Type a search phrase. Select a product to include its User's manual and FAQ in the search results.
How the deprecation of Basic Authentication in Microsoft 365 affects CodeTwo Backup »
Problem: You would like to know if the retirement of Basic Authentication impacts CodeTwo Backup’s ability to access and back up various data in Microsoft 365 such as mailboxes, public folders, SharePoint sites, OneDrive sites, etc. Solution: Exchange Online in Microsoft 365 Microsoft disabled Basic Authentication in Exchange Online in [...] (ID:1008)
Diagnosing CodeTwo Backup »
Problem: CodeTwo assistance is required when you experience problems with CodeTwo Backup or require advanced configuration of the software. You need to provide a description of your environment and/or send certain diagnostic files to CodeTwo. Solution: Follow the steps below to provide comprehensive diagnostics to CodeTwo Support. Gather [...] (ID:977)
How to disable timeout and throttling alerts in CodeTwo Backup »
Problem: You would like to stop receiving alerts related to communication problems (such as timeouts and throttling) in the Administration Panel of CodeTwo Backup. Solution: To prevent CodeTwo Backup from generating the alerts, you need to modify the value of the DontGenerateBackupAlertOnCommunicationProblems parameter in the program’s [...] (ID:969)
CodeTwo Backup requires additional licenses to back up public folders »
Problem: You are not able to back up your public folders due to insufficient number of licenses. However, you believe that you have enough licenses to run the backup job for selected scope of users. Solution: During the provisioning of public folders, a default permissions level is set to allow all your users to modify the contents of [...] (ID:965)
How to change the retention period for good/bad news alerts in CodeTwo Backup »
Problem: You would like to increase or decrease the time over which good news and bad news alerts are stored in the CodeTwo Backup log files and displayed in the program’s Administration Panel. Solution: The period over which alerts are stored is controlled by three parameters: GoodNewsRetentionDays controls how much time will have to [...] (ID:928)
How to back up mailboxes from a subdomain »
Problem: You want to back up mailboxes from a subdomain, but they are not detected by CodeTwo Backup when creating a new backup job or when running an existing backup job. Solution: To create backups of mailboxes from a subdomain, you have to modify the configuration of CodeTwo Backup in the following way: If the program is running, stop [...] (ID:927)
How to resolve problems with accessing SharePoint Online sites in CodeTwo Backup »
Problem: When configuring or running backup/restore jobs in CodeTwo Backup, you get one of the following errors: Cannot contact site at the specified URL . Access to this site has been blocked. Cannot contact site at the specified URL . There is no Web named . You can’t choose this option because the original site collection no [...] (ID:922)
Microsoft 365 sign-in screen appears blank when configuring a connection to Exchange Online »
Problem: When configuring a connection to Microsoft 365 (Exchange Online) in CodeTwo backup or migration software, the Microsoft sign-in screen is not displayed correctly (blank screen is shown) and you cannot enter your credentials. This is similar to what is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Blank Microsoft 365 sign-in screen. Solution: This [...] (ID:915)
How to resolve an internal server error in CodeTwo Backup and CodeTwo Office 365 Migration »
Problem: You are unable to restore or migrate data to the selected Microsoft 365 (Office 365) mailbox. You get the following error: An internal server error occurred. The operation failed. or Unable to upload item - [Item ID]. Error: An internal server error occurred. The operation failed. Solution: This error may occur if the mailbox [...] (ID:887)
How to use connections created by other users in CodeTwo Backup »
Problem: CodeTwo Backup does not allow you to use server connections or edit jobs that use server connections configured by other users. Solution: CodeTwo Backup can be operated by any local user account that has access to the machine where the program is installed. However, server connections configured by one user cannot be used by [...] (ID:877)
How to reconfigure obsolete server connections that use Basic Authentication in CodeTwo Backup »
Problem: After updating CodeTwo Backup to the new version, some connections are marked as [obsolete] and there is a permanent alert shown on the Bad news card that reads: Server connection '{Connection displayname}' needs to be reconfigured to use Modern Authentication (OAuth 2.0) when connecting to Microsoft 365. Otherwise, jobs that [...] (ID:875)
How to check if my environment is hybrid? »
Problem: You need to check if the environment you are working with is cloud-only, purely on-premises or if it implements any hybrid configuration. Solution: The hybrid environment in most cases refers to an Office 365 tenant perpetually connected with an on-premises infrastructure. Active Directory synchronization The primary feature that [...] (ID:859)
How to register CodeTwo applications in Entra ID (Azure AD) »
Problem: You want to manually register CodeTwo application in your Microsoft Entra ID tenant. Solution: CodeTwo Backup (starting version 2.3.x). CodeTwo Office 365 Migration / CodeTwo Exchange Migration (starting version 3.2.x) and the Sent Items Update service in CodeTwo Exchange Rules family of software (starting version x.14) connect [...] (ID:840)
Troubleshooting CodeTwo license status verification issue »
Problem: When you start your CodeTwo product, access the licensing information or start a job, you get the following errors: Failed to verify the program license status. Check your internet connection and restart the program. System info: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: licenseKeyDesc or There was an error deserializing the [...] (ID:828)
How to fix problems related to remote PowerShell connections »
Problem: Due to various PowerShell errors, you cannot configure a server connection to the target on-premises Exchange environment in your CodeTwo software. You may encounter one of the following errors: Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message: The WinRM client cannot process the request. or The request for [...] (ID:824)
How to import PST files to Outlook despite errors »
Problem: You receive the following error when importing a PST file to Outlook: Some items cannot be copied. They were either moved or deleted, or access was denied. Solution: There are number of reasons why PST files get corrupted or damaged, one of which being their size (bigger PST files tend to become corrupted more easily). The error [...] (ID:822)
Microsoft security policies prevent creating app passwords in Microsoft 365 »
Problem: After enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) for the entire organization (or for admins only) by applying Security defaults or using Conditional Access Policies, app passwords may no longer be available for the affected users. This prevents you from using app passwords in your CodeTwo software to connect to your Microsoft [...] (ID:821)
Custom columns are missing in restored SharePoint lists »
Problem: After restoring a backed-up SharePoint list to another list with CodeTwo Backup, the list is missing several columns. Solution: SharePoint lists usually consist of several columns that contain additional information about list items. It is possible to add default types of columns to the list or create custom ones. Either way, [...] (ID:816)
Mailboxes are not backed up due to ID mismatch »
Problem: While running an Exchange backup job in CodeTwo Backup, some mailboxes fail to back up and you receive the following message: Failed to back up mailbox '' because its ID doesn’t match the ID of the mailbox existing in the storage. Solution: This issue occurs only if you have backed up a Microsoft 365 (Office 365) mailbox [...] (ID:815)
CodeTwo Reseller Panel: frequently asked questions (FAQ) »
This article contains a list of questions frequently asked by CodeTwo partners and resellers. How can I place an order? When I place an order, how is the customer's license delivered? How can I calculate the product price? Can I order multiple products at the same time? Can I transfer a license to a different end user? How can I pay for [...] (ID:810)
OneNote synchronization problems after restoring a backup »
Problem: After restoring a backed-up OneNote notebook to a SharePoint library by using CodeTwo Backup, you are experiencing synchronization issues in OneNote or you cannot save changes to a notebook page at all. Solution: Certain settings need to be disabled in a document library in SharePoint Online or on-premises SharePoint Server if [...] (ID:806)
Office 365 group mailboxes are not being backed up »
Problem: CodeTwo Backup fails to create a backup copy of an Office 365 group mailbox. You receive the following error: Couldn’t connect to Office 365 group mailbox '{email}' because the group is private and there are no mailbox-enabled users added as owners or members to that group. Solution: Office 365 users can be assigned as owners [...] (ID:803)
How to send files to CodeTwo Customer Support »
Problem: You would like to send files (such as program logs, screenshots, emails, etc.) to CodeTwo for diagnostic purposes. Solution: To ensure maximum safety of your files and speed up our response, you should only send us files via a dedicated file upload form. There are two ways to access it: If you have the license key for your [...] (ID:802)
Troubleshooting impersonation rights error »
Problem: When you are migrating mailboxes or running data backup or restore jobs by using CodeTwo software, you get the Failed mailbox message on the Bad news card with the following information: The account does not have permission to impersonate the requested user. A similar error may also occur when using the Sent Items Update [...] (ID:799)
Troubleshooting problems with unavailable Exchange Web Services »
Problem: While using CodeTwo software, your migration or backup job fails with the following error message: Exchange Web Services are not currently available for this request because none of the Client Access Servers in the destination site could process the request. Solution: This error occurs when connecting to Exchange Web Services. [...] (ID:797)
Troubleshooting the ‘Mailbox does not exist’ error »
Problem: You are no longer able to start backup or migration jobs in CodeTwo software or perform other actions that involve connecting with your Microsoft 365 (Office 365) tenant. You receive the following or similar errors: Unable to perform this command. Mailbox does not exist Failed to resolve source mailboxes email addresses [...] (ID:781)
How to retain folder permissions after restoring/migrating public folders with CodeTwo software »
Problem: You want to restore/migrate public folders to another Exchange environment by using CodeTwo Backup or CodeTwo migration software. At the same time, you want to keep the same folder permissions as configured on your source environment in order to restrict access to some of the folders to a specific group of users. Solution: By [...] (ID:780)
Error: The specified object was not found in the store »
Problem: When using CodeTwo backup or migration software, you receive the following error: Error: The specified object was not found in the store. Can't connect to the mailbox of user Mailbox database guid: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx because the ExchangePrincipal object contains outdated information. The mailbox may have been [...] (ID:779)
How to split an existing storage into smaller ones in CodeTwo Backup »
Problem: Due to the growing volume of Exchange and SharePoint data kept in a single storage in CodeTwo Backup, you need to split that storage into a few smaller ones. Solution: To divide a storage into smaller ones, you need to create a new storage (or storages) and manually move selected data (Exchange mailboxes as well as SharePoint [...] (ID:769)
How to make sure CodeTwo Backup supports TLS 1.2 »
Problem: Starting 31 October 2018, Microsoft makes TLS 1.2 the default security protocol in Microsoft 365 (Office 365). TLS 1.0 and 1.1 still work, but Microsoft does not provide support in case of connection or compatibility issues. This article explains how to ensure that CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 supports TLS 1.2 for communication [...] (ID:762)
Changing time limit for creating list lookups in CodeTwo Backup »
Problem: You receive the following exception while attempting to restore the backed-up SharePoint data with CodeTwo Backup: Creating a single list lookup for list '' exceeded the set time limit of 30 minutes. The lookups for this list are not restored. Solution: When restoring a SharePoint list, the program first retrieves all items [...] (ID:760)
Troubleshooting CodeTwo certificate validation problems »
Problem: You are unable to use or access key features of your CodeTwo product or even start the program itself. You receive one of the following messages: Failed to verify application certificates on this machine. or The library is signed with an invalid certificate. or The program cannot access the CodeTwo licensing service or the [...] (ID:759)
How to change the versioning settings in SharePoint »
Problem: When restoring SharePoint data in CodeTwo Backup, you receive notifications informing you that the program was unable to change or restore some or all versioning settings for a list or library in your SharePoint environment. Solution: Before attempting to restore any data, CodeTwo Backup modifies the following versioning [...] (ID:755)
How to export public folders to a PST file »
Problem: You want to export your backed-up public folder data to a PST file by using CodeTwo Backup. Solution: CodeTwo Backup fully supports exporting backed-up Exchange data, including public folders, to PST files. This can be achieved by following the steps below: Important If your public folders are already backed up in one of your [...] (ID:751)
How to fix the ACCESS DENIED error when restoring backed-up SharePoint data »
Problem: When restoring backed-up SharePoint sites by using CodeTwo Backup, you might receive the following or similar error: Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource. The error prevents the program from finishing the restore job successfully. Solution: This error is connected with the [...] (ID:740)
How to create an account that can be used to back up SharePoint data »
Problem: You want to create a new admin account that is used by CodeTwo Backup to back up and restore SharePoint data. Solution: Below you can find step-by-step instructions on how to create an admin account that has all the necessary roles and privileges to back up and restore data from: SharePoint Online on-premises SharePoint [...] (ID:730)
How to solve the DTD IS PROHIBITED error when connecting to SharePoint Online »
Problem: When configuring a connection to SharePoint Online in CodeTwo Backup, you get the following error: Exception: For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document. This stops you from completing the connection wizard successfully. Solution: This problem is most likely caused by the DNS assistance service (also known as [...] (ID:720)
How to archive a backup storage on a network drive »
Problem: Using CodeTwo Backup software, you are unable to archive a backup storage on a network drive. You receive the following, or similar, error: Error: Access to the path ‘\\ENV123-W10\Deployment\StorageArchive\ArchiveOwner.xml’ is denied. Solution: This error occurs if CodeTwo Backup doesn’t have the necessary access [...] (ID:696)
How to remove unnecessary mailboxes from a backup storage »
Problem: After creating a backup of your Exchange or Microsoft 365 (Office 365) mailboxes using CodeTwo Backup, you want to delete one or more unnecessary mailboxes from the backup storage. This may be required by your legal team to help you stay compliant with GDPR (e.g. right to be forgotten). Solution: For security reasons, CodeTwo [...] (ID:682)
How to fix problems related to the primary SMTP address in CodeTwo software »
Problem: When using CodeTwo tools to migrate or back up your data, you receive the following error: The primary SMTP address must be specified when referencing a mailbox. Solution: When creating a new migration or backup job, you specify which mailboxes you want to migrate or back up by their primary SMTP address, shown in the software. [...] (ID:681)
How to check the location of a Microsoft 365 tenant and mailboxes »
Problem: You would like to know the Azure region of your Microsoft 365 (Office 365) tenant and what Microsoft datacenters host your Exchange Online mailboxes. Solution: You can view the location of your Microsoft 365 tenant in the Microsoft 365 admin center or by accessing your Exchange Online via PowerShell and executing appropriate [...] (ID:669)
How to use app passwords with CodeTwo software »
Problem: You have a Microsoft 365 (Office 365) account with multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled. When configuring a connection to Microsoft 365 in CodeTwo software, you receive one of the following errors: The request failed. The remote server returned an error (401) Unauthorized. Failed to connect to SharePoint by using legacy [...] (ID:667)
Installing CodeTwo products on Windows Server 2016 »
Problem: After a successful installation of CodeTwo software (listed in the Related products section below this article) on Windows Server 2016, you cannot launch the program from the Start menu. It’s not possible to expand the CodeTwo folder that was created there, and you cannot find the installed program using the search function in [...] (ID:661)
How to grant full access control to public folders »
Problem: You have insufficient access rights to migrate or back up public folders with CodeTwo software. Solution: The admin account used in CodeTwo software to connect to the source server needs to be manually granted the Full control permission to the root public folders tree. The solution depends on your environment: Exchange Server [...] (ID:658)
How to allow PowerShell to connect to Exchange Server over IP address »
Problem: You need to be able to connect with PowerShell to your on-premises Exchange Server by using its IP address instead of its FQDN or hostname. Solution: In order to allow PowerShell to connect remotely over an IP address, PowerShell Virtual Directory in IIS must be configured for basic authentication. Follow the steps below to do [...] (ID:601)
Enable WCF Tracing »
Problem: You would like to enable tracing of any WCF service or application, for diagnostic purposes. Solution: Every WCF service and application comes with its own CONFIG file. The CONFIG files are located in the same directory as executable files of the service or application. We strongly recommend that you create a backup copy of [...] (ID:553)
Moving installation of CodeTwo Backup to another machine »
Problem: You need to move CodeTwo Backup installation to a different machine, and you want to keep your old data, settings, etc. Solution: The CodeTwo Backup installation is not designed to be moved between different machines. Because of that, it is not possible to keep the software settings when moving the program to a different [...] (ID:519)
Create an RBAC-compliant account for CodeTwo Software »
Problem: You need your CodeTwo software to use the credentials of an account that has only the minimum required permissions, following the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) approach. Solution: To connect to your on-premises Exchange server in CodeTwo software listed below this article (in the Related products section), you need to [...] (ID:517)
Error related to deserializing object graph »
Problem: The following error occurs in one of the WCF services used by CodeTwo software: The InnerException message was 'Maximum number of items that can be serialized or deserialized in an object graph is '65536'. This problem is related to the default WCF service limits that your CodeTwo program has reached. This may happen in some [...] (ID:498)
Backup speed »
Problem: The backup or restore process is visibly slower than network bandwidth. Solution: In some cases, users may notice that the actual backed up or restored data transfer speed is considerably slower than their network bandwidth. See the user's manual to learn why. Another reason backup speed may be low is the storage solution used [...] (ID:476)
Finding large items in Exchange mailboxes »
Problem: You want to find and list the largest items in Exchange mailboxes. Solution: This article helps you list the largest items in mailboxes. This knowledge can be useful in various circumstances. For example, you want to migrate an Exchange organization, and the target Exchange Server's message size policies are more strict than in [...] (ID:440)
How to find the EWS URL and how to test it »
Problem: You want to know the URL of Exchange Web Services (EWS). Solution: Finding the EWS URL on a client access server Finding the EWS URL by using the configuration of Web Services Virtual Directory Testing the EWS URL Finding the EWS URL on a client access server Most Exchange servers have the Client Access Server (CAS) role [...] (ID:429)
How to create public folders in Microsoft 365 (Office 365) and Exchange Server »
Problem: You need to manually enable public folders in Exchange Online (Microsoft 365) or Exchange Server 2013, 2016, 2019. Solution: To enable public folders, you have to create an empty public folder tree. If you are using CodeTwo Office 365 Migration or CodeTwo Exchange Migration, the exact tree structure and content of the public [...] (ID:289)
How to set impersonation rights manually »
Problem: How to manually manage impersonation rights for an administrator account. Solution: Important Note that the old Office 365 Small Business plans do not allow you to assign impersonation rights manually. The default built-in admin account is the only one who can hold such permissions. Also, the current plans with a partial support [...] (ID:285)
Changing message size limits »
Problem: You would like to change the message size limit, set on your target Exchange Server. This may be helpful when uploading large items via Exchange Web Services (EWS). EWS is used by selected CodeTwo products such as migration or backup software. Solution: Depending on your environment, you might need to edit the configuration files [...] (ID:284)
How the Exchange throttling policy impacts CodeTwo software »
This article discusses the concept of throttling and how the Exchange throttling policy affects the performance of CodeTwo software. In addition, it provides instructions on how to manage throttling policies in Exchange. What is throttling? In short, throttling imposes a limit on the number of concurrent requests that can be executed at [...] (ID:283)
How to find the license key in CodeTwo software »
Problem: You need to find the license key for your CodeTwo software. Solution: CodeTwo applications are activated to the full version by entering a 25-character license key that you receive once the order is paid for. Finding the license key/activation code in CodeTwo software With the exception of CodeTwo Public Folders, the license [...] (ID:167)
Reduce backup and disaster recovery costs »
Reduce backup and disaster recovery costs If you work with Microsoft 365 (Office 365), the data stored within Microsoft 365 services such as Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business is one of the most valuable assets in your organization. Implementing strong and efficient data backup strategy and disaster recovery [...]
Support for online and on-premises Exchange and SharePoint »
Support for online and on-premises Exchange and SharePoint CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 lets you secure your Exchange Server and SharePoint data no matter where your mailboxes or sites reside: Microsoft 365 (Office 365), on-premises, or both. The program supports not only Exchange Online and SharePoint Online, but also their [...]
SharePoint Online & OneDrive Backup solution »
Back up SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business Create backup copies of SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business data in your Microsoft 365 (Office 365) organization and restore it whenever you need it. Highly secure access to your SharePoint Online data Thanks to support for Modern Authentication (OAuth 2.0) and multi-factor [...]
Why is CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 secure? »
Why CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 is secure CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 is a solid and reliable solution that allows you to securely backup Microsoft 365 (Office 365) users' mailboxes and public folders data, as well as SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business data. We know how important business data is, so we have developed this [...]
Data backups vs. compliance with legal requirements »
Compliance with legal requirements There are cases where companies need to store and maintain particular data for years in order to comply with legal obligations. Such data should be easily accessible, as it may be requested by law enforcement or other authorities for legal or regulatory purposes. Noncompliance with these requirements [...]
Back up Office 365 data without any impact on users »
No impact on users Depending on the amount of data within your Microsoft 365 (Office 365) organization, the first backup process may take from several minutes to days or even weeks. The good news is that no matter how long it may take, with CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 you can rest assured that your employees will experience no [...]
Support for physical and virtual machines »
Deploy on a physical or virtual machine CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 can be installed on any machine that runs on supported versions of Windows operating systems and has access to the Internet. This means it can be deployed on both physical and virtual machines. What is more, you can deploy and use CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 on [...]
Back up all Outlook item types »
Support for all Outlook item types Microsoft Outlook, as well as its browser-based counterpart – Outlook on the web (OWA), is one of the most commonly used tools for day-to-day email communications or other work-related activities. That is why it’s crucial to keep data used in Outlook safe. And CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 can help [...]
Restore backed-up data to any Office 365 tenant »
Restore data to the same or different Microsoft 365 (Office 365) tenants The main purpose of backing up data is that it can be easily recovered in case of loss. Besides creating local backup copies of your Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, or OneDrive for Business data, CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 offers a variety of options that [...]
Browse easily through the backed-up data »
Browse versions & search for items CodeTwo Office 365 Backup creates backup copies of (among other things) Microsoft 365 (Office 365) emails, public folder items, or documents from SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business sites and keep them on a local machine. The backed-up data can be then browsed, filtered, previewed, and saved [...]
Granular backup and recovery »
Granular backup and recovery With CodeTwo Backup for Office 365, you can back up and restore Microsoft 365 (Office 365) data on various levels of granularity. This allows you to plan your backup strategy more accurately and provides you with many data recovery options in case of data loss or corruption. Create backup copies of all [...]
Automatic archiving of backup data »
Automatic archiving of old and inactive data CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 consists of a variety of features designed to protect the data of your Microsoft 365 (Office 365) organization. Apart from its core functionality, which is creating data backups, our solution allows you to ensure a long-term retention of old data by archiving such [...]
Keep your Office 365 backups for as long as you want »
Unlimited data retention and full control CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 gives you complete control over the retention of your backed-up data. The program stores your data on a local drive, allowing you to either keep it there for an indefinite period of time or apply different data retention policies in order to automatically free up [...]
Manage all backup and restore tasks from one place »
Central management CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 is a multi-purpose management tool that allows you to create and monitor all data backup, recovery, and archiving tasks for the entire Microsoft 365 (Office 365) organization from one place. Be in charge of securing all Microsoft 365 users’ data by using just a single admin account. [...]
Perform automatic backup tasks »
Backup on demand or schedule automatic backups Backing up your Microsoft 365 (Office 365) data from Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business can be very simple and effective with CodeTwo Backup for Office 365. The program enables you to either run backup tasks whenever necessary or even automate the entire backup [...]
Back up Office 365 data on cloud-hosted virtual machines »
Backup and storage on cloud-hosted virtual machines CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 can be successfully used for cloud-to-cloud backups. The program can be deployed on any Windows-based machine, either physical or virtual, that has access to the Internet. This means you can use cloud-hosted virtual machines to back up your Microsoft 365 [...]
Full or incremental backups of Office 365 data »
Continuous incremental backup CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 is a proven backup solution that helps you keep your Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business data safe. In addition, the program lets you configure continuous incremental backup jobs to keep your backup copies updated at all times. CodeTwo Backup for Office [...]
Create backup copies of Microsoft Teams data »
Back up Microsoft Teams data Microsoft Teams is a collaboration application that makes use of other services available in Microsoft 365 to store its data. For example, files and documents (both private and shared), meetings, and teams themselves reside within Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business. With CodeTwo [...]
Protect your Exchange Online public folders data »
Back up Microsoft 365 (Office 365) public folders Keep your Microsoft 365 public folders data safe with CodeTwo Backup for Office 365. Our backup software can automatically back up public folders hosted in Exchange Online and restore the backed-up data when needed. Keep the copies of your public folders data up-to-date by running [...]
Back up your Exchange Online user mailboxes »
Back up Microsoft 365 (Office 365) mailboxes CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 is a comprehensive solution for backing up Microsoft 365 mailboxes as well as SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business data. Apart from serving as an excellent data loss prevention tool that automatically backs up selected data, the program offers many other [...]
Case Study of Heico | CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 »
Customer Case Study Heico Company description Heico is a family owned company founded in 1979 in the United States. Its core business is manufacturing, but the company also operates in construction and industrial services. Heico is currently present in 18 countries on 5 continents with the team of over 9,000 members. Problem Heico [...]
Case Study of Capewell | CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 »
Customer Case Study Capewell Aerial Systems Company description Capewell Aerial Systems, founded in 1881 in the United States, is a world leader in life support and aerospace. The company is an acclaimed provider of products for safe delivery of crew and materials via aircrafts, specialized equipment for life support and military, law [...]
Case Study of LC Packaging | CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 »
Customer Case Study LC Packaging Company description LC Packaging was established almost a century ago in Amsterdam. Now, this Europe-based company is a world player in the manufacture and distribution of packaging for agriculture, construction, and other fields. The organization has 16 offices all over the world. Problem LC Packaging [...]
CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 - Capital Transport Case Study »
Customer Case Study Capital Transport Company description Capital Transport is an Australian national transport and logistics company established in 1990. It provides transport services of all kinds across the continent. With an impressive fleet of over 1,500 vehicles, Capital Transport ensures flexibility and high reliability of [...]
Case Study of The Union | CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 »
Customer Case Study The Union Company description The Union, also referred to as International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, is a global scientific organization. It forms a network of 500 Union experts located in 12 offices, with 17,000 members and subscribers providing their help in 156 countries all over the world. The [...]
CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 - Arcadia Beverage Case Study »
Customer Case Study Arcadia Beverage Company description Arcadia Beverage is a global beverage supplier from Asheville, North Carolina. Since 1939, they have been using their passion for combining clear mountain water with some other high-quality ingredients to provide custom-label tea blends, juices, and hydration drinks. Problem IT [...]
CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 - Copyright Agency Case Study »
Customer Case Study Copyright Agency Company description Copyright Agency is an Australian non-profit organization which takes pride in its 40 years of experience. The Agency helps all kinds of creators to protect their intellectual property and the content they create. In other words, thanks to this organization, designers can focus on [...]
Case Study of Crum &Forster | CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 »
Customer Case Study Crum & Forster Company description This US-based insurance group is a subsidiary of the Fairfax Financial Holdings corporation. The brand's history dates back to 1822. Crum & Forster provides a broad range of coverages, including property and casualty insurance, reinsurance and investment management. Protecting their [...]
CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 - FAQ »
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Pricing - CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 »
Pricing The product license key is sold in a pre-paid annual subscription model. The price is based on the number of Microsoft 365 (Office 365) users whose data you want to back up. One user requires one license, regardless of whether you want to back up their mailbox, public folder or SharePoint Online data they have access to, or all [...]
Case Study of EZ TEC | CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 »
Customer Case Study EZ TEC EMPREENDIMENTOS E PARTICIPACOES S/A Company description EZ TEC is a company which specializes in building commercial and residential constructions of both economy and high standards. They are focused on The São Paulo Metropolitan Region, which is the Brazil’s largest market for housing. The company was [...]
CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 - cellent AG Case Study »
Customer Case Study cellent AG Company description Cellent AG , active for 30 years in the IT market, is now one of the leading consulting and system integration companies in Southern Germany. Their portfolio includes, i.a. SAP Consulting and Managed Services. In addition to its headquarters in Stuttgart, the company has other locations [...]
Case study for CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 by ChromaDex »
Customer Case Study ChromaDex, Inc. Company description ChromaDex is a food ingredients, advanced chemicals and cosmetics’ components producer, located in the USA. It was founded in 1999 and offers various products ranging from food & beverage supplements, to animal health solutions. It also provides scientific research and analysis, [...]
Case Study of Maple Reinders | CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 »
Customer Case Study Maple Reinders Group Ltd. Company description The Maple Reinders Group was founded in 1967, specializing in industrial/commercial/institutional, and heavy civil/environmental construction across Canada, providing coverage in almost every major region in the country. By providing professional, creative and innovative [...]
Case Studies »
Heico is a family owned company founded in 1979 in the United States. It operates in areas of manufacturing, construction and industrial services. With over 9,000 members on board and 130,000 emails processed daily, the company needed a solid backup solution. Find out how CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 helped Heico ensure mailbox data [...]
CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 | Video presentation »
Videos Watch the video presentations of CodeTwo Backup for Office 365. See how the program performs while creating and restoring offline backup copies of Office 365 (Microsoft 365) data.Take a look at this 30-second overview to learn how CodeTwo backup software can help you secure your data.Watch the short video on how securing your [...]
Screenshots - CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 »
Screenshots The screenshots below will allow you to quickly familiarize yourself with the program and understand how it works. To get a wider view and see CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 in action, simply download a free trial and test it in your environment.The dashboard gives you an overview of the program's activity. It shows the [...]
Backup tool for Office 365 - examples of use »
Examples of use CodeTwo Backup is a solid backup solution for Microsoft 365 (Office 365) that lets you backup and restore Exchange Online mailboxes and public folders, as well as SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business data. Microsoft 365 backup and disaster recovery is the primary purpose of this solution, but the program can also [...]
Office 365 backup software | CodeTwo »
Create offline backup copies of your Microsoft 365 mailboxes and save them to local storages in your company. Run automatic incremental backups to keep users’ mailbox copies up to date. Store them for as long as you need and restore them easily whenever you need. Learn more...Easily back up the content of public folders in your [...]
CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 - version history »
Version history Version Date 30 September 2024 New: Basic Authentication is no longer required for SharePoint Online connections – OAuth 2.0 is the default option now. Fixed: Improved program performance when working with multiple storages. Fixed: Added an anti-loop protection for syncing changes from large public folders via [...]
Overview »
CodeTwo Backup is designed to create local backups of your Exchange and SharePoint data sitting on Microsoft 365 (Office 365) and on-premises servers. The program allows you to back up mailboxes, public folders, SharePoint sites and site collections, Microsoft 365 groups, as well as Microsoft 365 / Office 365 users' OneDrive for Business [...]
Licensing »
The licensing of CodeTwo Backup is based on an annual subscription model. When the 12-month subscription period is over, you need to renew your subscription to continue running existing backup jobs and to create new backups. However, you will be able to restore the backed-up data even if your subscription has expired. Trial version For [...]
Troubleshooting SharePoint connectivity »
This article contains information on all known connectivity problems related to SharePoint servers (both SharePoint Online and its on-premises version) as well as possible solutions. Problems with configuring a connection to SharePoint Online Problems with configuring a connection to on-premises SharePoint server Other known SharePoint [...]
Dashboard and alerts »
The Dashboard tab lets you monitor the operation of the program and navigate to other tabs or cards. It also allows you to control some of the functions of the program, including jobs, storages, server connections, and alerts. The Dashboard tab consists of the following cards: Good news or Bad news - show all important notifications [...]
Troubleshooting on-premises Exchange Server connectivity »
Typical connection problems for on-premises Exchange servers are described below. Exchange server name vs. IP address Failed to connect to Exchange Server Failed to grant the impersonation rights Failed to connect to target PowerShell Exchange server name vs. IP address There are two connection options available in the Server [...]
Creating a new connection to Exchange server »
To be able to back up your Exchange data in CodeTwo Backup you first need to configure a connection to your server. The program allows you to configure multiple connections to Microsoft 365 (Exchange Online) and on-premises Exchange servers. You can configure a new connection to your Exchange server when creating a new backup job or [...]
Troubleshooting Microsoft 365 (Office 365) connectivity »
When you verify connection settings in the last step of the Exchange connection wizard, CodeTwo Backup performs the following actions: it registers itself in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) of the tenant to which you are configuring the connection (applies only if you chose the Automatic registration option), attempts to [...]
Activation »
If you have installed the trial version of CodeTwo Backup, you do not need to reinstall the program or use any other installer to activate it to the full version. Simply use the product license key that you have received after finalizing your order. See detailed instructions below. Important Before activating the program, make sure that [...]
Creating a new connection to SharePoint »
CodeTwo Backup allows you to connect to multiple SharePoint servers, both online (Microsoft 365) and on-premises. You can configure the connection when creating a new backup job or directly from the program's Dashboard, by clicking the Settings button () on the Defined server connections card and selecting New > SharePoint connection [...]
Creating SharePoint restore jobs »
Backed-up SharePoint data can be restored from a local storage to the original location or another SharePoint server (Office 365 or on-premises). This is achieved with restore jobs. CodeTwo Backup allows you to restore entire SharePoint sites (classic site collections as well as team sites connected to Office 365 groups), OneDrive for [...]
Creating Exchange backup jobs »
This article describes how to configure an Exchange backup job to create a local backup of your Microsoft 365 (Office 365) or on-premises Exchange mailboxes and public folders. Use this job to back up: user mailboxes (including archived mailboxes) shared mailboxes resource mailboxes (room and equipment) Microsoft 365 group mailboxes [...]
Creating SharePoint backup jobs »
This article explains how to configure a SharePoint backup job to create a local backup copies of your SharePoint Online or on-premises SharePoint Server data. This type of job lets you back up: SharePoint team sites (SharePoint Online only) SharePoint sites and site collections (modern and classic experience) OneDrive for Business data [...]
Supported platforms and requirements »
The tables below contain all the information regarding system requirements and supported platforms for CodeTwo Backup. Software components The program consists of two main components installed together: CodeTwo Backup Service - responsible for the back-end management of jobs and other associated processes CodeTwo Backup [...]
Quick guide to creating and restoring backups »
This section describes step by step how to create a continuous backup job for multiple source mailboxes located in Microsoft 365 (Office 365). This job will be triggered during the week, outside the working hours. You will also learn how to restore several backed up items from a specific point in time to another folder on the same [...]
Installation process »
CodeTwo Backup can be installed on any computer that meets the installation requirements. This includes both physical and virtual machines. Make sure that the machine on which you install the program has a stable and uninterrupted high-speed internet connection and is turned on all the time, otherwise no backups will be created. To [...]
Backup model »
This article describes the algorithm behind the backup model. CodeTwo Backup is an incremental backup software solution designed for both Microsoft 365 and on-premises Exchange and SharePoint servers. Incremental backup means that only the initial cycle of a backup job backs up the entire mailbox or SharePoint site content. Subsequent [...]
Monitoring jobs »
The Jobs tab of CodeTwo Backup (Fig. 1.) has two main functions. First, you can create and manage all jobs from here. Second, it holds details about all defined jobs: backup, restore, and archive. Fig. 1. The Jobs tab of CodeTwo Backup. Managing existing jobs Each job defined in the program can be managed from the Jobs tab. Use the [...]
Creating Exchange restore jobs »
CodeTwo Backup can restore mailboxes and public folders from a local storage to a chosen Exchange server (Microsoft 365 / Office 365 or on-prem) via restore jobs. You can also choose to restore only selected folders (Inbox, Sent Items, etc.) or items (individual emails or files). Restore jobs can be created from the program's Backups tab [...]
Creating a new storage »
To be able to back up any data, you first need to create a new storage. There are two ways to do so: Directly in the Administration Panel: go to the Storages tab and click New on the menu bar (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. Opening the storage creation wizard via the Storages tab. When configuring a backup job: once you open the backup job [...]
Create backups »
CodeTwo Backup creates backups of your Exchange data (mailboxes and public folders) as well as SharePoint data (site collections, team sites, and OneDrive for Business) by running backup jobs. The backed-up data is kept in storages. Each job can back up one type of data (Exchange or SharePoint), from one type of environment (on-premises [...]
Configuring an archive job »
This article explains how to configure an archive job for a selected storage. Start by opening the archive job wizard. You can do it: from the Jobs tab, by clicking New > Archive storage on the top menu (Fig. 1.), Fig. 1. Creating a new archive job from the Jobs tab. or you can go to the Storages tab and either select a storage [...]
Restore backups »
CodeTwo Backup can restore data from a storage to a chosen location via restore jobs. It is possible to restore entire mailboxes and SharePoint sites (site collections, team sites, and OneDrive for Business sites), as well as individual items (folders, lists, libraries, OneNote notebooks, files, etc.) to both the original and other [...]
Installation overview »
This section includes the essential information required to install the program in your environment. Installation process How to update or upgrade and what is the difference Reinstall or move to a different machine How to uninstall - learn how to uninstall the software If you want to know more about the concept and main features of [...]
Data retention policies »
Backing up your Exchange and SharePoint data can quickly use up the available storage space, no matter how large it is. To keep your storage growth under control and avoid situations when all your local drives are full, CodeTwo Backup comes with data retention policies and archiving functionality. Retention policies automatically delete [...]
Scheduler and activity periods »
The two main features of CodeTwo Backup – backing up and restoring data – are realized via the so-called jobs. A backup job, once configured, can be executed either manually or automatically, by using a built-in scheduling capability. The restore job, on the other hand, can only be run manually. Jobs can also be divided according to [...]
Server connection »
CodeTwo Backup is designed to work with Exchange Online and SharePoint Online included in Office 365 as well as on-premises Exchange and SharePoint servers. In all these cases, the software uses the administrator account (that has appropriate rights assigned) to access mailboxes' and sites data via Exchange Web Services (EWS) or [...]
First steps »
First time using the program? With CodeTwo Backup, you can back up all or selected data from Microsoft 365 (Office 365), SharePoint, OneDrive for Business and Microsoft Teams to a safe location of your choice, as well as restore it from there. Go to the section of your interest and click a link to learn about specific topic. System [...]
Data archiving »
CodeTwo Backup saves data in local repositories called storages. For safety reasons, the backed-up data can be stored only on local disk drives. As the volume of the backed-up data increases, the storage volume increases. To avoid situations in which all of your local disk drives are full and your systems are strained, CodeTwo Backup [...]
Troubleshooting »
This section describes the most common problems associated with connecting to Microsoft 365 (Office 365), Exchange server, and SharePoint server, along with proposed solutions. Use the links below to learn more: Troubleshooting Microsoft 365 connectivity Troubleshooting Exchange Server connectivity Troubleshooting SharePoint connectivity [...]
Log files »
CodeTwo Backup generates log files for all kinds of jobs. They are all kept together within the software's subfolder in the %ProgramData% folder along with some configuration and statistics files. Sending logs to CodeTwo Support If you ever experience technical difficulties with CodeTwo Backup and CodeTwo Customer Support assistance is [...]
Archiving to PST »
This article explains how to configure a PST archive job for a selected storage in order to export your Exchange data (mailboxes, public folders, etc.) to PST files. The PST archive job will create a separate PST file for each mailbox and public folder included in the job. Important Before you proceed with this job, make sure you are [...]
Data restoring »
CodeTwo Backup has the ability to restore data from your backups. To simplify the selection of data to be restored, it is possible to search and browse through the backed-up data directly in the program. This allows the user not only to pick the right data but also to preview all data collected in a storage, including email [...]
Archiving storages and importing archives »
CodeTwo Backup saves the backed-up data in local repositories called storages. For safety reasons, storages can be created only on local disk drives. To avoid storing a lot of unnecessary data locally, and keep storage growth under control, the program includes the option to archive storages on external drives. Archives are exact [...]
Mapping SharePoint users, groups and permissions »
CodeTwo Backup allows you to restore backed-up SharePoint (including OneDrive for Business) data to the original or another SharePoint server. This data also includes permission levels assigned to individual users or groups of users. When restoring SharePoint data, make sure to map users, groups, and permissions between the source and [...]
Trial version »
The trial version of CodeTwo Backup can be used for free for 30 days. During this period, the program offers the same functionalities as the full, licensed version, with the following exceptions: you can restore up to 5 items from each backed-up Exchange mailbox or public folder, you can restore up to 5 items from each backed-up [...]
Storages »
A storage is a target destination where the program saves the backed up data. It is also a place from which backup data is restored. Both Exchange/Microsoft 365 (Office 365) and SharePoint data can be backed up to the same storage. However, you cannot back up public folders from different sources (on-premises Exchange servers or [...]
Uninstall CodeTwo Backup »
Removing CodeTwo Backup is as easy as uninstalling it from the Windows Control Panel: Go to your Windows Control Panel. Click on Programs and Features (or Add or Remove Programs in older Windows version). Find CodeTwo Backup on the list, right mouse click on it and choose Uninstall. Follow the uninstaller wizard instructions if any are [...]
Data storage »
CodeTwo Backup keeps the backed-up data in a local resource referred to as storage. A storage consists of a folder tree that resembles the structure of a mailbox or SharePoint site. All items backed up by the software are saved as binary files. That means that – contrary to common text formats – it is not possible to view contents of [...]
Scheduling backup jobs »
Backup jobs don't need to be completed in one go. They can be automatically paused and resumed at your convenience. For example, you may want to run a 10-hour backup job in 2-hour batches, backup your data only when the workload on your systems is the lowest (e.g. at nights or on weekends), or schedule the program to run backup jobs [...]
Configuring server connections »
CodeTwo Backup connects to your environment through the use of server connections. All configured server connections are visible on the Dashboard tab, on the Defined server connections card (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. The Defined server connections card. You can create a connection to: Microsoft 365 (Exchange Online) on-premises Exchange [...]
How to update or upgrade and what is the difference »
The version number The program's version is always visible on the title bar of the main window of the program. It consists of 4 numbers separated by dots, e.g. The version number uses the following pattern: [major].[minor].[maintenance].[build] which mean the following: [major] – the first position indicates the major [...]
Understanding CodeTwo Backup »
This section contains conceptual descriptions of all features of the program. If you want to know how to configure each feature, go to the respective section in this manual: Creating data backup Restoring backed up data Archiving storages and importing archives Click on the links to learn about: Program's components – [...]
Importing archives »
Archives created with archive jobs in CodeTwo Backup can be imported back to the program. A short, four-step wizard will guide you through the import archive job configuration. Warning It is not possible to import data from PST archive files to CodeTwo Backup. There are two ways to open the import wizard: on the Jobs tab, click New > [...]
Program's components »
The architecture of CodeTwo Backup resembles a client-server model. There are two main components of the software: the Backup Service and the Administration Panel. Both of them have to be installed, but serve different purposes and run independently from each other. There is also another service called the Indexer that allows you to [...]
Feedback »
Your feedback is very important to us. It has continuously helped us develop better applications and we strongly encourage you to send us your concerns and suggestions about new and existing features. Your opinion shapes new functionalities and drives changes in the forthcoming versions of our software. Share your opinion on CodeTwo [...]
Monitoring and diagnostics »
There are several ways to monitor the software and diagnose problems in CodeTwo Backup: Dashboard serves as the command and control interface for the software and displays alerts. Alerts (including email notifications) warn software admins about any potential problems. Jobs tab provides the diagnostic data about defined jobs and [...]
Filtering and previewing items to be restored »
This article will help you navigate the Backups tab, where you can preview the contents of each storage and choose items that you want to restore. Follow the links below for additional information: Selecting a storage Previewing items and items’ versions Filtering backed-up items Selecting a storage You can have multiple storages in [...]
Managing existing connections »
All server connections defined in the program can be easily configured via the Manage server connections window. To open this window, go the Dashboard tab of the Administration Panel and click the Manage () button in the upper-right corner of the Defined server connections card (Fig. 1.). Fig. 1. Opening the server connections [...]
Getting started »
The links provided below lead to essential information about the system requirements of CodeTwo Backup as well as how to install the program in your environment. Supported platforms and requirements - the list of supported Exchange and SharePoint environments, operating systems, hardware requirements, additional components, rights [...]
How to reinstall the program or move it to a different machine »
Sometimes you may need to reinstall the program or even move it to a different computer. Keep reading to learn how to do that. Reinstallation Reinstallation of the software is rarely required. However, it may happen that it will be recommended by CodeTwo Support, for example when you accidentally remove some of the installation files or [...]
Upgrade to version 2.x »
The upgrade is free of charge for all clients who already own a valid license key for version 1.x of CodeTwo Backup. New clients should simply purchase a new license. See the details below. New clients If you don't own a version 1.x license key of the software installed, you can purchase the license key on the product’s website. Once [...]
Managing existing storages »
Each storage created in the program can be managed from the Storages tab in the Administration Panel. You can: Add an existing storage Edit storages Remove storages Adding an existing storage To add an existing storage, for example a storage that was previously removed from the program, click the Add existing button in the top menu [...]
Monitoring storages »
Since storages are in constant use by running (active) jobs, you can check their status in three different places in the Administration Panel. You can monitor your storage: on the Storages card on the Dashboard tab (Fig. 1.). The information included here shows the names of storages and available disk space. Fig. 1. The status of [...]
How does CodeTwo Backup work?
The program is a desktop application that securely connects to your Microsoft 365 (Office 365) tenant via Exchange Web Services (EWS), Microsoft Graph and the Office 365 SharePoint Online API. All connections use Modern Authentication (OAuth) to protect your credentials while granting access to your resources in Exchange Online and SharePoint Online.
CodeTwo Backup reads the contents of users' mailboxes, public folders, as well as SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business sites and creates their copy that you can keep on local drives or in the cloud storage (if the program is installed on a cloud-hosted virtual machine). In order to connect to your server, certain requirements need to be fulfilled.
The administrator sets up backup jobs by configuring criteria in the program. There is an option to specify what data should be backed up once the backup job is launched, and where the backup copies of mailboxes should be stored.
The program can perform a one-time backup job or backup data in cycles. During the first cycle, a complete backup copy is created. It means that all items meeting the criteria defined in the job configuration are saved to the specified storage. During subsequent backup cycles, incremental backup copies are created. During the incremental backups, the program scans mailboxes in search of changes in items or newly arrived items and backs them up upon detection.
The administrator can choose to restore entire mailboxes, selected folders or single items. When restoring SharePoint data, the administrator has options to select entire site collections and team sites or individual sites, libraries, folders and items. The program also allows restoring Microsoft 365 users’ personal sites in OneDrive for Business service and individual documents. Data can be restored to the original location, or a different folder/mailbox/site or even another Microsoft 365 tenant.
Is there a free trial version available? What are the limitations?
Yes, there is a trial version available.
The program can be used for testing purposes for 30 days. During that period, you can run fully functional backup jobs. The only limitation of the trial version is that, while restoring data, you will be able to restore only 5 items per folder. There is also an option to trial the restore feature without the 5-items-per-folder limit. You can contact CodeTwo Customer Success team to get a special temporary license key that allows you to restore unlimited items per folder for a few mailboxes.
Unless you activate the program with a license key, all backup and restore jobs will be switched off after the trial period ends.
Where do I install it?
CodeTwo Backup can be installed on any machine (physical or virtual) that is connected to the Internet. Detailed information on system requirements can be found on the program’s download page.
You can also get more details on the installation process in the user's manual.
Do you provide storage for backup copies?
The program’s main purpose is to give you the ability to create offline backup copies of users’ Microsoft 365 (Office 365) mailboxes. Therefore, it is designed as a desktop application that saves data to local storages/hard drives. This storage model reflects the widespread legal requirement concerning data archiving, backup and recovery, according to which archived/backed up data can’t be stored by a 3rd party cloud service.
Can I backup mailboxes to a cloud storage?
No, at least not directly from an on-premises environment.
The current version of CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 only lets you create storages locally. However, you can still keep your backup storage in the cloud by installing the program on a cloud-hosted virtual machine (e.g. Azure VM). Learn more
We are also considering adding support for 3rd party cloud services in future releases. If you require such a feature, please contact us to submit your feature request.
What are the storage size requirements?
The storage size requirements are determined by the amount of data that you need to backup. The program itself doesn’t impose any storage size limits. Used and free space can be easily verified at any time in the CodeTwo Backup user’s interface.
How is the program licensed? What is the price?
The license for the program is sold in an annual subscription model. One license is taken per each backed-up user. To back up shared resources such as public folders and SharePoint data, you need to assign licenses to each user who has access to and can modify the contents of a certain resource. The license has to be renewed after one year if you want to continue backing up your data. You can’t pay for the subscription monthly. Learn more on the pricing page.
If you don’t renew your subscription, you won’t be able to run backup jobs anymore. However, you will still be able to restore data already saved in your storages.
Can I reassign a license of a user who left the company?
Yes, you can.
Starting with version 1.6, CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 allows you to release a license from one user and assign it to another one – the only condition is that you need to wait at least 30 days (from the moment you originally assigned that license) to be able to assign the license anew.
How are Microsoft 365 group and shared mailboxes licensed? And what about other types of mailboxes?
To back up a certain Microsoft 365 group mailbox, you need to assign a license to all users who are members of that group. The same licenses can be used to back up data from those users’ mailboxes as well.
CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 also allows you to back up archive (in-place archive) mailboxes, shared mailboxes, SharePoint site mailboxes and resource mailboxes (room and equipment). These types of mailboxes do not require any licenses if they are not assigned a Microsoft 365 license that includes Exchange Online. For more information about licensing, see the program’s manual.
My Microsoft 365 subscription has grown bigger. How can I obtain extra licenses?
You can get additional licenses at any time using the order form. Select Additional licenses in the first step and follow the onscreen instructions. Note that you will be asked to provide your current license key which you want to expand.
Adding licenses to your subscription does not change its expiration date. The price of additional licenses will be reduced by the cost of the used period of the first subscription.
What is backed up by the program?
CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 backs up Exchange Online user mailboxes, Microsoft 365 group mailboxes, archive (in-place archive) mailboxes, shared mailboxes, resource (room and equipment) mailboxes, public folders, as well as SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business sites. All typical Exchange Online mailbox folder types and item types are supported. The program also can be used to create copies of Teams data that resides within SharePoint team sites and OneDrive for Business.
You can use CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 to back up data from on-premises Exchange and SharePoint servers as well. For more details on supported scenarios, see our user’s manual.
In the current version, the program doesn’t support Skype for Business and Project Online backups. If you need these features, please contact us to submit your feature request.
Does the program support Microsoft Project Online backups?
No, in the current version, the program doesn’t support Microsoft Project Online backups.
If you need this feature, please contact us to submit your feature request.
Can I export mailbox data to PST files?
Yes, you can. To do this, you have to first use CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 to create a backup of the mailboxes you want to export to PST files. Then, use the Archive to PST option on the backup storage that was created in the previous step. This, in effect, will result in creating PST files for the respective mailboxes.
What's more, you can run the program to cyclically archive your backed-up mailboxes to PST files. Thanks to the possibility of setting up an archive retention policy, you may decide how many recent PST archive files are to be kept on hard disks.
Can I backup mailbox items within a certain time range?
CodeTwo Backup lets you choose time filters for mailbox items while configuring the backup job. For instance, it lets you decide whether to backup items older or not older than a specified number of days.
Are there any item size or speed limits imposed by the program?
The program uses EWS to connect to the source Microsoft 365 (Office 365) tenant and to copy the mailbox contents. It also uses Office 365 SharePoint Online API to connect to SharePoint Online. The speed of data transfer can be determined by many factors, independent from the application itself, e.g. network bandwidth, EWS performance.
What is more, the program doesn’t put any limits on the size of backed up items.
What are the general requirements to use the program?
The general system requirements to use CodeTwo Backup can be found on the download page and in the user's manual. The program can be installed on any Windows computer, starting from Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016. In order to be able to run any jobs in the program, the computer has to be connected to the Internet (broadband connection is recommended), and the account used to sign in to the Microsoft 365 (Office 365) tenant has to have global admin’s rights.
Are Outlook rules backed up as well?
Outlook rules are stored on the mail client’s side. CodeTwo Backup backs up mailbox and public folders data only. If you need to back up Outlook rules as well, please contact us to submit your feature request.
Can users work with their mailboxes, OneDrive and SharePoint sites during the backup process?
The backup process is totally invisible to users. The program doesn’t interfere with users' ability to access and use mailboxes, OneDrive for Business and SharePoint while these resources are being backed up.
Can I back up mailboxes to a shared network drive/storage?
Yes, you can. CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 creates backups on a local drive in data repositories called storages. A storage can then be archived to a shared network drive through archive jobs. To archive your Exchange and/or SharePoint data, complete the following instructions:
- Using CodeTwo Backup for Office 365, perform a backup for the chosen scope of data to a new or existing storage. You can also set a retention policy on that storage. Learn more…
- On the Storages tab, choose the currently used storage and use the Archive option. Next, browse the network target folder path in the Target archive step of the archive job wizard and set the chosen location. Learn more…
Why do I need CodeTwo Backup for Office 365?
The program will help you create backup copies of an important mailbox and public folders data as well as SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business sites. Additionally, the fact that backup copies can be stored locally allows for unlimited offline access to data stored in those copies.
All backups are managed centrally, which means that you can create and manage backup and restore jobs from one workstation.
CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 is also helpful when you need to comply with the law and keep the mailbox data to make it available for legal actions. When it is necessary, you can search for certain items and, if they were deleted, recover them.
Thanks to that, you will also be ensured that no important emails or other types of data are damaged or lost forever – no matter whether it was deleted by accident or it was caused by malicious behavior, you will be able to retrieve every single item.
Does the program support MFA?
Yes. You can use credentials of an admin account with multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled when configuring a connection to Exchange Online or SharePoint Online.
The only exception is if you need to perform the following actions: restore custom web part page layouts, restore surveys that don't allow for multiple responses or create new team sites in CodeTwo Backup (learn more). In these cases, you will need to allow legacy authentication and provide the admin’s username and password when creating a connection to SharePoint Online in the program. If the account you’re using has MFA enabled, remember to use an app password instead of the regular Microsoft 365 password. See how to generate an app password and use it with CodeTwo software
Can I still use the program to back up data after the retirement of Basic Authentication in Microsoft 365?
Yes, you can. CodeTwo Backup for Office 365 uses Modern Authentication (the OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol) to access Exchange Online and SharePoint Online. However, if there are any Exchange/SharePoint Online connections marked as obsolete (created in the previous versions of the program), make sure to reconfigure them as shown in this article.
Learn more about how the deprecation of Basic Authentication in Microsoft 365 affects CodeTwo Backup