Type a search phrase. Select a product to include its User's manual and FAQ in the search results.
How to convert vCard into QR code and include it in email signatures »
Problem: You would like to insert a vCard as a QR code in an email signature added by CodeTwo software. You want to have this QR code personalized, so that every user has their individual vCard added to their signature. Solution: The vCard standard is a popular and easy way to share contact information. In most PC operating [...] (ID:1069)
Non-Latin or accented characters are displayed incorrectly in emails »
Problem: When you send an email with non-Latin or accented characters in its subject and/or body, the characters are not displayed correctly for your recipient, but instead are shown as a series of question marks, incorrect symbols, etc. Solution: The problem with displaying non-standard characters incorrectly is most likely related to [...] (ID:1050)
Delayed or blocked emails within a hybrid environment »
Problem: Your organization is using a hybrid Exchange environment. Emails recently started to be delivered with a delay or fail to be delivered at all. The problems seem to intensify over time. Solution: The problems you’re experiencing are most likely related to Microsoft’s (Mail) Transport-based Enforcement System that gradually [...] (ID:1039)
How to add the alt text HTML attribute to an image in a signature »
Problem: You would like to add the alternative text (alt text) HTML attribute to images in your signature to make it more accessible to the visually impaired and comply with applicable requirements. Solution: The alt text (alternative text) attribute is used in HTML to describe the appearance or function of an image to people with visual [...] (ID:988)
How to disable image compression in Outlook »
Problem: Outlook reduces the quality of images in emails. This can also affect graphics in email signatures added by CodeTwo software. Solution: By default, the Outlook desktop app on Windows applies image compression to reduce email size. Starting with Outlook for Microsoft 365 version 2109, you can turn off image compression in Outlook [...] (ID:976)
Apache Log4j vulnerability - does it affect CodeTwo software? »
Does the critical vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 in the Apache Log4J library affect any CodeTwo programs? No, we've never used any of the affected libraries in any CodeTwo product. The CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability does not have any impact on your CodeTwo installment. No further action is needed on your end. (ID:967)
How to integrate Microsoft Teams with your email signature in multiple ways »
Problem: You would like to add a link to your email signature that would start a Microsoft Teams call, chat, etc. when clicked by the recipient of your message. Solution: Using CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 and the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family of products, you can enhance your email signatures with links that let your recipients quickly [...] (ID:905)
How to process emails with CalendarPart in CodeTwo Exchange Rules »
Problem: Messages with the CalendarPart property are not processed by CodeTwo Exchange Rules. The CodeTwo Exchange Rules Transport Agent log file contains the following message: Calendar message. Skipping it. Solution: When using the default settings, the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family of products will not process messages with the [...] (ID:899)
CodeTwo Exchange Rules Converter »
Overview The CodeTwo Exchange Rules Converter allows you to make a successful transition between CodeTwo's email signature solutions for on-premises Exchange and Microsoft 365 (Office 365). The application can convert: signature adding rules, autoresponder rules, email signature, disclaimer and auto-reply templates from CodeTwo Exchange [...] (ID:897)
How to add a different signature to emails sent from mobile devices »
Problem: You would like to create a specific signature that applies to emails sent by mobile devices only. Solution: It is possible to add different signatures to emails sent from mobile clients. However, since there is no mechanism to identify a message sent from a mobile device with 100% certainty, a workaround solution is required. It [...] (ID:893)
Spoofed emails receive signatures in the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family of products »
Problem: You receive emails sent by an external sender in an attempt to impersonate a user inside your organization. As a result of this spoofing attempt, they are processed by CodeTwo Exchange Rules and receive signatures and/or disclaimers identically to authentic emails. Solution: The problem occurs because software belonging to the [...] (ID:891)
How to add different signatures to new emails, replies and forwards »
Problem: You are using CodeTwo email signature management software and you want it to automatically add different signatures to new messages and replies or forwards in email conversations. Solution: All email signature managers from CodeTwo allow you to set up different signatures for new and subsequent emails. The setup procedure depends [...] (ID:882)
How to check if my environment is hybrid? »
Problem: You need to check if the environment you are working with is cloud-only, purely on-premises or if it implements any hybrid configuration. Solution: The hybrid environment in most cases refers to an Office 365 tenant perpetually connected with an on-premises infrastructure. Active Directory synchronization The primary feature that [...] (ID:859)
How to add personalized email signatures to emails sent from shared mailboxes »
Problem: Emails sent from shared mailboxes, like [email protected], have a team-specific email signature added, but the signature doesn’t contain any information about the specific user who sent the email. Solution: If you want to add a personalized signature to a message sent from a shared mailbox, as a CodeTwo software user, you [...] (ID:856)
Animated GIF support in email signatures »
Problem: Can I use animated GIFs in email signatures created with CodeTwo software? Does it work on every email client? Solution: Animated GIF images are supported and can be added to HTML email signatures just like any other image files. These images will be displayed by every email client that supports HTML, but they will not always be [...] (ID:813)
CodeTwo Reseller Panel: frequently asked questions (FAQ) »
This article contains a list of questions frequently asked by CodeTwo partners and resellers. How can I place an order? When I place an order, how is the customer's license delivered? How can I calculate the product price? Can I order multiple products at the same time? Can I transfer a license to a different end user? How can I pay for [...] (ID:810)
The Server Monitor is not working »
Problem: The Server Monitor is not working correctly. For example, servers are not displayed. Solution: Use the links to read about the most common problems and recommended solutions. Servers are not listed due to security settings CodeTwo Exchange Rules services are not registered in ADSI Edit Servers are not listed due to security [...] (ID:807)
How to deploy CodeTwo signature software in a hybrid environment »
Problem: You are looking for the best way to implement CodeTwo email signature software in your hybrid Exchange environment. Solution: Since the architecture of CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 and CodeTwo Exchange Rules (including the Pro version) is completely different, the type of software you can use mostly depends on the location of [...] (ID:805)
How to send files to CodeTwo Customer Support »
Problem: You would like to send files (such as program logs, screenshots, emails, etc.) to CodeTwo for diagnostic purposes. Solution: To ensure maximum safety of your files and speed up our response, you should only send us files via a dedicated file upload form. There are two ways to access it: If you have the license key for your [...] (ID:802)
Phone links in email signatures are not recognized by mobile devices »
Problem: You use CodeTwo software to add click-to-call links with the sender's phone number to email signatures. These links are not recognized by your recipients' mobile devices: tapping the links does not launch any application. Solution: CodeTwo programs feature several AD attribute placeholders that allow you to have click-to-call [...] (ID:795)
How to remove email signatures added by mobile devices »
Problem: When people in your organization use mobile devices to send emails, their devices add default email signatures (such as the Sent from my phone text line) or other native mobile email signatures that get mixed with signatures added by CodeTwo software. You would like to remove these mobile signatures to keep your company's [...] (ID:789)
How to send a test email between any users in Exchange/Office 365 »
Problem: You want to send an email message from one user to another, without the need to access the mailboxes of these users. This is helpful for testing purposes. For example, you would like to send a test email from a specific user to yourself to examine how email rules are executed in your organization. Solution: Usually, if you want [...] (ID:788)
How to automatically remove signature elements (placeholders) that cannot be replaced with AD data »
Problem: Your email signature template contains an AD attribute placeholder that is dynamically filled with a matching attribute value from Active Directory when an email is sent. If the sender does not have this particular attribute in AD, then an empty space is left in the signature where the placeholder should be. This article shows [...] (ID:787)
Troubleshooting problems with connection to Exchange Rules services »
Problem: The Administration Panel is not able to connect to the Exchange Rules Service, and you get various errors. Solution: Use the links below to learn about the most common problems and how to solve them. Connection to the Exchange Rules Service cannot be established via proxy Connection problems related to firewall settings You are [...] (ID:785)
How to add email signatures directly under latest messages »
Problem: You are using CodeTwo email signature management tools and you would like your signatures to be added right below each sent message (including replies and forwards) instead of at the bottom of an email conversation. Solution: By default, email signatures are always added directly beneath the body of each sent message. This means [...] (ID:783)
Error: The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted »
Problem: You get the following error message when using CodeTwo software: The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted. Solution: This error is related to your environment and the way your system manages domain-related queries or tasks. CodeTwo software uses default system-wide AD libraries. The above error can [...] (ID:775)
How to make sure CodeTwo Exchange Rules supports TLS 1.2 in hybrid environments »
Problem: Starting 31 October 2018, Microsoft makes TLS 1.2 the default security protocol in Office 365. TLS 1.0 and 1.1 still work, but Microsoft does not provide support in case of connection or compatibility issues. This article explains how to ensure that the software from the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family supports TLS 1.2 for [...] (ID:765)
How to avoid wrapping of text in email signatures »
Problem: You would like to prevent the text in your email signature from wrapping to the next line (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. Text wraps in an email signature. Solution: Depending on your signature layout, the text may wrap, for example when it is too long to fit the screen. If you want to stop the text in a specific part of your signature [...] (ID:743)
How signatures are added to emails sent as / sent on behalf of other users »
Problem: You send emails as (on behalf of) other users in your organization. You would like to manage whose signature (yours, or the person's you are sending as) is added by CodeTwo software. Solution: You can manage whose signatures are added by assigning appropriate delegate rights (Send As / Send on Behalf) to user mailboxes in your [...] (ID:710)
How to solve font-related problems in email signatures »
Problem: Fonts in email signatures are not correctly displayed. Solution: The appearance and availability of a font in an email message depends on the client and device used to read this email. If fonts used in your email signature are not supported by the recipient's environment, these fonts are not displayed or they get replaced with [...] (ID:708)
How to transfer signatures between different CodeTwo products »
Problem: You would like to copy a signature (or a signature template) from one CodeTwo product to another. Solution: If you want to transfer all your existing signature templates (as well as auto-reply message templates) from CodeTwo Exchange Rules or CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro to CodeTwo Email Signatures 365, you can simply use the [...] (ID:698)
How to keep templates in sync across multiple Administration Panels »
Problem: You work with one of CodeTwo Exchange Rules products and use multiple instances of the Administration Panel. You noticed that custom templates stored in the template library of one of the Administration Panels are not available for use from other Panels. Solution: Apart from using built-in templates, the user can create custom [...] (ID:692)
Troubleshooting problems with emails and email signatures on mobile devices »
Problem: You experience various problems with signatures and email layout when you send emails from mobile devices. For example, when you use a mobile device to reply to / forward a message that includes images and formatting, the layout of this message falls apart. Solution: When the user forwards or replies to a message, the mobile [...] (ID:683)
How to create a rule that applies to individual users and not to distribution groups they belong to »
Problem: You use Exchange distribution groups and want to set up a rule (in the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family of products) that will apply only to individual recipients, not to the distribution groups that include these recipients. Let's consider the following example: An auto-reply is set for John Smith, who is a member of the [...] (ID:677)
Understanding basic mail related terms: message header, reply separator, source code, message file »
This article explains the differences between an internet message header, message reply separator, message source code, and message file. What is an email message header? Message headers (also known as email message internet headers or email headers) are a piece of information that is added to a message traveling through a mail server [...] (ID:672)
Images in email signatures – linked or embedded? »
Modern HTML email signatures can include images (as well as other multimedia content). Graphics can be included as: Linked (online) images: these images aren’t a part of an email signature itself but are stored somewhere on the Internet. To add them to your signature, you need to provide an address (URL) to their location. When you [...] (ID:662)
Small email text on iOS devices »
Problem: On iOS devices, an email body that contains a signature inserted using one of CodeTwo’s email signature products is sometimes too small to read and requires a user to zoom in. Solution: Since iOS resizes the HTML email to fit the screen size, make sure that the width of an inserted table or image is not too large. When [...] (ID:656)
How to stop link previews from being displayed in emails »
Problem: You created an email signature template that includes a URL, e.g. a link to your newest video. When you send a message and a recipient views it in Outlook on the web (OWA) or Outlook.com, a preview of this URL is automatically displayed (Fig. 1.), which changes the whole layout of your signature. Fig. 1. A link preview [...] (ID:623)
How to add a placeholder-based image »
Problem: You wish to add an image to a signature or disclaimer that would be different for each of the senders. The address of such an image should be made out of a static web address and information gathered from Active Directory. Solution: The main idea here is to upload desired image files to a web server, so the images become [...] (ID:581)
How to fix problems with importing CodeTwo Exchange Rules settings »
Problem: You are not able to import a settings file you previously exported from the program, due to the following (or similar) error: Failed to import settings. Element 'http://www.codetwo.com:SecuritySettings' contains data from a type that maps to the name 'http://www.codetwo.com:SecuritySettingsEx'. The deserializer has no knowledge [...] (ID:561)
Enable WCF Tracing »
Problem: You would like to enable tracing of any WCF service or application, for diagnostic purposes. Solution: Every WCF service and application comes with its own CONFIG file. The CONFIG files are located in the same directory as executable files of the service or application. We strongly recommend that you create a backup copy of [...] (ID:553)
CodeTwo signatures are not added to emails in an Exchange server - Troubleshooting »
Problem: Signatures are not added by a program from the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family. Important If you use CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 and experience a signature-related problem, go to this article instead. Solution: There may be several reasons for this behavior. The most likely causes and solutions are described below. Missing [...] (ID:551)
How to avoid duplicates in the Sent Items folder »
Problem: After installing one of the programs from the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family, you see two or more copies of each message in the Sent Items folder. Solution: There are two main reasons for such behavior. Use the links to learn more. The option to create a copy of the original message when updating Sent Items is turned on [...] (ID:548)
Disable native signatures in Outlook on the web (OWA) and the new Outlook for Windows »
This article applies to Exchange Server 2013, 2016, 2019, and Exchange Online (Microsoft 365). For older versions of Exchange Server, i.e. 2007 and 2010, see this article. Problem: You would like to prevent users from creating individual signatures and adding them to emails in Outlook on the web (OWA) and the new Outlook for Windows. [...] (ID:535)
How to view message headers in Outlook and OWA »
Problem: You were asked by the CodeTwo Customer Success Team to provide them with the message header of your email. Solution: Click a link below to view instructions for: Outlook on the web (Microsoft 365) Outlook Web App (OWA) Outlook for Windows (recommended method for MSG/EML files) Outlook for Mac Tip A message header may not be [...] (ID:532)
Problems installing CodeTwo agent on Exchange 2013 CU11 »
Problem: You experience problems with CodeTwo agent of MS Exchange Transport Service during installation of CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software and CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro in environments with multiple Exchange Servers, from which at least one is Exchange Server 2013 with Cumulative Update 11 (CU11) installed. Solution: So far, [...] (ID:521)
The message could not be dispatched in CodeTwo Agent »
Problem: You see similar entries in the CodeTwo Transport Agent logs: „Error: The message could not be dispatched because the service at the endpoint address 'net.pipe://localhost/ER.Engine/MailsProcessingUnit' is unavailable for the protocol of the address. module: CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary”), Such an error message indicates an [...] (ID:518)
How to set up a proxy to work with CodeTwo software »
Problem: You are unable to establish a LAN or WAN connection required by our software and services when using a proxy. Solution: To resolve problems with proxy connections you should understand how they work and what they do. You should also know how to configure proxy settings in your environment and what tools to use to diagnose a [...] (ID:515)
Signatures are not visible in emails in the Sent Items folder on mobile devices »
Problem: While displaying sent messages on mobile devices, the signatures and disclaimers are not included despite enabling the Sent Items Update service. Solution: Follow the steps below to make sure first that you have configured the Sent Items Update service correctly and that it is actually working: Send a message that meets [...] (ID:505)
How to set the format of date and time placeholders »
Problem: You need to customize the display format of time and date used by time-related placeholders (such as {Current date/time} or {Future date / due date}) in CodeTwo software. Solution: CodeTwo software allows you to customize the placeholder date format in many ways. You may, for example set the program to display full name of the [...] (ID:500)
Error related to deserializing object graph »
Problem: The following error occurs in one of the WCF services used by CodeTwo software: The InnerException message was 'Maximum number of items that can be serialized or deserialized in an object graph is '65536'. This problem is related to the default WCF service limits that your CodeTwo program has reached. This may happen in some [...] (ID:498)
Limit the visibility of AD object for desired users »
Problem: You want to limit the visibility of a particular Active Directory object (e.g. Organizational Unit) for desired users only. Such configuration may be helpful especially for environments including tenants. Solution: To hide specific object you need to apply necessary changes directly in the Active Directory, as every CodeTwo [...] (ID:495)
How to add a user to Organization Management group »
Problem: How to manually manage the Organization Management group membership. Solution: Add a desired user to the Organization Management group using Windows PowerShell: Run Powershell. Check the Powershell version by typing cmdlet: $PSVersionTable The empty response means you are using version 1.0. For versions 2.0 and newer you [...] (ID:493)
How to change the update time for Active Directory values in CodeTwo Exchange Rules products »
Problem: The Active Directory data used by CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro 2.x or CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software in placeholders and conditions is not refreshed automatically after having been modified in AD. You need to wait a while to see the updated values in rules and signatures. Solution: By default, the AD data is refreshed in [...] (ID:491)
Good practices for preparing an email signature »
Problem: You are preparing email signature templates in our email signature management software and you would like to follow the best practices. This will allow you to avoid problems when designing them and using them in your communications. Solution: You can start by watching our quick video tutorial: Read on for detailed guidelines and [...] (ID:488)
On an iPhone device, the size of text in a signature is larger than defined »
Problem: The design of your signature defines size of the text smaller than 13px. However, the iPhone devices are displaying the text larger than expected, therefore the layout of your footer may be distorted. Solution: The main reason to this situation is default rendering behavior on iPhone devices. Currently, the smallest available [...] (ID:481)
Diagnosing CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software (newer versions) »
Problem: CodeTwo assistance is required with your CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software problems or advanced configuration. Solution: Follow the steps below to collect all diagnostics: This Knowledge Base article is designed to use with latest versions of CodeTwo software. If you are using version older than the ones listed in the [...] (ID:479)
How to preserve spacing in AD fields »
Problem: You have an Active Directory field with some additional spacing in it, for example field Title: IT Administrator that contains two spaces between "IT" and "Administrator". But when you send an e-mail, the placeholder Title is filled with just "IT Administrator", i.e. the additional space gets removed. Solution: HTML-rendering [...] (ID:478)
Display language of the AD field "Country" »
Problem: The {Country} placeholder is filled with an incorrect value, for example, instead of a local country name (Deutschland), the English name of the country appears (Germany). Solution: The Country field in Active Directory consists of three attributes: c – 2-character ISO-3166 country code, e.g. US, co – the name of the [...] (ID:474)
How to avoid proxy-related issues when using the Sent Items Update service »
Problem The Sent Items Update (SIU) service is unable to process messages because of the proxy configuration, therefore all messages in Sent Items folder are not stamped with the signatures. Also, you are unable to configure the service correctly, as you are receiving the following error: The request failed. The remote server returned an [...] (ID:470)
How to fix common image-related problems in signatures »
Problem: You experience various problems with images in email signatures, e.g. embedded pictures are not displayed in received emails, are misplaced in the message thread, or disappear when replying/forwarding. Solution: Embedded images are images that are inserted directly into the body of the message, as opposed to images that are [...] (ID:467)
Error: The WS-Management service cannot process the request. »
Problem: You cannot install the software because of the error message: The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The system load quota of 1000 requests per 2 seconds has been exceeded. Send future requests at a slower rate or raise the system quota. The next request from this user will not be approved for at least 1991904000 [...] (ID:459)
How to remove spacing between e-mail body and signature »
Problem: While composing a signature you may encounter a problem where the spacing between e-mail body and signature is too wide. This may be caused by incorrect signature design or unnecessary tags used in the HTML code of the signature. Solution: Here are the most common reasons to such a behavior: There may be an empty paragraph tag [...] (ID:455)
How to check if CodeTwo Exchange Rules Engine service is published in ADSI Edit »
Problem: You need to check if the CodeTwo Exchange Rules Service is registered in ADSI Edit. This might be useful when troubleshooting some very specific issues in CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro and CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software. Solution: To find out if the CodeTwo Exchange Rules Engine is published, follow these steps: Open [...] (ID:452)
Support for multiple domains in the Exchange Rules software family »
Problem: CodeTwo Exchange Rules family (starting version 2007 4.x, 2010 3.x, 2013 2.x) and CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO (starting version 2.x) do not find users and groups from the root domain, when MS Exchange and CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software are installed in a subdomain. Additionally similar problem could take place when you [...] (ID:447)
How to use multi-line notes in signatures and disclaimers »
Problem How to use multi-line notes from Active Directory in your signatures and disclaimers. Such fields may be used to present your opening hours and many more. Solution On the Exchange Server simply open Active Directory Users and Computers tool, then navigate to the user you want to add notes. In our example it will be User1. [...] (ID:439)
Messages from Apple devices and mobile devices are sent in plain text »
Problem: A message sent from an Apple device (iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc.) or a mobile device (e.g. based on Android) is sent in the plain text format. As a result, the signature added by CodeTwo software to this message does not look as expected (Fig. 1.) or is not added at all (if you have not configured the template for the plain text [...] (ID:438)
CodeTwo Exchange Rules software failed to save licensing data »
Problem: Due to insufficient user rights, CodeTwo Exchange Rules software cannot activate your license. During the activation, the application tries to save some important data to your disk, but returns an error, as it does not have permissions to do that. This issue persists if the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled. Fig. 1. Failed [...] (ID:435)
How to find the EWS URL and how to test it »
Problem: You want to know the URL of Exchange Web Services (EWS). Solution: Finding the EWS URL on a client access server Finding the EWS URL by using the configuration of Web Services Virtual Directory Testing the EWS URL Finding the EWS URL on a client access server Most Exchange servers have the Client Access Server (CAS) role [...] (ID:429)
Incorrect address or SOAP action »
Problem: The CodeTwo Exchange Rules Service (of CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro or CodeTwo Exchange Rules) does not start. An error window might appear (Fig. 1.), with the following message: There was no endpoint listening at http://localhost:5020/ER.Engine/SettingsStorage/Viewer that could accept the message. This is often caused by an [...] (ID:428)
You are not able to resend a message updated by SIU »
Problem: You cannot use a resend option for a message processed by the Sent Items Update service (SIU) of CodeTwo Exchange Rules PRO or CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software. The attempt to resend the e-mail ends with the following error message in your Outlook: You do not have permissions to send the message on behalf of the [...] (ID:423)
Sent Items Update troubleshooting »
Problem: The Sent Items Update service (SIU) in CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software, including CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro 2.x, cannot properly connect with Exchange Web Services (EWS). As a result, signatures are not being included in the Sent Items folder. In the log files, you may find the following errors: The request failed. [...] (ID:383)
How to troubleshoot a problem with access rights to rules (error 1301) »
Problem: You experience problems with access rights in CodeTwo software. For example, unauthorized users can access email rules. The program shows a warning (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. The notification related to a problem with access rights. The software's log files contain the following message: An error (1301) occurred while enumerating the [...] (ID:382)
How to delete OWA (Outlook on the web) signatures in Microsoft Exchange »
Problem: You want to remove email signatures in OWA (Outlook on the web) for multiple or individual users. Solution: Important The solution applies to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and Microsoft Exchange Online* (Microsoft 365). Before running the commands listed below, ensure that you are signed in as a user who is a [...] (ID:377)
How to convert an HTML signature template to RTF or Plain Text »
Problem: You want to create RTF and Plain Text versions of an HTML signature to make the signature work on all devices, including the mobile ones. Solution: The quickest and easiest way to convert an HTML signature into an RTF or plain text one is to use the Convert button located in the Format group on the Main tab of the editor’s [...] (ID:234)
External email addresses are treated as internal »
Problem: External email addresses are treated as internal by CodeTwo software. As a result, your email rule conditions do not work as expected. For example, rules designed to cover only internal users are also triggered for external users. Solution: By default, when external users are added as contacts to your organization's Active [...] (ID:292)
An email rule is applied more than once to the same message »
Problem: An email rule configured in CodeTwo software is executed twice or multiple times on a single message. As a result, users get two signatures instead of one or experience similar problems. Solution: This problem may occur in various cases. It's usually related to the configuration of your environment because all CodeTwo products [...] (ID:280)
How to include vCards as QR codes in email signatures »
Problem: You would like to insert a vCard as a QR code in an email signature added by CodeTwo software. You want to have this QR code personalized so that every user has their individual vCard added to their signature. Solution: The vCard standard is a popular and easy way to share contact information. In most PC operating [...] (ID:256)
Noninterpersonal messages »
Problem: Rules are not executed upon noninterpersonal messages (non-IPMs) and, as a result, signatures are not added. The log files contain the following message: Non interpersonal message. Skipping it. Solution: Sometimes the software from the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family does not follow the rules despite the fact that they are [...] (ID:255)
How to optimize the message processing speed in CodeTwo Exchange Rules software family »
Problem: You would like to optimize the mail processing speed in CodeTwo Exchange Rules / CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro. Solution: CodeTwo Exchange Rules and CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro are advanced mail management software. The program allows you to create multiple email rules. Each of this rules can have several conditions and [...] (ID:253)
Hyperlinks: how to change their color and style, and add Active Directory attributes »
Problem: You would like to learn how to modify hyperlinks in email signatures created with CodeTwo software. For example, you want to create hyperlinks of any color and styling, remove the default blue color and underline, or insert attribute values from Entra ID (Azure AD) or Active Directory into these links. Solution: By making small [...] (ID:250)
How to export rules settings in CodeTwo Exchange Rules »
Problem: How to export rules settings in CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software. Solution: CodeTwo Exchange Rules family is provided with a built-in Import/Export tool that allows you to easily backup and restore or copy existing rules settings. The software's menu differs slightly between versions, but in all of them, Import/Export [...] (ID:248)
How to reduce line spacing in a signature template »
Problem: There is a large gap between the lines in your signature template created in CodeTwo Exchange Rules software. Solution: This happens when you press Enter to go to the next line (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Two lines of text entered as separate paragraphs. Signature editor used in CodeTwo Exchange Rules software interprets the Enter key [...] (ID:247)
3 steps to correct message encoding in emails »
Problem: Regional characters (such as ü, ä, ø, etc.) in signatures and disclaimers added by CodeTwo Exchange Rules are not displayed correctly. Instead of the actual characters, users see strings of ? signs. Solution: This issue is most likely caused by incorrect encoding settings. For example, the proper display of European regional [...] (ID:241)
How to change the letter case of AD values inserted into signatures with CodeTwo Exchange Rules »
Problem: Active Directory text values inserted into placeholders are not correctly formatted. Solution: Email signatures added by CodeTwo software can contain placeholders. These placeholders are automatically filled with Active Directory data when a signature is added. It might happen that user attributes in the AD are not properly [...] (ID:233)
How to save a signature as a template »
Problem: You want to save the signature you’re working on as a template so that you can use it again in the future. Solution: Saving signatures as templates is a simple way to reduce the time spent on creating multiple signatures that do not differ much. It also allows you to easily restore the signature to its saved version in case of [...] (ID:232)
How to extend the timeout for services if they fail to start or stop »
Problem: CodeTwo services cannot be started or stopped. Solution: In some environments, applications installed as Windows services may require more time to start or stop. Click on the links below to learn how to change the timeout for service applications in Windows. A service does not start A service does not stop A CodeTwo service is [...] (ID:228)
How to set the priority of the CodeTwo Exchange Rules Transport Agent »
Problem: You need to change the order of transport agents on the transport agent’s priority list. Solution: During the installation of CodeTwo Exchange Rules family software (including CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro) or when applying Service Packs to the Windows Server operating system, the order of transport agents may change. The [...] (ID:224)
How to insert individual vCard links into email signatures »
Problem: You would like to insert individual vCard links into email signatures so that each email sent by a user in your organization contains a link to this person's electronic business card. Solution: CodeTwo signature-adding programs enable you to use dynamic fields from Active Directory in signature templates. These fields are added [...] (ID:207)
How to add dynamically changing image links to emails »
Problem You would like to insert image links (images that are linked to a web resource) into email signatures, and these images should dynamically change every time a new message is sent so that each message gets a different picture. For example, you have several marketing banners, and you would like CodeTwo software to add a different [...] (ID:201)
A signature is inserted in a wrong place in a message »
Problem: A signature is added in a wrong place inside the body of an email message. For example, your signature is inserted at the end of an email conversation thread instead of directly under your latest response. Solution: Incorrect location of inserted signatures is usually caused by non-standard reply separators used by your email [...] (ID:195)
How to place pictures side by side in a signature »
Problem: You would like to put two (or more) pictures next to each other in CodeTwo's signature template editor. Solution: To place pictures next to each other in the editor, you need to create a table with a separate cell for each of your images. Using tables is the best way to keep a proper appearance of images across different [...] (ID:180)
How to use regular expressions »
Problem: How to use regular expressions. Solution: Regular expressions are formulas that can be used to match or find character strings by employing wildcards and metasigns. In CodeTwo Exchange Rules family the regular expressions may be used for removing a sensitive content or check if the subject contains some regular text. As opposed [...] (ID:177)
How to manually install, uninstall or temporarily disable CodeTwo Exchange Rules Transport Agent »
Problem: Software products from the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family process emails via a dedicated Exchange transport agent: CodeTwo Exchange Rules Transport Agent. Normally, the agent is installed automatically together with the program. On rare occasions, the installation of the Transport Agent might fail and you need to install it [...] (ID:176)
Suppressing and forcing email signatures via keywords in CodeTwo Exchange Rules software family »
Problem: You would like to use the software from the CodeTwo Exchange Rules family to add signatures only to messages that include specific keyword phrases. Solution: You can use the software to set keyword phrases that, once added to an email body or subject, trigger or suppress an email signature. The recommended solution depends on [...] (ID:169)
How to find the license key in CodeTwo software »
Problem: You need to find the license key for your CodeTwo software. Solution: CodeTwo applications are activated to the full version by entering a 25-character license key that you receive once the order is paid for. Finding the license key/activation code in CodeTwo software With the exception of CodeTwo Public Folders, the license [...] (ID:167)
Message splitting in CodeTwo software and problems when sending an email to multiple recipients »
Problem: When you send an email to multiple recipients, only the rules that apply to the first recipient (in the To field of the message) are executed. As a result, all recipients receive the message version intended for the first recipient. Example: You use CodeTwo software to add different signatures to emails sent to Company A and to [...] (ID:127)
How to create a footer with text written from right-to-left as in Hebrew or Arabic »
Problem: While typing in right-to-left language, the text is improperly aligned. Solution: If you need to use Hebrew, Arabic or any other type of right-to-left language, you will have to use special HTML attribute to align the text properly. Start editing your signature using the built-in Editor. On the HTML tab, click the source [...] (ID:109)
How to prevent Outlook from removing extra line breaks from emails and email signatures »
Problem: An email client such as Outlook disrupts your plain text emails or email signatures by removing breaks between text lines. Solution: If you composed a plain text email (or a plain text email signature in CodeTwo software) and you used the Enter key to create individual text lines, this email/signature may be displayed as a single [...] (ID:98)
How to remove the CodeTwo Exchange Rules license from a user who does not need it anymore »
Problem: You want to take back the CodeTwo Exchange Rules license from a user who no longer needs it. Info Note that CodeTwo Exchange Rules licenses are assigned to every email address that benefits from the program. Consequently, if a user uses two email addresses, such a user will consume two licenses. Solution: To remove a license [...] (ID:95)
How to set the RemoteDomain parameters to force email format in Exchange »
Problem: Emails that were sent in the HTML format are received as Plain Text or RTF messages. You experience this format conversion also in the case of HTML signatures composed in CodeTwo Exchange Rules, CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro or CodeTwo Email Signatures 365. Solution: There may be multiple reasons why emails are delivered in a [...] (ID:84)
How to configure Exchange Server to automatically convert RTF messages to the HTML format »
Problem: You need to configure an Exchange server so that messages to external recipients (i.e. recipients outside your organization) are never sent in the RTF format. You want the RTF messages to be automatically converted to HTML instead. Solution: HTML is the default format in Outlook and Outlook automatically converts all RTF messages [...] (ID:80)
Setting global encoding for outgoing messages at the server level »
Problem: You need to enforce the same encoding in every Outlook client. Solution: The correct choice of encoding for outgoing messages is necessary for the faultless display of language-specific characters found in languages such as Swedish, Greek, Spanish, Danish, etc. There’s an option to change encoding directly in Outlook. However, [...] (ID:77)
How to use a font type or size that is not included on the font list of the signature editor »
Problem: You would like to use a font type or size that is not displayed on the editor's ribbon. Solution: How to use a font type that is not available on the editor's ribbon How to use a font size that is not available on the editor's ribbon How to use a font type that is not available on the editor's ribbon If you need to use a font [...] (ID:62)
How to prevent Outlook for Windows from adding native signatures »
Problem: You are managing email signatures centrally in your organization by using a dedicated signature software (such as CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 or CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro). You would like to disable native/personal signatures added in Outlook for Windows to avoid the problem of duplicated signatures in your users’ emails. [...] (ID:52)
How to find installation folder for CodeTwo Exchange Rules »
Problem: You need to find the installation folder for CodeTwo Exchange Rules. Solution: If the path was not changed during the installation, then the program is installed in the default folder. For CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro 2.x and Exchange Rules 2019 1.x / 2016 1.x / 2013 2.x* / 2010 3.x* / 2007 4.x*, you will find the default folder [...] (ID:40)
Download CodeTwo Exchange Rules 2019 »
Trial version CodeTwo Exchange Rules 2019 can be used for free for personal and commercial purposes during the 30-day trial period. Once the trial period has expired, the program stops processing rules and adding signatures. If 30 days do not suffice for your company to fully test the software and you would like to extend the trial [...]
Exchange Rules 2019 - Version History »
Version History Wersja Data: 26 Feb 2024 Nowość: You can now configure conditions (or exceptions) for your rules based on email headers. This lets you apply a specific action (e.g. add a signature) to emails that contain a defined header name, value, or both. Version Date: 17 Aug 2023 New: When configuring the Sent [...]
Email signature and disclaimer manager for Exchange 2019 »
Key features Unify email signatures in your company Watch this video to see how our program can help you unify email signatures & disclaimers of all employees in your company. Overview CodeTwo Exchange Rules 2019 is a powerful email signature and disclaimer management solution for Exchange Server 2019. This server app allows you to [...]
Sent Items Update »
As signatures/disclaimers are added to sent mail directly on Exchange Server, they are not visible in the mailboxes' Sent Items folders. To allow users to view signatures in their email clients, we have equipped CodeTwo Exchange Rules with the Sent Items Update (SIU) feature that enables updating sent emails, processed by the program, [...]
Overview »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules is a mail processing solution for Microsoft Exchange that enables centralized management of signatures in Exchange 2019 and 2016. Unlike the Mailbox role on bare Exchange, the program comes with several additional options, breaking the standard approach to email rules while simultaneously simplifying their [...]
Active Directory attributes in email signatures and disclaimers »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules enables you to insert Active Directory attributes (such as First name, Company, etc.) into email signatures. These variables are added as placeholders in the template editor and are automatically filled with dedicated information pulled from your AD. The program offers a wide variety of predefined placeholders [...]
Installation process »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules was designed for organizations that use Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 or 2016 for mail processing. Use the links below to learn about the software installation, installation management, upgrading, and more. General guidelines (read this before installing) Installation in multi-server environments Installation in [...]
Logon settings »
After the installation of CodeTwo Exchange Rules, each Active Directory user is authorized to manage the email rules by default as long as he / she has access to the particular Administration Panel. That is why after the installation of the first Administration Panel, access rights should be instantly configured. Learn more about [...]
Log files »
Log files contain diagnostic information that can be used to review the problem if the program deviates from its intended behavior. To display the log files, open up Server Monitor located in the ribbon of the Administration Panel. Next, choose the server you want to check the log files for and click the button either for Exchange [...]
Licensing »
The application is licensed per email address, and the licenses are sold in the license packs. More information on licensing can be found on the pricing site of each product from the Exchange Rules family. Do I have to renew the license annually? No. Licenses for the software are perpetual. This means you are not obligated to renew it [...]
Sender »
The Sender condition type is used to define the scope of senders that once met will trigger an action to be processed by the program. To define the scope of senders in the Conditions tab, expand the Field's context menu and choose Sender (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. Choosing Sender on the Conditions tab. Info If you do not add senders to the [...]
Grouping conditions »
Besides defining individual conditions in rules, the Administrator of the program can also group the chosen Conditions and create the logical And / Or relationship between them, in the same way, as in the case of bare conditions. Owing to this solution, any clause of grouped conditions can work as a separate unit from other conditions [...]
Restore images removed by iPhone and iPad »
The Restore images removed by iPhone and iPad action in CodeTwo Exchange Rules is used to restore images that were automatically removed from an email when a user responded from an iPhone or iPad. The action works for both outgoing and incoming messages (provided that these messages fulfill the conditions defined in a parent email rule). [...]
Managing access rights »
The software comes with Access Rights Management feature that allows you to customize software's permissions. This feature is disabled by default in CodeTwo Exchange Rules, however, you can easily find it in the top menu bar (Fig. 1.) and enable by checking Switch on Access Rights Management checkbox (Fig. 2.) and submitting changes. [...]
Supported platforms and requirements »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules is designed to work with two* versions of Exchange Servers: 2019 and 2016. There are two main components that have to be installed. Their requirements differ slightly from each other. Study the description and table below to get an overview of supported systems and requirements enabling its smooth and uninterrupted [...]
Message splitting »
If you send an email to multiple recipients, and different rules are set to apply to these recipients, you would like each recipient to get the right version of your message. That is why CodeTwo Exchange Rules comes with the message splitting capability. This option is enabled by default. Use the links below to find out more about [...]
Rules Tester »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules comes with a feature called the Rules Tester. It is designed to allow you testing your deployed rules behavior on virtual emails, so you can check what happens with a particular email without actually sending it. Within the Rules Tester, one can modify several parameters of the message such as message format (HTML, [...]
Quick guide to creating rules »
This section shows the example of how to create a signature adding rule along some chosen, additional options. Once the installation of CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family is completed and you have already configured the access rights to rules, you may move on to create your rule. You can either add a new rule straightaway or start with [...]
Configuration of rules »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family enables creation of email rules that will be triggered by the program prior to meeting the defined conditions while the messages are traveling through the Exchange Server. In the subsections of this section, you will learn how to define the conditions / exceptions of rules, the groups of conditions / [...]
Web analytics tools »
This section describes how to integrate CodeTwo Exchange Rules with web analytics tools. The integration of these tools lets you measure the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns and measure how much traffic you get from them. What are web analytics tools? What is URL tagging and why use it? Why integrate CodeTwo Exchange Rules [...]
Options »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family offers two additional features associated with the way the rules are processed (Fig. 1.): Processing subsequent rules Scheduler Fig. 1. The Options tab. Processing subsequent rules The Subsequent Rules (Processing the rules that follow) feature allows to force the application to process or stop [...]
Template editor »
One of the major features of CodeTwo Exchange Rules is that it comes with built-in template editor (Fig. 1.) that can help you compose signatures, disclaimers and other personalized email sections. Fig. 1. The template editor. The template editor is a standalone application with a user-friendly interface. The editor's window contains [...]
Activation »
Prior to activating CodeTwo Exchange Rules, you need to install the trial version first. Once the trial is installed, you do not have to reinstall the program or use any other installer to activate the full version. Simply run the Licensing program on each Exchange server equipped with the Exchange Rules Service and provide the License [...]
Body »
The Body condition is used to define the message body (content of an email) that once met will trigger an action to be processed by the program. To define the message body within the Conditions tab, expand the Field context menu and choose Body (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. Choosing Body on the Conditions tab. There are two [...]
Template library »
Instead of creating a new signature/disclaimer template from scratch, you can choose it from the variety of predefined templates and adjust it to your needs. The ready-made templates are available via the template library (Fig. 1.), which is an integral part of the template editor. Fig. 1. The template library. Apart from using the [...]
Register CodeTwo application in Microsoft Entra ID »
The Sent Items Update (SIU) service in CodeTwo Exchange Rules connects to Microsoft 365 (Office 365) by using the secure OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol. To enable this connection, first you need to register the CodeTwo application in Entra ID (Azure AD) for all Microsoft 365 tenants that will be used in your CodeTwo software. Next, to [...]
Connecting to Exchange Rules Service »
As CodeTwo Exchange Rules can be operated via the Administration Panels installed either in a domain or non-domain environments, the program lets you define the most efficient connection type in which the Administration Panel will connect to the Exchange Rules Service (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. Connection settings tab. There are two types [...]
Mechanism processing secure messages »
Secure messages including encrypted and digitally signed messages are fragile in terms of modifications applied to their body. As a result, some of the actions performed on these messages can either damage the encryption or invalidate a digital sign. However, CodeTwo Exchange Rules is equipped with the secure messages processing [...]
Using previous versions' settings »
If you are updating CodeTwo Exchange Rules to the newest version or performing a new installation and want to make you use of rules created on any previous version of CodeTwo Exchange Rules family, the Settings importer tool will do the trick. This component is installed along Exchange Rules Service or the Administration Panel and [...]
One-click surveys »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules can be integrated with third-party one-click survey services. Such integration lets you add customer satisfaction surveys into your automatic emails and gather feedback from your customers. To learn more about the benefits of adding one-click surveys to your email signatures and how to set them up in CodeTwo [...]
Categories »
All rules can be easily grouped into the categories - a single category consists of chosen name and selected color. One category can belong to multiple rules at a time, and likewise, multiple rules may belong to one category. To manage categories you can use the Rule categories tab, located in the program's Settings. Fig. [...]
Program's architecture »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules is a program used for adding footers to messages traveling through the Exchange Server. Its architecture is based on two components responsible for the creation of email rules and their processing: Exchange Rules Service - it is a set of services responsible for processing rules, and settings defined within the [...]
Hybrid environments »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules supports installation in hybrid environments with Exchange Server on-premises and Exchange Online (Office 365). Successful deployment of the software in hybrid environments relies on proper mail flow configuration by the admin. The general principle is to route all messages through the on-premises part of your [...]
Insert different signatures for new mail and replies / forwarded messages »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules lets you create personalized signatures / disclaimers that will be inserted to your mail. Furthermore, you can adjust the program's settings to automatically insert either a detailed or a simplified signature depending if an email is sent for the first time or later in a correspondence. This can be achieved by [...]
Hints to getting started »
This section describes how to get started with CodeTwo Exchange Rules by providing hints associated with the program's installation, settings, and configuration. Installation Install the Exchange Rules Service on Exchange Server with the Mailbox role installed. In multi-server environments, install the Exchange Rules Service on each [...]
Administration Panel »
The Administration Panel of CodeTwo Exchange Rules is the console that enables central management of email rules within an organization. The Administration Panel can be installed using the setup wizard of the program during the initial installation of the software or at any point later via the Control Panel. The panel consists of several [...]
Exchange Rules Service »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules Service is one of the two major components of the program. It consists of the set of components / services and is directly responsible for processing settings and rules yet applying them to messages traveling through the Exchange Server within the organization. Once the setup of CodeTwo Exchange Rules is initiated [...]
How to uninstall CodeTwo Exchange Rules »
Removing CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family is as easy as uninstalling it from the Windows Control Panel: Go to your Windows Control Panel. Click on Programs and Features (or Add or Remove Programs in older Windows version). Find CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family on the list, right mouse click on it and choose Uninstall. Follow the uninstaller [...]
Installation »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules is designed to work with two* versions of on-premises Exchange Servers: 2019 and 2016, as well as with hybrid environments (Exchange Server on-premises tied with Exchange Online / Microsoft 365). Important * CodeTwo Exchange Rules 2007, 2010 and 2013 are deprecated. Study the articles below to learn more [...]
Server Monitor »
As CodeTwo Exchange Rules is designed to work in a wide variety of scenarios including multi-server environments, it was equipped with the Server Monitor tool that enables viewing all the instances of the program in one place to track and manage their operation status and performance. To open up the tool click Server Monitor in the [...]
Insert different signatures for internal and outgoing mail »
If you want to insert different signatures / disclaimer into internal and outgoing emails, CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family lets you create the rules that will distinguish the message direction and insert appropriate signature / disclaimers into your users emails. Getting started To configure the program to insert different signatures to [...]
International encoding support »
While defining a new rule, the file containing the disclaimer / signature you want to add to a message is identified. As messages can be encoded using various regional settings, we recommend that the files with disclaimers use UTF-8 or Unicode encoding. To create a rule, it is recommended to use the built-in template editor that will [...]
Trial version »
The trial version of CodeTwo Exchange Rules can be used for free for 30 days. During this period, the program works exactly the same as the full, licensed version. Once the 30-day trial period is over, the program will not process messages anymore. The software will notify the admin automatically via email when the trial period is about [...]
Insert signature »
The Insert signature action in CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family is used to add signatures to emails, that meet the defined criteria in Conditions. This feature can be utilized to automate and facilitate the addition of company signatures, legal notes, branding, etc. to company emails without installing additional software on the client [...]
First steps »
First time using the program? CodeTwo Exchange Rules is designed to simplify and centralize the management of email signatures and disclaimers on Exchange Server. It allows you to unify the looks of business email correspondence without engaging your end-users. Here are some useful links: System requirements and licensing Supported [...]
How to update or upgrade and what is the difference »
The version number The program version is always visible at the very top of the main window of the program. It consists of 4 numbers separated by dots, e.g., following the pattern below: [major].[minor].[maintenance].[build] which mean the following: [major] - the first figure is the major version number and it changes rarely, [...]
Integration with CrewHu »
This article describes how to set up CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family to add CrewHu one-click surveys to your Exchange Server email signatures. CrewHu is an employee recognition software, which makes it possible to measure customer satisfaction (CSAT) with one-click surveys. The collected customer feedback can be viewed in the form of [...]
CodeTwo Exchange Rules Converter »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules Converter is a stand-alone ClickOnce application that lets you automatically transfer your email signatures and signature-adding rules from CodeTwo Exchange Rules to CodeTwo Email Signatures 365. The tool is especially helpful if you plan to migrate from on-premises Exchange to Microsoft 365 (Office 365) and you [...]
How the software processes messages sent as / on behalf of other users »
A user or a group of users may have permission to send messages as other users or on their behalf. These permissions are known as delegate permissions. See the examples below to learn which rules are applied for users sending as / on behalf of other users. Example 1: User A has the Send As permission to User B's mailbox. When User A [...]
How to »
The sub-sections of this article provide the configuration steps of the program's advanced usage and typical scenarios. Please study the examples below to learn how to: Insert different signatures to internal and outgoing emails Insert different signatures for new mail and replies / forwarded messages Insert marketing campaign banners [...]
How to insert marketing banners to outgoing mail »
Creating signatures including some rich media on bare Exchange Server may sometimes be troublesome because it most often requires installing add-ins to enrich your content. CodeTwo Exchange Rules lets you create professional-looking signatures / disclaimers including most types of rich media, like graphics, banners, photos, etc. using [...]
Exceptions »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules processes messages based on the defined conditions. However, you can also define exceptions from Conditions that once met will exclude messages from being processed. Info As the configuration of exceptions is the same as conditions, learn more about conditions before setting up any exceptions. The exceptions from [...]
Importing / exporting settings »
The program is equipped with a feature that enables import and export of rules (including import of sample rules). Thanks to this option, you will be able to export rules and import them to any other instance of the program. Additionally, you will also be able to convert settings from any previous version of CodeTwo Exchange Rules [...]
Conditional placeholders in email signatures and disclaimers »
In addition to regular placeholders, CodeTwo Exchange Rules lets you take advantage of the so-called conditional placeholders that you can insert into signature and disclaimer templates. While a regular placeholder is always replaced with the same value of a selected Active Directory (AD) attribute, a conditional placeholder can be [...]
Advanced features and options »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules offers variety of advanced features and options that boost the program's functionalities and significantly improve its operation. These features are available in Settings, Import / Export tabs and Conditions: In the Settings window: Sent Items Update - service responsible for updating processed messages in the [...]
Recipient »
The Recipient condition is used to define the scope of recipients that once met triggers an action to be processed by the program. To define the scope of recipients within the Conditions tab, expand the Field's context menu and choose Recipient (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. Choosing Recipient on the Conditions tab. Info If you do not add [...]
Actions »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules was designed to manage email rules that initiate footer adding Actions to messages traveling through the Exchange Server. These actions are jobs specified by the Administrator that are executed by the program while processing messages. Info Please note that you can define one or several actions within a single [...]
Conditions »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules processes messages based on the specified conditions. Conditions are criteria specified by the user that must be met by a message in order for this message to be processed by a given rule and for the rule action to be triggered. If the message does not meet the conditions, it will be rejected, and the rule's actions [...]
Subject »
The Subject condition is used to define the message subject that once met will trigger an action to be processed by the program. To define the subject within the Conditions tab, expand the Field context menu and choose Subject (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. Choosing Subject on the Conditions tab. There are two factors (Fig. 2.) that need to [...]
Integration with Hively »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family lets you add Hively snippets to email signatures. The snippets provide recipients with an option to rate their customer satisfaction with a single click on a rating button that appears in an email. The integration of CodeTwo Exchange Rules and Hively gives you the following benefits: You can embed customer [...]
Integrations »
In this section you will learn how to integrate our software with third-party solutions. We will show you, for example, how to track the performance of your banner marketing by integrating your graphics with web analytics tools and how to enhance your email signatures by adding one-click surveys. Use the navigation menu on the left or the [...]
Deployment on Server Core »
This article contains information on how to deploy CodeTwo Exchange Rules on the Server Core version of Windows Server. The program needs to be deployed on an Exchange server with the Mailbox server role installed. Since Server Core has no graphical user interface (GUI), only the basic components of CodeTwo Exchange Rules, necessary to [...]
Add graphics (e.g. a company logo or user photos) to signatures »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family allows you to insert various graphics into your disclaimers and signatures, including logo of your company, marketing banners or even high-resolution users photos. This article is divided into several sections. Use the links below to find out more. Overview: linked and embedded images Configuring a new rule [...]
Reinstall or move to a different machine »
Sometimes you may need to reinstall the program or even to move it to a different computer. See below how to do that. Reinstallation Reinstallation of the software is rarely required. However, it may happen that it will be recommended by CodeTwo Support, for example when you accidentally remove some of the installation files or Windows [...]
Understanding CodeTwo Exchange Rules »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules offers many options to configure your signature rules and requires several services to perform these tasks. This section will help you understand the program better. Click the links below to learn more. Program's architecture - an overview of how the program is designed Exchange Rules Service - read about the set [...]
Secure message type »
By default, the program processes both encrypted and digitally signed messages. However, you can use the Secure message type condition to define which of these messages will actually be processed. Learn how the secure messages are processed by the program To define the Secure message type condition, go to the Conditions tab, expand the [...]
Insert disclaimer »
The Insert disclaimer action in CodeTwo Exchange Rules is used to add disclaimers to emails, that meet the defined criteria in Conditions. The feature can be used to automate and facilitate the addition of company disclaimers, legal notes, branding, etc. to company emails without installing additional software on the client [...]
Create similar signatures for different departments »
CodeTwo Exchange Rules allows you to add email signatures which are especially useful for external recipients, as you may add necessary contact information. However, for larger companies a single external signature might not be enough. You can easily define two similar signatures that are adjusted for particular departments. Let us say [...]
Using wildcards »
Wildcards are characters that take form of an asterisk (*) followed or preceded by a particular character (-s) and are used to replace other characters in strings, e.g. *@company.com, *test*, *@company*. In CodeTwo Exchange Rules, wildcards are case-insensitive and may be used to define email addresses and keywords in strings. Therefore, [...]
Message header »
The Message header condition can be used within a rule to specify message header name and/or value that, once met, will trigger the program to process the rule and perform the associated action(s). What are message headers? If you’re not sure what message headers are, first have a look at this short explanation. To add the Message [...]
Message direction »
The Message direction condition is used to specify the message direction type that once met will trigger an action to be processed by the program. To define the message direction, expand the Field context menu on the Conditions tab and choose Message direction (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. Choosing Message direction on the Conditions tab. There [...]
Apply full composition »
The Apply full composition action in CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family is used to configure a template for signatures / disclaimers comprising of all available layouts: header, signature and side banners that will be added to sent mail once processed by the program. How to configure this action To activate this action, click Add in the [...]
Integration with Google Analytics »
Integration of CodeTwo Exchange Rules and Google Analytics makes it possible to track email signature campaigns and evaluate their effectiveness (Fig. 1.): Fig. 1. Tracking email signature campaigns' performance. Follow the steps below to insert URLs with Google Analytics tags to your emails in CodeTwo Exchange Rules by using a [...]
Integration with Woopra »
This section describes how to integrate CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 with Woopra to allow easy tracking of the results of marketing campaigns. Woopra is a web analytics tool which gathers information on your web traffic. The statistics generated by Woopra can be used to assess the effectiveness of your email signatures marketing [...]
Integration with Matomo (formerly Piwik) »
This section describes how to integrate CodeTwo Exchange Rules with Matomo. The integration of those two tools lets you measure the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns and analyze how much traffic you get from them (Fig. 1.): Fig. 1. Tracking email signature campaigns with Matomo. URL tags available in Matomo Web analytics [...]
Message type »
The Message type condition is used to specify the message type that once met will trigger an action to be processed by the program. To define the message type, expand the Field context menu on the Conditions tab and choose Message type (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. Choosing Message type on the Conditions tab. There are two [...]
Feedback »
Your feedback is very important to us. It has continuously helped us develop better applications and we strongly encourage you to send us your concerns and suggestions about new and existing features. Your opinion shapes new functionalities and drives changes in the forthcoming versions of our software. Share your opinion on CodeTwo [...]
Frequently Asked Questions »
Please click the link CodeTwo Exchange Rules Family to read Frequently Asked Questions.
The dropdown Help menu »
In the dropdown Help menu one can find such useful information like direct links to the User's manual, the Program's website and the general info on the CodeTwo Exchange Rules in the About tab. Furthermore, you can also contact the Technical Support and make use of the diagnostic data in Log files (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. The [...]
Why do I need this product?
While the Exchange Server mail flow rules offer several signature adding options, they are limited and lacking in usability compared to what can be achieved using CodeTwo Exchange Rules. Here are a few examples of things you can’t accomplish using native Exchange Server capabilities, which are supported by our program:
add signatures directly under the latest reply / forwarded message in email conversations (Exchange Server disclaimers are added always at the very bottom of an email thread);
add images (e.g. company’s logo or user photos) to a signature so that they are visible directly in recipients’ email clients (not as attachment);
show signatures appended on the server in the “sent items” folder of the sender’s email client;
compose signature templates using a convenient visual HTML editor with Active Directory placeholders;
- omit adding blank lines to signatures when there are no Active Directory data for a given user. You can read more about this feature in our Knowledge Base.
See this page for a detailed comparison between CodeTwo Exchange Rules and native mail flow (transport) rules in Exchange.
How much does it cost?
The cost depends on the number of email addresses you will use CodeTwo Exchange Rules for. A breakdown of available license packages and their prices can be found on this page.
Can I get a discount?
Yes, you can.
- If you are a healthcare, educational or non-profit organization.
- If you want to become a CodeTwo reseller, please take a look at our reseller program.
Do I need to buy licenses for all my users?
No, you don’t. You only need to purchase licenses for email addresses that will benefit from the program. For more licensing details, refer to the How many licenses do I need? section of this page.
What are the system requirements?
CodeTwo Exchange Rules consists of 2 components: the Administration Panel - a client application with adjustable access rights, in which a user configures rules; and the Exchange Rules Service - a host module responsible for distributing and enforcing rules in an organization. For full information about the system requirements see this Userguide article.
Will it add signatures to emails sent from mobile devices?
Yes, it will. In fact, CodeTwo Exchange Rules can stamp any email traveling through your Mailbox servers. Regardless of the email client it was sent from. iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and other smartphones are supported.
Will the program remove blank spaces from a signature if there is no data in Active Directory for a selected attribute?
Yes, it will. The program can remove black space from a signature providing the Remove Text tags are used.
If you need more flexibility, you can use a conditional placeholder. That way, you can for example define a generic value which will be used if AD data is missing. Learn more
Can I add signatures directly under email replies/forwards?
Yes, you can. Simply place the signature in the proper place in the template editor while configuring your rule. Learn more here.
Can I add a different signature to my first email and a different signature to subsequent emails?
Yes, you can. This article explains how you can do it.
Can I create different signatures for internal and external messages?
Yes, you can. CodeTwo Exchange Rules allows to create different email signatures and insert them to internal and/or external messages. To learn more about this functionality visit this User’s manual article.
Can I use different signatures in emails sent to different external domains?
Yes, you can. CodeTwo Exchange Rules allows to set up different signatures for different emails, including emails sent to various external domains. For this purpose, you need to create separate rules with external domains specified in the rule’s conditions as well as create email signatures you want to insert once conditions are met.
Can the program auto respond to emails outside working hours?
No, it can’t. If you need this functionality, check out CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro, which allows creating rules that can automatically send replies to emails outside working hours.
What if an email is sent to recipients who should receive different signatures?
The Message Splitting feature takes care of this issue. With it enabled, CodeTwo Exchange Rules will send copies of a message stamped with different signatures to recipients included in different rules.
What if I have multiple Mailbox servers?
The program’s architecture allows the administrator to manage any number of servers without jumping from desk to desk or touching Remote Desktop. Just install the Exchange Rules Service on each Mailbox server. Once you do this, one Administration Panel will be enough to manage an organization of any size. The Administration Panel will connect to one Exchange Rules Service, which in turn will take care of distributing settings between servers and enforcing rules.
NOTE: Instances of the Administration Panel can also be used by non-admin staff, provided they are granted custom rule management permissions.
As for licensing, the number of servers you have in your organization is irrelevant. Just purchase licenses for all email addresses in your organization that will use the program's features, and let us know in the Comments section of the order form how many servers you have - we will send you the necessary number of license keys.
Can I test the product before I decide whether I want to purchase it?
Yes, you can. The fully functional free CodeTwo Exchange Rules can be downloaded from this page.
The free version is fully functional for 30 days. After this period, the program stops adding signatures. If you want to extend the trial period, please contact our support team.
Where can I find documentation for the product?
All CodeTwo Exchange Rules software documentation is available online. Just follow the below links.
Will signatures be visible when users compose new emails?
No. The signatures are appended on the Exchange Server after the message has been sent and left the sender’s email client.
Can users choose what signature is attached to their email?
Yes. This is possible thanks to the fact that rule conditions and exceptions can be based on the contents of the body and/or subject of emails.
For example, if you configure a rule with a condition set to: Body > contains keyword > stamp_me, CodeTwo Exchange Rules will look for the phrase "stamp_me" in email bodies and, upon finding the phrase, insert whatever signature you have set up in this rule into emails. In this scenario, the signature will only be inserted if a user includes the "stamp_me" phrase in their email.
Phrases can also be used as basis for rule exceptions.
Can senders see the signature?
Yes, the senders can see the signature in their Sent Items folders, after they send the email. The feature responsible for this is the Sent Items Update.
Can the program save all attachments sent from external addresses to one location?
No, it can't. If you need this functionality, check out CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro, which offers the strip/dump attachments feature to control email attachments in an organization.
We use different email clients in the network – is this a problem?
No. Any email traveling through your Mailbox or HubTransport servers can be stamped. In other words: all email clients that can hook up to your Exchange Server are supported.
Where are the settings stored?
CodeTwo Exchange Rules settings are by default stored in the following location: C:\ProgramData\CodeTwo Exchange Rules
Help! Some users are not getting their emails stamped with the signature.
Make sure that:
- The problematic users are included in the necessary rules. To learn more, read this article in the user's manual.
- CodeTwo Exchange Rules is installed on all servers with the Mailbox role in the organization, as per this article.
- All your active rules have signature templates created in all 3 available formats – HTML, RTF and Plain Text. Otherwise, it is possible that e.g. mobile phone users will not get their emails stamped with a signature. See this Knowledge Base article for more.
If you meet all of the above requirements and the problem persists, please send diagnostic information listed in this article along with a short description of the issue to our Support Team.
Is every Outlook version supported?
Yes. All desktop and mobile mail clients that connect to Exchange are supported.
Is Outlook for Mac supported?
Yes, it is. All desktop and mobile mail clients that connect to Exchange are supported.
Does the application work in hybrid environment?
Yes, but it requires the proper mail flow configuration.
CodeTwo Exchange Rules is compatible with the on-premises Exchange and Office 365 (Microsoft 365) hybrid, as long as it has centralized mail flow enabled.
Learn more about integration of CodeTwo Exchange Rules with hybrid environments.
Is Office 365/Microsoft 365 supported?
Yes, but only in a hybrid Exchange deployment (an environment with both on-premises Exchange server and Office 365 / Microsoft 365 configured), with centralized mail transport enabled. Learn more
If you are interested in an email signature management software that handles organization-wide email signatures in Office 365 (Microsoft 365) in a non-hybrid deployment, consider using CodeTwo Email Signatures 365. If you own a product license key for CodeTwo Exchange Rules, we can offer you an attractive discount for migration to our Office 365 signature manager.
You can move rules configured to insert signatures/disclaimers as well as your custom signature templates to the tenant that is used with CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 – we have a tool for that.
Will it remove users’ existing Outlook signatures?
Not yet. We are working on it, and plan to add this in future releases. In the meantime you can still remove users’ existing Outlook signatures via GPO and disable adding signatures created in OWA via EMC.
Can our marketing people manage it without accessing other settings of the server?
Yes, they can. They can do it thanks to the fact that the Administration Panel can be installed independently of the server-level Exchange Rules Services. The administrator, using the Rules Access Rights Management feature, can also control users' rule access permissions (by assigning them different roles) as well as rules rights (assigning view, edit and delete permissions).
How often are updates released for the product?
We release free updates and bug fixes every couple of months.
Major paid upgrades are released less often - only when a host of new features is added. The difference between updates and upgrades is explained in this article.
For information on how to update/upgrade CodeTwo products see this article.
How can I check my Support contract validity?
You can check the validity of your Support contract by using this form. To verify that, you need to provide your license key of CodeTwo Exchange Rules. If you use multiple license keys for the same program, provide just one of the keys.
What is the return policy?
You can return the product within 30 days of purchase and delivery - no questions asked. Learn more about the CodeTwo return policy and 30-day money-back guarantee.