exchange Rules software. Solution: This happens when you press Enter to go to the next line (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Two lines of text entered as separate paragraphs. Signature editor used in CodeTwo Exchange Rules software interprets the Enter key [...] (ID:247)

3 steps to correct message encoding in emails »

Problem: Regional characters (such as ü, ä, ø, etc.) in signatures and disclaimers added by CodeTwo Exchange Rules are not displayed correctly. Instead of the actual characters, users see strings of ? signs. Solution: This issue is most likely caused by incorrect encoding settings. For example, the proper display of European regional [...] (ID:241)

How to save a signature as a template »

Problem: You want to save the signature you’re working on as a template so that you can use it again in the future. Solution: Saving signatures as templates is a simple way to reduce the time spent on creating multiple signatures that do not differ much. It also allows you to easily restore the signature to its saved version in case of [...] (ID:232)

How to extend the timeout for services if they fail to start or stop »

Problem: CodeTwo services cannot be started or stopped. Solution: In some environments, applications installed as Windows services may require more time to start or stop. Click on the links below to learn how to change the timeout for service applications in Windows. A service does not start A service does not stop A CodeTwo service is [...] (ID:228)

Changing the default update time of an email message in the Sent Items Update module »

Problem: How to change the default update time of an email message in the Sent Items Update module. Solution: The Sent Items Update service in CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO is responsible for displaying signatures in messages located in the Sent Items folder. Such signatures are not displayed instantaneously – processing a message already [...] (ID:222)

How to export settings from older versions of CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro »

If you're using a current version of CodeTwo software, see User's manual (Exchange Rules Pro | Exchange Rules). Problem: You would like to export settings from an earlier version CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro (version 1.x). Solution: CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro offers an easy and convenient way of managing your settings. Thanks to the [...] (ID:212)

How to insert individual vCard links into email signatures »

Problem: You would like to insert individual vCard links into email signatures so that each email sent by a user in your organization contains a link to this person's electronic business card. Solution: CodeTwo signature-adding programs enable you to use dynamic fields from Active Directory in signature templates. These fields are added [...] (ID:207)

Location of signature templates in CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro »

Problem: What is location of signature templates in CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro. Solution: CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro saves the templates of the signatures and disclaimers created by the user in HTML, RTF and Plain Text (TXT) format. If the user doesn't create the disclaimer in one of these format, the template for this format will remain [...] (ID:205)

How to create a template with text on the left and image on the right? »

Problem: You want to create a template with text on the left and image on the right. Solution: CodeTwo Exchange Rules enables you to create rules including templates. The template can contain dynamic fields from Active Directory, graphics, and tables. The formatting can be done in the built-in editor. It is also possible to create a [...] (ID:204)

How to add dynamically changing image links to emails »

Problem You would like to insert image links (images that are linked to a web resource) into email signatures, and these images should dynamically change every time a new message is sent so that each message gets a different picture. For example, you have several marketing banners, and you would like CodeTwo software to add a different [...] (ID:201)

Strip / dump attachments - notifying recipient of removed attachments. »

Problem: How to save files attached to messages directly onto a hard drive and notify a recipient of removed attachments. Solution: One of the useful features CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO offers is Strip/dump attachments action. It allows saving attachments from messages directly onto a hard drive. This feature lets administrators make sure [...] (ID:200)

A signature is inserted in a wrong place in a message »

Problem: A signature is added in a wrong place inside the body of an email message. For example, your signature is inserted at the end of an email conversation thread instead of directly under your latest response. Solution: Incorrect location of inserted signatures is usually caused by non-standard reply separators used by your email [...] (ID:195)

Detailed logging level in CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO »

Problem If it is necessary to get more information about the program operation then you need to switch logging level to detailed. Solution To display the log files dialog box, click the Settings button in the CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO main window. The Log files tab is opened  by default(Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. Log files dialog box Switch [...] (ID:194)

Split messages not visible in OWA 2010 Sent Items folder »

Problem: OWA 2010 users may notice that their messages in the Sent Items folder are not updated correctly although the Split option is selected in the Sent Items Update – i.e. only one sent message is visible, which is updated by one of the active rules. The remaining messages (sent to other recipients) that are updated by different [...] (ID:190)

Meeting Request, Response and Cancellation messages are not updated in Sent Items folder »

Problem: Meeting Request, Meeting Response and Meeting Cancellation messages are not updated in the Sent Items folder. Solution: For such items (Meeting Request, Meeting Response and Meeting Cancellation) the signature is added only for those outgoing from the Exchange Server, and not the ones already saved in the Sent Items folder. The [...] (ID:189)

Sent Items Update – the updated message is too large »

Problem: If a message that is updated by Sent Items Update is too large, an exception may occur. This will typically be caused by a large attachment kn the message that is over several MB. As a result the message will not be updated. Solution: In order to solve the problem, you need to modify the ExchangeWebService settings that is [...] (ID:185)

How to use regular expressions »

Problem: How to use regular expressions. Solution: Regular expressions are formulas that can be used to match or find character strings by employing wildcards and metasigns. In CodeTwo Exchange Rules family the regular expressions may be used for removing a sensitive content or check if the subject contains some regular text. As opposed [...] (ID:177)

How to manually install, uninstall or temporarily disable CodeTwo Exchange Rules Transport Agent »

Problem: Software products from the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family process emails via a dedicated Exchange transport agent: CodeTwo Exchange Rules Transport Agent. Normally, the agent is installed automatically together with the program. On rare occasions, the installation of the Transport Agent might fail and you need to install it [...] (ID:176)

Troubleshooting Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure »

Problem: When you install or launch a service application in Windows, the following error message is displayed: Could not start the service on Local Computer. Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure. Solution: This error concerns applications that are installed and launched as Windows services (an example of such [...] (ID:175)

How to use Journaling together with CodeTwo Exchange Rules »

Problem: How to use Journaling together with CodeTwo Exchange Rules? Solution: CodeTwo Exchange Rules and CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro feature the Sent Items Update service, which allows end-user to view changes made to messages by the programs on Exchange in the Sent Items folders. It is also possible to split messages addressed to [...] (ID:171)

Suppressing and forcing email signatures via keywords in CodeTwo Exchange Rules software family »

Problem: You would like to use the software from the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family to add signatures only to messages that include specific keyword phrases. Solution: You can use the software to set keyword phrases that, once added to an email body or subject, trigger or suppress an email signature. The recommended solution depends on [...] (ID:169)

Dynamic Fields in CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO - Dynamic Content »

Problem: How to create a dynamic content using dynamic fields in CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro? Solution: CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO has a long list of useful features that help to manage the mail flow on Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 or 2010. One of the many available options are the Dynamic Fields that can be used in mail templates and [...] (ID:168)

How to find the license key in CodeTwo software »

Problem: You need to find the license key for your CodeTwo software. Solution: CodeTwo applications are activated to the full version by entering a 25-character license key that you receive once the order is paid for. Finding the license key/activation code in CodeTwo software With the exception of CodeTwo Public Folders, the license [...] (ID:167)

Loop protection for autoresponders in CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO »

Problem: How to avoid a situation in which two addresses start exchanging multiple autoresponders in an infinite loop? Solution: If you are using CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO 2.x, please consult the following page of User Guide. The Auto respond feature in CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO is used to send autoreplies to messages processed by [...] (ID:166)

Adding attachments in CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO »

Problem: How to add attachments in CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro? Solution: One of the unique features of CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO is that it can automatically add file or files to the messages on the Exchange Server. You can set up this feature on the Actions tab, after you select Add, Add attachments. However, automated attachments [...] (ID:165)

Installing CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro on a client machine »

Problem: You want to delegate managing CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro to users who do not have enough permissions to access your company's server. Solution: CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro can be installed both on a server machine as well as on any client machine. The latter is recommended for organizations where the administrator does not want to [...] (ID:162)

Creating the signatures in HTML, RTF and Plaintext formats »

Problem: Why shall we create the signatures in all available formats? Solution: While  attempting to leave the Template Editor in CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO without creating the signature in every format, the warning window appears: in Exchange Rules 2007/2010/2013 and Exchange Rules Pro 1 (Fig. 1.) Fig. 1. Warning message after [...] (ID:157)

How to restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service »

Problem: You need to restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service, for example, to refresh the counting of CodeTwo Exchange Rules licenses. Solution: There are two ways to restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service: via the Exchange Management Shell manually Restarting the service via the Exchange Management Shell To restart [...] (ID:153)

Setting up the custom EWS address in Exchange Rules family software »

The below solution is applicable only for CodeTwo Exchange Rules of versions listed in the right-hand side section "Applies to". If you are looking for similar article for CodeTwo Exchange Rules of higher versions than listed aside, please refer to the other Knowledge Base article. 1. Introduction In some cases, the Sent Items Update [...] (ID:151)

Font size formatting in HTML footers »

Problem Changing the font size to custom one. Solution: To change the font size in your footer: Edit the rule in Administration program. Go to the built-in signature editor to edit the footer. Choose one of the available font sizes. Switch to HTML source view. In the editor of CodeTwo Exchange Rules 2.x or CodeTwo Exchange Rules 2007 [...] (ID:139)

Sent Items Update installation error »

Problem: If the installation of Sent Items Update module ends in errors, the following screen will display (Fig. 1): Fig.1. Dialog box in which the installer reports errors during installation of the service. Solution The error message window will show which components installed correctly (marked Successful) and which failed to install [...] (ID:138)

How to add signatures only to messages sent by selected users »

Problem: How to add signatures only to messages sent by selected users. Solution: If you want to do this you need to add these users to the scope of senders for a given rule. Here's what has to be done: Open the Administration Panel of CodeTwo Exchange Rules (Pro). Create a new rule or edit an existing one. The next steps depend on [...] (ID:133)

Message splitting in CodeTwo software and problems when sending an email to multiple recipients »

Problem: When you send an email to multiple recipients, only the rules that apply to the first recipient (in the To field of the message) are executed. As a result, all recipients receive the message version intended for the first recipient. Example: You use CodeTwo software to add different signatures to emails sent to Company A and to [...] (ID:127)

How to avoid problems while designing the footers in old versions of CodeTwo Editor »

Problem: How to avoid problems while designing signatures in old versions of CodeTwo editor. This Knowledge Base article is designed to be used only with versions of the software listed in the Related products section below this article. Older or newer releases may not be affected by the issues described below. Solution: When [...] (ID:121)

How to create a footer with text written from right-to-left as in Hebrew or Arabic »

Problem: While typing in right-to-left language, the text is improperly aligned. Solution: If you need to use Hebrew, Arabic or any other type of right-to-left language, you will have to use special HTML attribute to align the text properly.  Start editing your signature using the built-in Editor. On the HTML tab, click the source [...] (ID:109)

How to prevent Outlook from removing extra line breaks from emails and email signatures »

Problem: An email client such as Outlook disrupts your plain text emails or email signatures by removing breaks between text lines. Solution: If you composed a plain text email (or a plain text email signature in CodeTwo software) and you used the Enter key to create individual text lines, this email/signature may be displayed as a single [...] (ID:98)

How to remove the CodeTwo Exchange Rules license from a user who does not need it anymore »

Problem: You want to take back the CodeTwo Exchange Rules license from a user who no longer needs it. Info Note that CodeTwo Exchange Rules licenses are assigned to every email address that benefits from the program. Consequently, if a user uses two email addresses, such a user will consume two licenses. Solution: To remove a license [...] (ID:95)

How to set the RemoteDomain parameters to force email format in Exchange »

Problem: Emails that were sent in the HTML format are received as Plain Text or RTF messages. You experience this format conversion also in the case of HTML signatures composed in CodeTwo Exchange Rules, CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro or CodeTwo Email Signatures 365. Solution: There may be multiple reasons why emails are delivered in a [...] (ID:84)

How to configure Exchange Server to automatically convert RTF messages to the HTML format »

Problem: You need to configure an Exchange server so that messages to external recipients (i.e. recipients outside your organization) are never sent in the RTF format. You want the RTF messages to be automatically converted to HTML instead. Solution: HTML is the default format in Outlook and Outlook automatically converts all RTF messages [...] (ID:80)

Setting global encoding for outgoing messages at the server level »

Problem: You need to enforce the same encoding in every Outlook client. Solution: The correct choice of encoding for outgoing messages is necessary for the faultless display of language-specific characters found in languages such as Swedish, Greek, Spanish, Danish, etc. There’s an option to change encoding directly in Outlook. However, [...] (ID:77)

How to disable adding signatures created in OWA for Exchange users »

This article applies to Exchange Server 2007 and 2010, and is meant for users of CodeTwo Exchange Rules 2007 and 2010 (both of which are now deprecated). For newer versions of Exchange Server and Exchange Online (Office 365) see this article. Problem: How to disable adding signatures created in OWA for Exchange users. Solution: After [...] (ID:65)

How to use a font type or size that is not included on the font list of the signature editor »

Problem: You would like to use a font type or size that is not displayed on the editor's ribbon. Solution: How to use a font type that is not available on the editor's ribbon How to use a font size that is not available on the editor's ribbon How to use a font type that is not available on the editor's ribbon If you need to use a font [...] (ID:62)

How to prevent Outlook for Windows from adding native signatures »

Problem: You are managing email signatures centrally in your organization by using a dedicated signature software (such as CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 or CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro). You would like to disable native/personal signatures added in Outlook for Windows to avoid the problem of duplicated signatures in your users’ emails. [...] (ID:52)

How to find installation folder for CodeTwo Exchange Rules »

Problem: You need to find the installation folder for CodeTwo Exchange Rules. Solution: If the path was not changed during the installation, then the program is installed in the default folder. For CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro 2.x and Exchange Rules 2019 1.x / 2016 1.x / 2013 2.x* / 2010 3.x* / 2007 4.x*, you will find the default folder [...] (ID:40)

How to insert a detailed signature in the first email, and only simplified in later correspondence »

Problem: Personalized disclaimers can be divided into detailed and simplified. You can set rules so that the first time a message is sent, it receives a large and detailed disclaimer including first name, last name, position, phone no., postal address, and e-mail address, company logo, while in later replies within the same correspondence [...] (ID:14)

How to insert a company disclaimer and a personal signature into one message »

Problem: You want to use older versions of CodeTwo Exchange Rules to insert multiple signatures into one email. For example, you want to insert a company disclaimer, containing information such as a postal address, VAT ID no., company registration number, etc., and a personal signature that includes user's personal details retrieved from [...] (ID:15)

Easy-to-use signature editor - CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Powerful and intuitive HTML signature template editor The template editor featured in CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro will significantly simplify the creation of your [...]

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro - Screenshots and Videos »

Videos Check out the videos below to see how CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro works. See how easy it can be to manage email signatures and email flow for the whole company if you use our solution in your Microsoft Exchange Server environment. Screenshots Browse through this section to get a quick overview of the CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro main [...]

Support for hybrid environments | CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Support for hybrid environments A hybrid environment allows businesses to reap the benefits offered by on-premises Exchange Server as well as Office 365. However, [...]

Different signatures for new emails & replies | CodeTwo »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Fully-composed or simple email signature Some users may not want to get large email signatures with many graphic elements each time they receive an email from you. It [...]

Use Exchange email signatures to run marketing campaigns »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Seize your marketing opportunities and analyze campaigns’ results Automatically added email signatures let you seize all the marketing opportunities your [...]

Recover images removed by iPhone from Exchange emails »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Recover images deleted by iPhone and iPad On iOS devices, such as iPhone and iPad, embedded graphics are removed when a user replies to an email or forwards it. This [...]

One-click surveys in Exchange email signatures | CodeTwo »

Easy customer satisfaction measurement in your email signature Great customer service is indicated by the satisfaction of those who use it. Without a good method of measuring customer satisfaction, companies are in the dark about what their customers think. Adding one-click surveys into signatures with CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro gives [...]

Case Study for CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro - BenComm »

Customer Case Study BenComm Company description Established in 1991 as a telecommunications technical support organization, BenComm is now the leading local provider of Avaya SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) IP Telephony products in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. With over 20 years of market experience, BenComm is now [...]

Exchange Rules Pro - City of Westfield Case Study »

Customer Case Study City of Westfield Company description The City of Westfield is located in the state of Indiana in the USA, north of Indianapolis, and has about 30,000 inhabitants. Problem The municipality of Westfield has 180 employees. They wanted to unify the layout of email signatures in a business correspondence. To this end, a [...]

Exchange Rules Pro - Investment Property Databank Case Study »

Customer Case Study Investment Property Databank Limited Company description IPD (Investment Property Databank) is the world leader in performance analysis for the owners, investors, managers, and occupiers of real estate. The company provides independent consultancy and advice on real estate investments. Problem Email correspondence is [...]

CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO Case Study - Kingston College »

Customer Case Study Kingston College Company description Kingston College is a successful and growing provider of post-16 education and training in South London, playing a crucial role in providing for the learning needs of young people and adults in Kingston and the surrounding area, and helping local employers to develop responses to a [...]

Exchange Rules Pro - St Andrew’s College Case Study »

Customer Case Study St Andrew’s College Company description St Andrew's College in Grahamstown, South Africa was founded in 1855. The prestigious, innovative and independent Anglican boarding school caters for 450 boys from all over the world, from the eighth grade to high school.  Problem The school employs several hundred [...]

CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO user story - PKP Energetyka »

Customer Case Study PKP Energetyka Company description PKP Energetyka was founded in 2001. The company is one of the major sellers and distributors of electricity, including electric traction power for rail carriers in Poland. They also construct, improve and maintain electrical systems.  Problem Before trialing CodeTwo Exchange Rules [...]

Exchange Rules Pro - Wealth Enhancement Group Case Study »

Customer Case Study Wealth Enhancement Group Company description Wealth Enhancement Group is a Minneapolis, Minnesota-based financial planning and advisory services firm with locations throughout the upper Midwest. The company is a receiver of many awards and accolades, which recognize their excellence in wealth management.  Problem To [...]

Exchange Rules Pro case study by Dr. Dr. Wagner GmbH »

Customer Case Study Dr. Dr. Wagner GmbH Company description The company has been present in the Austrian healthcare market for 27 years. Currently, Dr. Dr. Wagner GmbH operates five rehabilitation centers, nine spas, and five nursing homes. Problem Dr. Dr. Wagner GmbH employs nearly one thousand employees. The responsibility for email [...]

Exchange Rules Pro - Silgan Containers Case Study »

Customer Case Study Silgan Containers Corporation Company description Silgan Containers is the largest provider of metal food packaging in the U.S. Although Silgan officially became a company in 1987, its history reaches back to 1899. It was then that Carnation brands began packaging evaporated milk, marking the first of many progressive [...]

CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO Case Study - Gosford City Council »

Customer Case Study Gosford City Council Company description The city of Gosford is located in Australia, north of Sydney and covers an area of 1,029 square kilometers. The Council is responsible for the protection and improvement of the quality and standard of living in Gosford City. It endeavors to satisfy the needs of both residents [...]

Exchange Rules Pro case study by TV18 Broadcast Limited »

Customer Case Study TV18 Broadcast Limited Company description TV18 Broadcast Limited located in India is a very popular television broadcasting network. They provide entertainment and information through many national and regional channels. Facing the challenge of providing fresh news from India for the viewers from all around the [...]

Exchange Rules Pro - Davis LLP Case Study »

Customer Case Study Davis LLP Company description Davis LLP is a leading full-service international law firm whose professionals provide straightforward, comprehensive legal services from offices across Canada and in Japan. More than 240 legal advisors and consultants in almost 50 practice areas represent financial, corporate and [...]

Exchange Rules Pro - UNICEF France Case Study »

Customer Case Study UNICEF France Company description UNICEF, in accordance with its Charter and Mission Statement, works with government, civil society organizations and other partners. The French Committee for UNICEF is one of the 35 committees in the world and works to advance children’s rights to survival, protection, development [...]

CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO case study by Telmex »

Customer Case Study Teléfonos de México S.A.B. de C.V. Company description Teléfonos de México S.A.B, known as Telmex, is a Mexican telecommunications company based in Mexico City. It was founded in 1947 and is owned by Carlos Slim & family, currently second on the Forbes list of World's Billionaires. The company offers a wide [...]

Dynamic QR codes in Exchange email signatures | CodeTwo »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test QR codes in Exchange Server email signatures QR codes initially meant for automotive industry, made it extremely easy to quickly scan useful information onto mobile [...]

Exchange Rules Pro - Email signatures and disclaimers »

« Back to product pageFor better rules management, you can mark each rule with a color category, which helps you organize the rules more efficiently. What’s more, if you created dozens of rules, finding the specific one may be a bit troublesome and time-consuming. CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro helps to solve this inconvenience by [...]

Support for multi-tenant and multi-server Exchange environment »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Scalability, multi-tenant and multi-server environment support CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro is designed to ensure that the high efficiency of settings' propagation and [...]

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro API for developers »

« Back to product page CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro API and SDK (for Exchange hosting companies and developers) CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro includes its own WCF based API working over the HTTP protocol. The API allows users to create custom web (e.g. ASP.NET, Java EE), desktop (e.g. Windows Forms, WPF) and mobile (e.g. Android/iOS using [...]

Remote access to rules for Marketing on Exchange »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Remote access to Exchange email rules for Marketing teams Email signatures are a great way to support your marketing campaigns. However, when a Marketing team needs [...]

Exchange email forwarding tool | CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Email forwarding or rerouting to internal or external users on Exchange server Email forwarding is a powerful feature that can be used to manage and supervise the [...]

Exchange email content control and autoreporting | CodeTwo »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Notifications and email content control in Exchange Server Securing sensitive content from leaking out is crucial for every business. It is also required by the GDPR, [...]

DLP and email filters for Exchange Server | CodeTwo »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Customizable filtering and DLP policies for Exchange server How to stop an email from leaving your organization with critical data in it? Credit card details, [...]

Remove or mask sensitive content | Exchange Rules Pro »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Remove or mask sensitive content in Exchange mail Sensitive data, such as personal information, medical and financial records, source code or credit card number, [...]

Email unsubscribe mechanism software for Exchange Server »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Email unsubscribe mechanism for Exchange Server (CASL compliance tool) Canada’s anti-spam regulations (CASL) introduced the requirement of deploying an email [...]

Legal email compliance - CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Legal email compliance for Exchange Keeping your IT infrastructure, especially email servers, compliant with legal regulations can be extremely challenging. [...]

Email address rewriting for Exchange Server | CodeTwo »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Email address rewriting for Exchange Server It is not unusual for a company to have a general email address provided for all external users to contact it, e.g. [...]

Block, save & compress email attachments in Exchange Server »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Email attachment control on Exchange Server Email attachments can have a huge impact on the overall performance and security of the IT infrastructure, especially in [...]

Server-level automatic replies for Exchange Server »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Server-level automatic replies for Exchange Server Out of the box, Exchange Server has very limited auto-responding capabilities. The basic functionality allows [...]

Images, logos and user photos in Exchange email signatures »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Marketing banners, logos and users’ photos in email signatures Adding images to company-wide email signatures can be tricky. Exchange Server is not equipped with an [...]

Exchange email signatures with Active Directory photos »

How to add email signatures with Active Directory photos to Exchange email? Creating Exchange email signatures with Active Directory pictures is very easy and can be achieved without any knowledge of mail flow rules (transport rules) or HTML. If you have already uploaded users' photos to Active Directory either manually or by [...]

Email disclaimer manager for Exchange Server | CodeTwo »

« Back to product page If you need to manage email signatures centrally in Office 365, check out our CodeTwo Email Signatures 365.   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Add legal disclaimers to company mail "The information [...]

Centrally managed email flow & email signatures in Exchange »

« Back to product page   Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Download free trial no credit card required; free support while you test Central management of email flow and content based on rules Central management of email content, flow and signatures is essential in every Exchange organization. In [...]

Opinions about CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro »

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro has been awarded by Based on user reviews, our advanced email signature management tool is most recommended for Exchange Server organizations and has the best support in the Email Signature category on G2. Users recognized the tool as simple and intuitive, yet also powerful and versatile. G2.comCodeTwo [...]

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro - Prices »

Pricing The license for the software is perpetual - you do not need to renew it annually. The Support contract expires after one year. What does technical support include? All prices shown on the website are net of Value Added Tax and any other taxes or duties. Quick access: New license Additional licenses Upgrade to version 2 Free [...]

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro - Case Studies »

The Exchange administrators of Teléfonos de México S.A.B. de C.V. (Telmex), one of North America's biggest telecomunications companies, talk about why they chose CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro to augment Exchange's built-in email signature management options and other Hub Transport rule capabilities.The French branch of UNICEF (United [...]

Exchange Rules Pro | Frequently Asked Questions »

Frequently Asked Questions - CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro Take a look at the list of Frequently Asked Questions for CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro: Sales  Select and click on a sales-related question:  Functionality Select and click on a functionality-related question:  Technical  Select and click on a technical-related question: 

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro - How does it work? »

How it works CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro lets you manage the email flow on Exchange Server according to rules. It covers a wide range of aspects, including email content control, attachment filtering, message rerouting, email signatures and disclaimers and a whole lot more. The number of combinations of conditions and actions is almost [...]

CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO - the list of features »

Features Below you can find a list of all CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro features. Email signatures and disclaimers Automatic email signatures stamped on the server side. Just one (or a few templates) for the entire company. Learn more... Automatic email content and flow control based on rules. Use conditions, exceptions to build your [...]

Exchange Server email management software | CodeTwo »

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro is an award-winning, Microsoft certified email signature and email flow manager for Exchange 2019, 2016, Outlook and mobiles. Trusted by thousands of companies all over the world, this easy-to-use server application will help you create complex rules to centrally manage email flow and to unify the look of your [...]

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro - Version History »

Version history Version Date: 26 Feb 2024 New: You can now configure conditions (or exceptions) for your rules based on email headers. This lets you apply a specific action (e.g. add a signature) to emails that contain a defined header name, value, or both. Changed: End of support for Exchange Server 2013. Version Date: [...]

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro - Download »

Download a fully functional 30-day trial below or buy a full version here. The product you are about to download (CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro) is an email signature, content and flow manager for Microsoft Exchange 2019 and 2016. Download CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro  Standard installer for Exchange Server 2019 and 2016 with Desktop [...]

What are the system requirements?

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro consists of 2 components:

  • the Administration Panel – a client application with adjustable access rights, in which a user configures email rules and program’s settings;
  • the Exchange Rules Service – a host module responsible for distributing and enforcing rules in an organization. Both components have slightly different system requirements (only 64-bit platforms are supported):

Administration Panel

  • Windows Server 2022 / 2019 / 2016
  • Windows 11 / 10

The Administration Panel can be installed on any machine (server and client) in your domain.

Exchange Rules Service

Operating system:

  • Windows Server 2022 / Windows Server 2019 (including the Server Core version) / 2016

Exchange Server:

  • Exchange 2019 and 2016 with Mailbox role

For more information see this user's manual article.

How do I install CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro?

First install the Exchange Rules Service on each mail processing server (with the Mailbox role) in your organization. Then install at least one Administration Panel on any machine inside your domain that meets these system requirements. The Administration Panel will connect to the Exchange Rules Service, which in turn will take care of distributing settings between servers and enforcing rules.

If you are running Exchange 2013 SP1, please consult this KB article before installing the program.

Instances of the Administration Panel can also be used by non-admin staff, provided that the designated users are granted necessary rule management permissions.

Detailed CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro installation walkthrough

Instructions on how to deploy CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro on the Server Core version of Windows Server

NOTE: The number of servers you have in your organization does not impact the program's licensing. Just purchase licenses for all email addresses in your organization that will be processed by the program. Find out more about CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro licensing details here.

How frequently do you release updates?

Free updates containing minor improvements and bug fixes are released every couple of months.

Paid upgrades containing major changes and brand new features are released less often. To find out what is the difference between updates and upgrades read this article.

You can find the entire CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro release history, including changes introduced in each new version, on this page.

To find out how to update/upgrade your CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro installation see this article.

Where do I find software documentation?

How do I upgrade from version 1.x to version 2.x?

First of all, you have to purchase an upgrade of your version 1.x license package. To do this, go to the CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro order form, select the Upgrade to CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro 2.x option and proceed to place an order for the number of licenses matching the number you currently own.

IMPORTANT: The architecture of CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro 2.0 is different from that of version 1.x. Read this article to make sure that you know what you have to install.

Once you have obtained the license upgrade package, you can start upgrading the software. To do this, follow these guidelines.

How can I check my Support contract validity?

To check your support contract validity for CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro, use this online form.

Can it add disclaimers directly under the latest emails in conversations?

Yes, it can. This is possible thanks to a unique signature positioning algorithm. Learn more here ...

Can the program add different signatures for new messages and replies?

Yes, it can. The program allows to set up different signatures for new emails and different for replies and forwards. Learn more… 

Can I create different signatures for internal and external messages?

Yes, you can. CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro allows to create and insert different signatures to emails depending on the message direction. Find out more…

Can it add different signatures to emails sent to different external domains?

Yes, it can. CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro allows to set up different rules that will insert different signatures to emails sent to specific domains that match external domains specified in the rules’ conditions

Can users choose which signatures will be added to their emails?

Yes, they can. This is possible if rule’s conditions and/or exceptions are based on the content of email body and/or email subject.

For example, if you configure the following rule where a condition is: Body > contains keyword > insert_sig, CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro will look for the phrase "insert_sig" in email body and, upon finding the phrase, add whatever signature you have set up. With these settings, the signature will only be applied if a user puts the "insert_sig" phrase in their email. Phrases can be used in rule’s exceptions as well.

Can a signature be visible while composing an email?

No, it can’t. This is not possible to see a signature while composing an email as signatures are added directly on the server, after hitting the Send button. However, you can enable the Sent Items Update feature to update messages in users’ Sent Items folders. Learn more about the Sent Items Update…

Does it apply rules to emails sent from mobile devices and email clients other than Outlook? What about Mac?

Yes, it does. CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro can apply signatures to any messages (internal, outgoing or incoming) traveling through your mail processing servers, regardless of the email client or mobile device it was sent from. iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone and other smartphones are all supported. The same goes for OWA and standalone email clients such as Outlook, Apple Mail (Mac), Entourage and Thunderbird. 

Can the program remove blank spaces from the signature if some users do not have e.g. a mobile number in Active Directory field?

Yes, it can. Thanks to the Remove Text tags, CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro can remove entire lines from a signature if there is no data to pull from Active Directory for a selected attribute. Learn more on how to properly use Remove Text tags...

Alternatively, you can use the conditional placeholders feature to define a generic phone number to be inserted into a signature if an email sender has no mobile phone number specified in your Active Directory. Learn more

Can non-IT staff, e.g. Marketing department, use it without accessing any other server settings?

Yes, they can. The architecture of CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro allows the server administrator to delegate selected rule configuration duties to other employees (e.g. email signature management to the Marketing team), without risking security or privacy breaches. Learn more here...

Can the program save attachments sent from external email addresses to one location?

Yes, it can. This is possible thanks to the strip/dump attachments feature. You can decide e.g. whether to save or remove attachments, where to save them, or what structure should have the folder with attachments. Learn more about this functionality...

Does it overwrite signatures created by end-users?

At this moment, no. To achieve this, you can use Microsoft's built-in tools:

Can the program send auto replies to emails outside working hours?

Yes, it can. CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro allows creating rules that will automatically send replies to emails outside working hours

Are the program's actions, e.g. centrally added signatures. visible when a user composes a new email?

No, they aren't. The reason is that CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro processes messages (e.g. adds signatures, archives attachments, applies DLP policies) on the server-level, after the user sends their email.

The effects of the program's actions can, however, be displayed in users' Sent Items folders, after a message has been processed. Learn more here ...

Can I create a professional server-level sales or marketing auto response?

Yes, you can. CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro features the fully customizable server-level autoresponder action, which lets you automatically reply to selected incoming messages with a pre-designed email template.

Does the application work with Office 365/Microsoft 365 environments?

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro is compatible with hybrid environments (Exchange on-premises + Office 365 (Microsoft 365)) that have centralized mail transport enabled. For more on deployment and integration with hybrid Exchange read this article.

However, if you have a cloud-only Office 365 environment (with no Exchange server deployed) and you still need an email signature manager to create organization-wide email signatures, consider our CodeTwo Email Signatures 365.

If you have CodeTwo Exchange Rules licenses and plan to migrate to Office 365 / Microsoft 365, we can offer you an attractive discount on CodeTwo Email Signatures 365. Also, you can transfer your existing email signature, disclaimer, and auto-reply rules and templates using CodeTwo Exchange Rules Converter.

Can the application be used in Google Workspace/G Suite organizations?

No, it cannot. CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro is designed for environments based on the Exchange Server. 

Is there an SDK for the API?

Yes, there is. Starting from version 2.0, CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro 2.x includes its own WCF based API which is available at customer request.

Learn more about CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro API

Why do I need this product?

If you are an Exchange administrator, you know that the email flow and content control options offered by MS Exchange Server mail flow rules leave a lot to be desired. Using CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro you can finally overcome the limitations imposed by the native Exchange tools. Here are a few examples of things you can accomplish, if you use our program:

  • Add signatures directly under the latest reply in email conversations
  • Show signatures appended on the server in the “sent items” folder of the sender’s email client
  • Use custom Active Directory fields
  • Give non-IT staff restricted remote access to rules and signatures
  • Schedule autoresponders
  • Manage attachment in all emails traveling through your servers
  • Use a variety of tools (including API) for multi-tenant environments

A detailed comparison between CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro and MS Exchange mail flow rules is available on this page.

How much does it cost?

The CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro pricing is based on the number of email addresses the program is used for. More details, including available license packages and their cost, can be found on this page.

Can I test the product before buying it?

Yes. You can download the CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro fully functional 30-day trial via this page.

Unless you activate the program, after 30 days it will stop applying rules to messages. All your settings will nevertheless be kept, so you will not have to recreate them when you activate the program.

If the standard 30 days are not enough for you, contact us, and we will extend your trial period.

How many licenses do I need to buy?

You only need to purchase licenses for the exact number of email addresses that will benefit from the program. CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro offers several condition and exception options, which let you easily limit the scope of email addresses processed by the program.

To find out more about licensing details go to this page.

Do you offer discounts?

Yes, we offer discounts to:

  • Healthcare, educational and non-profit organizations
  • Resellers who are active in our Partner program
  • Customers who purchase technical support contracts together with product licenses or who extend their contracts before expiration

Additionally, all our products come with volume discounts - the more licenses you order, the less you pay per email address!

Can I return the product after purchasing it?

Yes, you can. If you return the product within 30 days of purchase and delivery, you don't have to fulfill any conditions - we just give you your money back. Find out more about our return policy and 30-day money-back guarantee on this page.