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Email Signatures 365

Company-wide email signatures, disclaimers and marketing campaigns

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16 years of experience

Trusted by 120k+ companies

CodeTwo solutions for email signature management, Microsoft 365 migrations & backup are used by over 120,000 organizations around the globe, including Fortune 500 companies.

Choose the right tool for your business

Mailbox & data migration

Fast & lightweight tool automating migration

Fast & lightweight tool automating migration
Fast & lightweight tool automating migration

Secure data backup

Backup & recovery for Microsoft 365 data

Backup & recovery for Microsoft 365 data
Backup & recovery for Microsoft 365 data

Recommended by experts

Juan Balmori Labra

Working closely with CodeTwo enabled us to learn from one of the leading organizations in the online signature business and ultimately helped us design and release key features in our platform.

Juan Balmori Labra

Principal Program Manager at
Microsoft (Office Extensibility &
Outlook Add-ins)

Brien Posey

CodeTwo has exceeded my expectations in every way. I recommend CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365 for anyone who needs to gain better control over their user’s email signatures.

Brien Posey

Microsoft MVP
(Cloud and Datacenter Management)

Diane Poremsky

CodeTwo are experts in their field and their Exchange and Outlook products are excellent - from the user’s interface, right down to the engine.

Diane Poremsky

Microsoft MVP
(Office Apps & Services)

William Bressette

The ability to securely assign individual users management of signatures without enabling any Exchange administrative rights, and using Azure AD as SSO, makes CodeTwo secure.

William Bressette

Microsoft MVP
(Failover Clustering)

J. Peter Bruzzese

I’m confident that administrators would be saved a great deal of configuration headaches if they used CodeTwo solutions.

J. Peter Bruzzese

Microsoft MVP
(Office Servers and Services)

Emil Wasilewski

CodeTwo programmers are perfectionists who are passionate about what they do. That’s all it takes to create products that every company wants.

Emil Wasilewski

Microsoft MVP
(Microsoft Azure)

Kamil Bączyk

As a Microsoft trainer, I never hesitate to recommend CodeTwo products while conducting sessions on Microsoft 365.

Kamil Bączyk

Microsoft MVP
(Office Apps & Services)

Top rated by users

G2 Crowd

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Our Customer Success team is available 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

New feature: automatically change email signatures for alias addresses

Published on 03.09.2024 by Jacek Szafran

You can now create email signatures and automatic replies for secondary email addresses (aliases) in CodeTwo Email Signatures 365. With this feature, your users will automatically get different signatures when sending emails from alias addresses or other domains associated with your Microsoft 365 tenant. This functionality is supported across all signature modes. How does it work? CodeTwo can now recognize email aliases and automatically insert (in the cloud mode) or suggest (in the Outlook mode) dedicated email signatures for alias email addresses. And since licenses for CodeTwo Email Signatures 365 are consumed per user, using signatures in emails sent from aliases won’t consume any additional licenses. If you are using cloud (server-side) signatures and have set up rules for both primary and alias addresses, CodeTwo will check the email address selected in the From field of y...

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MailTips in Microsoft 365

Published on 20.08.2024 by Adam the 32-bit Aardvark

MailTips, or mail tips, are the notifications Outlook, Outlook on the web or Outlook for iOS and Android shows when an email you create meets some requirements. They appear, for example, if you’re about to be send an email to external recipients or to someone who has automatic replies turned on. Those notifications can prove to be very helpful or, on some occasions, even life-saving. About MailTips The great thing about MailTips in Microsoft 365 is that they show up automatically when the message meets certain criteria. When you type an email, Outlook or Outlook on the web queries your (and, sometimes, also the recipient’s) mail server and – if the message meets the specified conditions – a MailTip appears right above it. Since MailTips appear after Outloo...

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