Knowledge Base

CodeTwo Exchange Rules 2007: useful links (user's manual and installation file)


You are not able to find the user's manual or installation file for CodeTwo Exchange Rules 2007.


CodeTwo Exchange Rules 2007 has been discontinued and removed from our main website. If you are still using the software, here are some useful links:

Other email signature management software from CodeTwo

You may want to check out our other signature and disclaimer management solutions for newer versions of Microsoft Exchange Server:

If you intend to upgrade to a newer version of on-premises Exchange server, you can also migrate to CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro (at additional cost). The Pro version works with Exchange 2013, 2016 & 2019, and offers advanced mail flow features, such as automatic replies, email attachments control, an unsubscribe mechanism, and more.

If you plan to move to the cloud and need an email management solution for Microsoft 365, try our cloud-based solution – CodeTwo Email Signatures 365. We offer discounts for all clients using a licensed version of any CodeTwo Exchange Rules product. Learn more

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