Author: michal
December 15, 2010
Email filtering and sensitive content protection on Exchange Server
Nowadays, most of us can hardly imagine living without using e-mail. Certainly, electronic mail has replaced traditional mail in many cases, becoming an efficient tool for communication and marketing. We use e-mail every day, starting from personal messages and finishing on purely business-related matters: job applications, subscriptions, reservations, transactions, promotional vouchers, invoices, on-line shopping, etc. A great number of important and confidential information flows from one inbox to another one and we can never be sure of its safety. Now, let's imagine a large company, where this number increases along with the series of promotional materials, newsletters, business offers, job enquires, clients complaints, support requests, inter-departments conversations and plain rubbish messages with no value for the company. How can we possibly manage such a mass of information and keep all the messages in order and properly secured? A smart email filter seems to be a perfect solution for this problem.
December 6, 2010
Guess what Coffeek dreams about!
Coffeek and Melissa have a little chat before Christmas... Visit CodeTwo Main Page
See all CodeTwo comics
November 22, 2010
Who wins the Super Skills Contest?
Once again Coffeek and Melissa prove how many unbelievable things they can learn at work! Visit CodeTwo Main Page
See all CodeTwo comics
November 16, 2010
Tell our boss what you think about us!
That's right, from now on you are able to share all your concerns and praises directly with our Managing Director. On the right hand side of our web page, just below the Live Chat widget, we have added a new expendable box entitled "Your opinion". We believe it is a convenient and quick way for you to tell us about your experiences with our software and services or just to share your general impressions of our company - regardless if they are positive or negative. You can be sure that your message is sent directly to Michal Bednarz - a Managing Director in CodeTwo. We hope this feature will help us better understand your needs, so we can provide the highest quality service and make our products always meet your requirements. We are looking forward to your comments! Go to CodeTwo website, click on the right widget and say what you think!
Get introduced to CodeTwo team.
Read about the mission of our company.
Take a look at our testimonials of CodeTwo Public Folders.
See what people like about CodeTwo Exchange Rules.
November 10, 2010
We are out of office on 11/11
11th November is a Polish national holiday, we are celebrating our Independence Day. Therefore, we are out of office on that day and cannot answer your phones, emails or process your orders. We are sorry for the inconvenience, all your requests will be processed immediately on Friday, 12th November. Here you can learn more about the restoration of Poland’s independence in 1918.
September 16, 2010
Autumn In CodeTwo Gives Another Reason To Like Us!
Look! The autumn CodeTwo savings are twirling with the dancing leaves, they are at your fingertips now! And there is really not much to do to seize the 30% discount for the popular CodeTwo Public Folders, a great Outlook Add-in to share your emails, contacts, calendars and documents without Exchange Server! Become our fan on Facebook, share the latest video about CodeTwo Public Folders on your Facebook profile and wait for the promotional code from us! Click to share this video on Facebook
Learn more about CodeTwo Public Folders
See CodeTwo page on Facebook
Go to the official CodeTwo website
May 13, 2010
Microexpressions Not So Micro At All…
We need to share the news! Szymon and Gniewko, our creative colleagues from CodeTwo Marketing Department, turned out to make a unique team also in the field of music that has been their mutual passion for years. Their music is an experimental mixture of indie, synthpop, postpunk, electronica and ambient. Being precise, the Microexpressions are primarily a 2-piece band, made of Szymon Szczesniak (our Saymon) and Michal Stambulski. This duo, plus Gniewko, also works under a different name – Teodor Donut and composes mainly indie style music.
April 15, 2010
Rock climbing in Arco
The climbing season 2010 has started! Like last year, my wife Monika, our friends and I decided to begin it in Italy. Arco is a small town in the northern Italy with more than 50 climbing spots. It's a great place to spend one week of vacation in early Spring. However, in the end, everyone agreed that one week was definitely too short. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining - I know that at the same time CodeTwo Team was working hard on a new release of CodeTwo Exchange Rules... Twelve hours spent in the car did not make the most enjoyable part of the trip but the landscape we could admire after reaching the target compensated our aching backs...